The Boy got down to his dads alright on saturday. Sunday when I talked to him he was ready to come home. My poor baby. :) I think part of it is he's any only child when he's home and oldest of 5 when he's at his dads. That'd be culture shock for damn sure, I have no idea how the heck I'd handle that. We've texted a couple of times since then and he seems to be doing better. I miss him though. Seven weeks and I get to see him for like 12 hours before camp.
Other than that I've had a very boring few weeks. Get up, go to work, come home, lather, rinse, repeat. Woohoo. Oh! I saw the Avengers movie. Now that was a damn fine flick. We went and saw it in 3D, but after the first little bit I was so caught up in the action it didn't matter if it was 3D or not. But what I remember of the first bit it was well done 3D. :) I am now a firm Clint Barton/Phil Coulson shipper and refuse to believe Phil is really dead. I mean really, we only have Fury's word to go on and he's a lying lier who lies.
So, yeah, I think that may be all I've done lately. I have started to move stuff around in the house to take advantage of the spaces that opened up with my brother and sister-in-law moving out. I lugged comic boxes down stairs over the weekend and found oodles of room to move in the bedroom and living room. Now I just need to sort books and decided which boxes can go into storage and for once I have the room to spread out for the project and can take my time and not have to have it all put away every night. Read that as this will be the project that never ends. :D
To finish off on an even number of paragraphs (
dodger_sister is apparently rubbing off on me) in writing news I have a story and plot and all that crap for the Kane/J2 Big Bang, I just haven't made the time to sit down and write. The first check in is in July and I've only three paragraphs of outline typed and two pages written long-hand. Some one please kick my ass of this or something. I need to focus cos I do not want to drop out nor do I want to be all rushed and crap at the last minuet. I need more time in the day, or barring that better time management. *sighs* I'm so predictable.
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