As of this morning, the Boy will have lived six months outside the womb, and he just keeps going strong. He rings in his semicentennial with a clean bill of health and a big, beautiful smile. Looking at him today, I find it hard to believe that he suffered so badly with RSV two weeks ago, that he has already seen three seasons in four states, or that I ever lived life without him. Until this day crept up on me, the whole "they grow up so fast" phenomenon didn't seem to apply to my perception; he has changed little by little with every new day, but so have most of the people I've seen on a daily basis. At this moment of reflection, though, it all adds up to one hell of a Boy who hasn't existed in any form even as long as my brief stint at Redwood National Park. I've tried to live this precious time with my son to the fullest, savoring each moment; so while I imagine I'll still miss his infancy from time to time, I feel ready to guide him through his next six months, which promise adventures and new beginnings for everyone in our brand new family. And if his early childhood serves as any indication, I'll enjoy watching the Boy grow into a happy adult, free from any chips on the shoulder, healthy and smiling.
Teething for three months, still to no avail ...
... and the battle with the Mirror People remains a stalemate as well.