The most decorated time of year :)

Oct 28, 2012 09:22

I find it odd how decorated Halloween has become over the years. I think it's starting to rival Christmas for amount of stuff that gets put out. At my place we may even decorate more for Halloween than Christmas, well, outside stuff at any rate.

Cut for photos

Our cemetery is growing, we now have a fence around it and large fuzzy spiders.

I'd like to get better tombstones, but the heavier duty ones are $25 a pop and frankly, I can't rationalize spending that kind of money on decorations. Alas! first world problems are so tragic! *g*

We carved pumpkins this year too. We always have one or two small ones for decoration, but it's been awhile since we actually carved them. Some of my best Halloween memories are of The Boy, The Man, Brother, Sister-in-Law, a couple of friends and myself on the balcony of our tiny little apartment carving pumpkins by streetlight, in the cold. lol I have no idea how we afforded so many pumpkins but we'd have five or six up on the porch rail.

Anyway, here's this years batch

Just three of them, and The Boy's isn't even carved, he drew a Jack Skellington head. He hates touching pumpkin guts, I think he cried the first time he had too, to carve a pumpkin and of course the spoiled brat managed to get someone else to clean out the inside of every one since for him. Mine is the grim reaper and The Man did Strongbad.

And that is how Halloween is looking at my place this year. :D

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