Episode 295 - Quasar Quest - Part 2

Jan 11, 2012 20:23

Okay, since I traditionally do the theme song and fashion discussions, I guess I should start with those.

1-The theme song is freaking great. It is such an earworm, and I'm actually looking forward to having it stuck in my head for the next few months. And I really like that it's so different from the PRiS theme.

2-AHAHAHA WHERE DO I START. So yeah. Charlie Brown. So much Charlie Brown. Those things are hideous and there's way too much white and they don't entirely feel like Power Rangers costumes.

3-The "civilian" costumes, or the Terra Venture uniforms or whatever. They're also hideous. They're like Star Trek: The Original Series, and NOT IN A GOOD WAY. And this is coming from someone who loves TOS. They just look super cheap and ridiculous.

4-Speaking of Terra venture related things, the design of the ship makes no sense. We're going to have to change the tag from "Angel Grove geography makes no sense" to "Power Rangers geography makes no sense."

And now that we have all that out of the way we can talk about the episode.

So! Previously on Power Rangers without Zordon Star Ship Troopers Lost Galaxy, somehow a bunch of not-teens can all breathe the atmosphere (possibly because they're on the blue area of the moon.) It's been 22 minutes, and we haven't seen Power Rangers yet at all

Kai abandons his potential boyfriend to head back to the ship, and Kendrix interrogates Mike about not telling her that he had a sibling. Mike is all "I just want to make sure he's okay!" If that's true, Mike, then why do you want to leave him behind on Earth.

Speaking of leaving people behind, apparently nobody noticed that they left people behind on the moon, and Kai is sulking about it. Luckily, he finds a poster for the AstroMegaship museum (and I want all the fic about how that came into being) and he has a plan.

DECA and Alpha are narrating about the history of the Power Rangers, and then Kai kicks everyone out of the museum and somehow convinces Alpha that the ship is being recommissioned. Damon the awesome mechanic is like "you want to fly this thing out of here? WHAT." He totally calls Kai on his bullshit, and since Kai is a bad liar, he instead tells them the truth and is all determined to save his friends. Kai tries to convince Damon to fly the Megaship out, and Damon ignores them. Kai totally fails at flying this thing, but luckily Damon (aka Miles O'Brien) shows up to help anyway and he knows what he's doing, because Damon is THE BEST. Seriously, I love him. Anyway, they fly through the portal.

I am also super jealous of the tiny children who have Megaship toys. Speaking of museum related things - yeah, timeskip issue. I know that this was originally intended to be a few years after PRiS, but since that didn't really work... yeah. No idea how this timeline makes sense at ALL.

On Mirinoi, Mike is still pissed that Leo followed him, and the villain is all threatening the citizens of Mirinoi. Maya and her new boyfriends/girlfriend show up, and the six of them fight the foot soldiers. Why they're all fighting hand to hand when they have guns we're not sure, but.. power Rangers.

Anyway, Mike gets knocked back and he grabs a sword from the stone, and then everyone except for Leo also grabs a sword. Super dramatic posing time! Maya is all excited that they've been chosen, and Leo is all "wait, what?"

Villain guy then gets pissed and turns the planet to stone, and with it all the people. Seriously, they're trying to outrun the stone.. Villain guy then creates an earthquake and the ground cracks and Mike falls down the hole. Leo is all "give me your hand!" but instead Mike hands him the saber. Mike tells Leo that he's proud of him and that he can do it and then he FUCKING LETS GO. What is this bullshit. And once he lets go, the ground freaking swallows him. Everyone yells Mike's name, even Damon, and as far as we know Damon has never met Mike before!

Furio mocks Leo's pain, and that somehow unlocks the knowledge of how they should all be Power Rangers, so it's morphin time! Or Go Galactic, or whatever.

I will just say that I love how Kendrix is totally still wearing her glasses under her helmet.

The villain is all "silly costumes won't help" and that's right, they are silly. As is the wacky stylized running or whatever. Although I do love that they all have swords and we get a ton of sword fighting. That was totally lacking in the last few seasons. And the sword totally makes things explode, and I'm in favor of that.

The Galaxy Rangers have to run away from the stone that is eating the planet, so they just ignore the stingwingers and run. Our heroes, everyone. Once back on the Megaship, Alpha is like "POWER RANGERS, WHAT?" and he is so excited to have more Rangers. Aww, Alpha! It IS too good to be true! <3

The Rangers head back to Terra Venture as Maya's planet completely turns to stone. They just manage to make it through the portal and you know somewhere Andros is screaming "WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY SHIP?"

Maya fills the other Rangers in on the history that we heard last episode, and everyone is excited, except for Leo, who will have a sad for a while. Somehow, nobody on Terra Venture seems to acknowledge that the Megaship is there, or that Mike is gone, or that Leo and Maya are aboard now. Terra Venture heads out and they go start their quest to find a new world. And somewhere else, Furio is being yelled at by Scorpius, so expect me to make a million Farscape jokes, okay?

Fish: 4! It's a pretty compelling start to the season, but there are too many questions!

Questions: How did Kai and Damon find a new portal? How come Mike freaking LET GO. Why did Mike keep changing his opinions on Leo? How are they so not dealing with Mike vanishing and Leo/Maya joining the ship?

season 7: starship troopers, centered on: leo, consult a map already, centered on: team, science doesn't work like that, magical plot device, 4 fish

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