Episode 111 - Wild West Rangers Part 2

May 06, 2010 20:41

Okay, let me get this out of the way first. This episode is filled with history fail and time travel fail and science fail, but I don't care. I love it so much. *draws millions of little hearts*

Previously, on Power Rangers - Kimberly is sent back in time in a ridiculously skimpy outfit, and I appreciate it a lot.

The episode opens with Kimberly and the Wild West Rangers confronting Goldar. Goldar welcomes them to Zedd & Ritaville, and I spend the rest of the episode singing Wasting away again in Zedd&Ritaville. (Some people claim that there's a Ranger to blame, but I know that it's Goldar's fault.)

For some reason the director chose to focus the shot on Kimberly's legs. I don't know what chose that particular artistic direction, but more power to the director. *shallow*

There's a particularly awesome fight, but sadly the Putties have all lost their horses. We guess the horses... ran away? Were scared by the fish? But they still have their hats and boots and vests, so it is a particularly great fight. And Kimberly morphs! We're not really sure how she managed to morph, because last time they got sent to the past, they couldn't morph. I'm guessing that maybe Zordon updated their morphers in the present after they got back from 17whatever? It doesn't really matter, because this episode is so filled with fish that it's way more fun to just smile, nod, and plot ridiculous AUs. (Ask me how the White Stranger is secretly the father of Jack from Newsies. Go on, I dare you.)

While Kimberly is fighting the Putties, One-Eye Bulk and Doc Skullivitch are escaping from jail. Well, they're trying, anyway. Bulk is stuck between the bars, because the show hasn't had a fat joke for a while. But then they see Kim, and decide that they will become famous by figuring out the identity of the Pink Stranger! (Um, really? New person in weird clothes comes to town? It isn't that hard.)

Kimberly teleports off to 1880s!Zordon, who has no idea that Angel Grove was being invaded. He... is not very good at this watching thing. But, it doesn't matter, because Kimberly has a plan! She tells Zordon she knows that Rita has the Green Coin, but she isn't sure what's with the other coins. Alpha tells her that they have them. According to Zordon, too much pink energy is dangerous (because Kim is just that awesome) but the other four coins can be used. That is...an awesome plan! You go, Kimberly!

Back in the future, there's some technobabble about chronitons or something, that will allow the Rangers to search the past to see Kim. They find Bulk and Skull first, and are amused at how similar past!them are to present!Bulk and Skull. (Bulk and Skull's grand plan involves pulling a diving rod out of Skull's ass.) And then they find Kim, who is giving the Power Coins to Rocko, William, Abraham and Miss Alicia. Zordon tells them that those teenagers are the first Earthlings to hold the Power Coins.

I am saying it right now, Kimberly created an alternate reality. All that's missing is Tommy randomly being evil with a beard. (Although if someone would like to write that AU, I would read it.)

The present!Rangers are suitably impressed, and Billy says "Prodigious" and both of us geek out. We missed Billy's dorkiness!

Back in 1880whatever, Kimberly and the Wild West Rangers are going through town. The awesome!Putties show up, and Rocky calls them VARMINTS. And I think it's about at this point that I'm just dead of laughter, which will continue to the end of the episode. The Wild West Rangers do pretty well for themselves - Rocky fights with a wash basin, Adam and Aisha dance, and Billy dodges, while Kimberly just kicks ass. (Billy doesn't believe in fisticuffs! ♥)

I... kinda ship past!Abraham/Miss Alicia. Except I ship Adam/Aisha, so that is just not working for me. But it would be SO CUTE and totally acceptable if this is completely AU, and someone should be writing this immediately.

Things are not going as well as it could, and then suddenly... It's the White Stranger! He shows up and is pretty ridiculous, and I am actually incredibly charmed by him in this episode. (Although that might be the champagne talking, IDEK.)

Kimberly grins at Goldar and tells him its time. William asks for what, and she yells that it's morphin time!

There are not enough words to express how awesome the 1880s costumes are. It is just so.... delightfully bad western movie. I'm completely and utterly charmed by it. And Adam and Aisha dance again. They are so adorable, I love them so much.

The Wild West Rangers fight, and for some reason we don't think that Johnny Yong Bosch or Karan Ashley were doing the voiceovers? It really doesn't sound like them. Anyway, the Wild West Rangers manage to push Goldar, the Putties and the Monster back through the time hole, so the past is safe!

However, now they need to deal with it in the future. Billy has come up with some not!science plan that involves their communicators to bring Kimberly back, but someone needs to go fight the monster. Tommy and Rocky morph and go fight, so that Billy can continue working and... Adam and Aisha can make out? Help Billy? Something. Sadly, Rocky and Tommy need help, so Billy needs to abandon his work so that they can go help form the megazord and defeat Needlenose.

After defeating the monster, everyone is very sad, because they think they might have lost Kim. They've only got one shot with Billy's device. Which works perfectly, of course, but why does the AU where Kimberly got stuck in the past not exist? (I firmly believe that the White Stranger in this time is a descendent of the version of Tommy that stayed behind in 1770something, making Tommy his own grandfather.)

Back in the 19th Century, the Wild West Rangers talk about how exciting this all was, and William totally had a crush on Kimberly (not that I blame him.) As the White Stranger rides off, we see 19th century!Kimberly in a carriage, staring at the White Stranger with a look on her face that says "Damn, that boy is fine." Oh, show. That... is really weird. I hope that they don't hook up! Unless it's an alternate reality where this doesn't lead to the Tommy and Kimberly we know. The episode ends with the White Stranger on his horse, cheering for the Pink Ranger. Because Kimberly is awesome.

Fish: 4. AHAHAHA It is ridiculous, but I love it SO MUCH.

Billy speak: "I've adapted these communicators to advance and adapt the teleporting mechanism to create a time hole."

Fic people should write us: More of this universe, please! (Also, the one where someone is researching in the library and they come across the legend of Calamity Kim and the Wild West Rangers.)

centered on: kimberly, ship: tommy/kim, mentor fail, science doesn't work like that, time travel, 4 fish, fatphobia, history doesn't work that way, bulk and skull vs secret identity fail, season 2: stone canyon trio, era: stone canyon trio

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