Dec 22, 2008 18:42
You know, when I lived in Wyoming, at least my car (as shitty as it was) was winterized, and all my friends lived within 5 miles.
Now, my car has been buried under 14 inches of snow and ice. I've been snowed in for the last 3 days and haven't had real human contact, outside of work, since the weekend of "My Name is Bruce" was released. I know some of you, out there on my friends list, have been longing for real love; and trust me, I feel your pain.
The only thing that is pushing me onward is my Mom's visit from Wednesday through the weekend.
In the meantime, I get to brave the snowy wastelands tomorrow so that I can be all caught up with work. Which also gives me the opportunity to gathering food, chains for the car, booze, and cleaning supplies for when I am able to return home.
I can't even get into playing the Xbox in this weather. I really want to see people. Especially since my Dad has been out of town for the past 3 weeks.
Therefore, if you are reading this and feeling lonely, or just want to talk... I long to hear from you...
ha, ha, boy does that ever sound needy. rare is the time you'll find me like this...
I'm just feeling my agelessness and lack of human contact.