Episode 296- Race to the Rescue

Jan 19, 2012 20:19

Today on Power Rangers, we start the episode off with CHAINS! YES! I like chains. This could be good. There are also red glowing eyes and henchmen running around doing their thing, but I'm all about the chains.

On Terra Venture, Leo is spraying the plants with something. Maya wanders around entering information on a Pre-iPad. She's suddenly telepathic. She knows somebody is in trouble. Dunno who and dunno what or why or anything. Just... how is she suddenly telepathic? Whatever, I'm going to go with it, because I know nothing about this season.

Leo and Maya convince Damon they need to go rescue whatever is in trouble. They have to use the Megaship, which Young Hot Not!Miles O'Brien insists isn't ready. Except it totally is because Damon can make anything work with bubble gum, duct tape, and a flashy blinky light. Kai is concerned about procedures and doesn't want to let them go. Leo ignores him. So it's going to be THAT kind of relationship. I'm okay with that. Maya points out the obvious and is vaguely telepathic again. She clearly needs to have dessert with Deanna.

They find the things in trouble and Maya rushes in to help. She just orders the boys around and I adore it. Damon wants more of a plan, because clearly he is the smart one this season, but they rush in anyway. The chains are as big as Leo's head. I LOVE THIS. Maya does jungle girl stuff and distracts the bad guys. The big monster thing is a big red Elvis lobster. No, really. I... don't even know what to say about that other than it's awful. His sword kind of looks like a big penis? That's kind of neat?

Suddenly Kai and Kendrix are there! Somehow! That is not explained! There is fighting. They are somehow going to cut the chains. Y'know, the ones AS BIG AS LEO'S HEAD. That magically cut super easily, as if made of butter and Maya's sword is a hot knife. Door swing open and out come five creatures. They are colour coded for the rangers. Gee, I wonder what they could be? Could they be the super ugly zords? Surely not! Or, y'know, this show really is THAT predictable.

Damon, once again proving to be the smart one, wonders if they'll be eaten. Maya is all telepathically carrying on a conversation and says they won't eat the Rangers (except they totally would) and they are grateful for being rescued.

Meanwhile, the big bad is a bed ridden tick looking bug thing. It's gross and weird and tentacle-y. It orders a general to go destroy the rangers. As if it would be that easy. It approaches Terra Ventura which calls an "alien ship warning". Makes sense. This leads the Starship Troopers to come out of hiding and start firing weapons willy nilly. Since the rangers aren't back yet and all. Because Kai and Leo are fighting over who gets to control the ship. Damon just shoves them out of the way, because he is the best and should always drive.

They make it back to the station and attack weird Lobster Elvis. It is boring. Leo takes him on one-on-one. It is still boring. Then he grows and they don't know what to do because they don't have zords, except they totally do! Duh! They just rescued five colour coded beasts. Clearly their brains took a holiday during this fight. Because they are AMAZED to see the fish let the five creatures into the space station and now they are defending them. Really guys?

These are some seriously ugly zords. The only one I kind of like is the red lion. But the pink thing? Looks like a traumatized kitten left in a gutter and covered in mange. The green thing looks like his scales are falling off. The blue ape thing? Just looks... weird. The yellow... I don't even know what it's supposed to BE. The red lion tells Leo to jump on so they can fight together. They win. Are we surprised? No, of course not.

Weird Big Bad Bug Guy has a human/bug hybrid daughter. She is... I have no clue.

Leo can't find the queen in a deck of cards in which he and Damon are playing, and now he has to do the dishes because Damon is brilliant. Maya misses her home planet and Kendrix comforts her. It is adorable and clearly needs to happen more often. Leo then pulls the queen out of Damon's ear and makes him do the dishes. Poor Damon. Leo challenges Kai. Kai is going to wipe the floor with him. Or something.

4 fish.

season 7: starship troopers, centered on: maya, science doesn't work like that, 4 fish, magical bondage

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