Sep 30, 2010 20:42
I do not have a Delphine icon! This is unacceptable! Delphine is freaking awesome! And badass! And the first female leader of the Rangers! Plus, Rajia Baroudi is the nicest ever.
So! We open with the Rangers observing the viewing globe (Not in that way, they're kids!) and we see the five Aquitian Rangers looking back at them. Let's talk about the Aquitians for a second. First, the fact that they are constantly referred to as the Alien Rangers pisses us off. Second, the voice distortion thing is annoying. Other than that, we love them. I mean, it would be great if Tideus or Corcus would get a personality, but whatever. (And way down the road in Forever Red, it would be nice if they called Aurico by name.)
Delphine says that of course they will go to Earth and help out the Rangers, but she worries about the water content. Considering that like 70% of the Earth is covered in water, I don't really get the problem. Maybe it's the saline level? But they clearly have no problem breathing air, so I'm just going to stick a science doesn't work like that tag on this and stop analyzing it. (Or yell fish. Oh god, the fish jokes.)
We find out that Ninjor gave the Aquitians their Zords, and I would love to know that story. Baby!Adam does emo fairly well, and he wishes they had Ninjor, but apparently the time travel whatever means they won't find him. But they know where he is now and they've already changed things, so the fact that they can't go find him makes absolutely no sense at all. I still stick by my alternate reality theory. The Aquitians say they're going to teleport over, and the Baby!Rangers agree to meet them by the lake.
Then they notice that there's an implosion device (like a bomb, but worse) outside. Apparently making a long distance call weakened their security. I guess if they had to divert a lot of power I could possibly buy that explanation? Alpha insists he will teleport them away so that they'll be safe, and baby!Aisha tells him that they love him, and we start to tear up a little, especially when Alpha says that he loves them too. But he says it after they teleport out, because he can't say it to them, and oh, ALPHA. *cuddles*
Alpha uses a mini-squeegee to disarm the bomb. He's adorable. Master Vile is very annoyed that a mini food processor on legs disarmed his bomb and I can't stop cackling. Master Vile = favorite. The villains sense something good on the way to Earth, and Rita complains that she's allergic to good. Oh, RITA. ♥
At the park, Billy uses the mini viewing globe device to check if things are ok, and then Bulk and Skull show up, and Billy distracts them by babbling scientifically. Goldar and Rito show up, and they are not pleased to see the tiny children, because Rito is convinced he'll get beaten up again. Bulk and Skull run away. (Seriously, Rito says "Not the little people again!" and then we died laughing.)
But wait! The Aquitian Rangers are here! They summon something that is either water or blue energy and beat up Rito and Goldar. The Aquitians are badass, y'all. They exchange names and things, and then Billy stays with the aliens (We guess he got his alien kink early?) while the other Rangers go home since their parents will be worried.
Finster gets trampled by a whole bunch of monsters as Master Vile sends them down to attack. And they attack the Warehouse District. Angel Grove, I love you, but you make no damn sense.
Tiny Billy has finished transferring knowledge to the Aquitians, and then they morph. You guys, it is so awesome. And I love Delphine. I love that they made her the leader, especially because based on the footage it really does look like the Red is the leader. But they made the choice to let her lead, and she is awesome and bad ass and made of so much win. ETA: Angel informs us that Delphine's counterpart was the leader in the sentai as well. Seriously, based on the footage, I would never have guessed, since Aurico definitely appears to be in command in the field. We've decided that he was clearly just being the red shirt distraction while Delphine kicked ass in the background.
Plus, they control their Zords telepathically. WIN.
(I do wish they'd used a different shade of blue for Cestro. That color is ridiculous.)
The Aquitian Rangers are badass, and they beat up all the monsters and destroy one using the Shogunzord, and the rest of the monsters run away. Master Vile is so disgusted by this that he has a temper tantrum and then goes back to his own Galaxy. Zedd is so glad to have his father-in-law gone that he kisses Goldar. Someone is shipping that somewhere, right?
Back at the Command Center, the Rangers all celebrate. And then they angst about the water content and how the Aquitian Rangers can't stay there forever.
In conclusion, Delphine is awesome.
2.5 - Except for the science whatever, this was pretty awesome.
2.5 fish,
season 3: fish planet,
billy's alien fetish,
consult a map already,
centered on: team,
science doesn't work like that