Okay, this episode is bad. Really bad. So, to distract me from the bad that is about to come parading our way, we have something Super Mega Awesome to share! It's the
Power Rangers Holiday Fic Exchange! It's going to be so much fun, and I highly encourage everybody to take part! You write a power rangers fic, you get a power rangers fic. Awesomesauce! Sign up on dreamwidth
here and on livejournal
And now I can stall no longer. This episode. Just. FULL of fish. And not just the alien kind.
So we start out with a new opening. I'm pretty stoked the kids get billing next to their unseen adult counterparts. Although Baby!Bulk and Skull do not make it into the credits and the theme song just doesn't quite flow with "Go Go Alien Rangers". It was a good try though.
So we start out with Billy being Super Genius! He's incredibly smart. Cestro gives him instructions for a device to turn them back into their teenage selves, and Billy is all "Yeah, it's cool, I got it." Because he's AWESOME. Even as a tiny child.
Unfortunately, he has to go to school instead of finishing the device. He promises to finish it after school, since Cestro can't because his hands are too big to make the wiring connections. Ahem. Why Billy couldn't just be "sick" that day, I'm not sure, unless it was a case of not encouraging kids to skip school. Though, frankly, if it was skip school and save the world or go to school and the world gets destroyed, heck yeah I want my kids skipping school! Save that world, kids.
Meanwhile, Rita and Zedd have a plan to get it, the power coins, and destroy the world. So they send down Rito and Goldar. They try to flush the kids off the school bus, but the plan backfires because the kids aren't afraid of the monsters and start pummeling them with balls and lots of popcorn. Where all these toys and foodstuffs were stashed I have NO idea. I remember elementary school. No food on the bus, yo. And I was in elementary school when this time warp would have landed these kids (1987 or 1988).
Rito and Goldar get shooed away and the bus driver takes them home. Baby!Adam decides to stay at Baby!Billy's house and help him out. They hang out in the YELLOW garage of the YELLOW house and Billy finishes up the device. It looks like a robot. Like a child's toy robot. So they leave Billy's house, which is now BLUE (I don't even know), and walk down the sidewalk. Rito and Goldar trail them and they don't notice. Oh boys. Billy can't wait to get back to the future so he can surf the internet. (
for porn)
Back at the Command Center, Cestro suddenly begins to lose hydration. It's apparently catching because one moment everybody is fine and then Cestro starts falling over so everyone else has to start falling over too. Alpha transports them to the nearest body of water, which happens to be the fountain in the park. First of all, what kind of water do these beings need because not all water is the same! Secondly, what the crap? Alpha can teleport people to the farthest galaxy, but he can't teleport these rangers to the perfect body of water???? Fishy fish fish fish.
Baby!Billy and Baby!Adam meet up with the others and they all toss their power coins (which are non-functional, remember) into the robot. Somehow, this powers the robot and Baby!Billy manages to turn back into Big!Billy before Rito and Goldar attack. Tommy tries to run away with the robot but it's no good. Billy is attacked and the robot falls into enemy hands. Goldar gets the power coins and, with Rita and Zedd now on Earth, they destroy them. Powers gone. Just like that. And... it makes no sense. Whatsoever. Anyway, robot device gets turned into a monster and Billy is all "I'm so going to kick your ass, by myself, because I am fully grown now!" except Alpha teleports them away.
So at the fountain, the Aquitians are rehydrating and all the bystanders are just in awe of the aliens. Nobody is screaming in terror or running away or calling the authorities. They're just all "Oh, look, aliens!". Um... okay? Billy shows Baby!Tommy his authority in insisting he go to the Aquitians to let them know about the robot monster, seeing as he's not a Tiny Child any longer. Baby!Tommy pouts, but defers to Billy's Sheer Awesomeness.
Billy runs up to the Aquitians and is all "Hey, it's me, Billy, you know me, because we're BFF now. There's a monster coming?" and then the monster shows up, the Aquitians morph and begin to do battle, and Billy runs to stand with the other Grown Ups. Who then ask if he knows them and he says NO. Uh... dude, you clearly know them! You were just standing around having a chat! But the residents of Angel Grove totally believe him and are in awe of the rangers. People walk right up to the TENGA AND RANGER FIGHTING and stand very close being all admiring. Really people? Are you THAT dumb? Big monster and aliens in multi-coloured spandex fighting does not inspire me to walk right up to them and be up in their business.
Biggest fail of the show thus far? The Aquitians call THEMSELVES the Alien Rangers. *beats head against desk*
Rita and Zedd make the monster grow and he's suddenly at the abandoned quarry, where the rangers call the zords and do telepathic zord battle. And win. Because they're good like that.
There is a ceremony where a woman (potentially the mayor?) gives a speech thanking the Aquitians for helping them and then gives them all big gold stars. No, really, they get actual Gold Stars... like you'd give a kid on their 100% A test paper. But I won't complain too much because Jimmy Jameson, Reporter Guy, is there! Yay! And nobody wonders why a strange man (since none of them will know who Billy is now that he's All Grown Up) is hanging around with five ten year olds. Baby!Aisha is relieved things are going better now, and she's freaking adorable.
4.5 fish. I'd go with a full on 5 but... Tiny Children! And Billy is not only hot but a super genius so... I'm biased.