Episode 105- Return of the Green Ranger - Part 2

Apr 17, 2010 12:09

Today, on the Tommy show, we continue to butcher history!

We open in 1760ish Angel Grove, where a very Australian girl (named Marissa) is hiding the Rangers in a wheelhouse. She is undisturbed by their clothes, their speech, and the fact that they claim to be from 200+ years in the future. (They keep claiming it is only 200 years in the past, but that doesn't work, unless Angel Grove was another British protectorate and not part of America. And, you know, at that point in time California was Spanish. Of course, the entire timeline is completely screwed up, so I don't know why it's bothering me as much as it is. But really, history doesn't work like that.)

The Rangers attempt to explain things to Marissa (including Kimberly and Aisha trying to explain the mall to her) and Billy gives her an actual explanation. We don't really get to see her reaction, because we cut back to the present, where good!Tommy is standing around glaring at evil!Tommy. We are rooting for evil!Tommy. (I'm sure you're surprised by this.) Tommy claims that his dark side vanished, and we just have to laugh. (Also, I'm a big supporter of Ellen Brand's Tommy has MPD theory, so I love this episode more than is probably healthy.)

In the cutest scene of the episode, Bulk and Skull are sleeping on the grass, cuddling together. When they wake up, Bulk immediately remembers the wizard and starts asking Skull about it. Skull is confused, and asks Bulk if he ate beans for lunch, because he always has weird dreams after eating beans. Oh, BOYS. *pets them*

Zordon has finally noticed that something is going on. We nearly fall off the couch in surprise.

And now for the highlight of the episode - TOMMY VS TOMMY. They morph (good!Tommy calls it out, and evil!Tommy is all "I was hoping you'd say that") and then they fight. For some reason there are sparks between them (literally) whenever they touch. (We assume it's the contact of so many fish, they cause sparks) You guys, we missed the shield of cheap bling. It is so nice to see it again. The wizard guy is all "mwahaha, Tommy, I'm surprised you're still fighting" and good!Tommy says something about the human spirit, but it's been like 30 seconds, we don't know why he's so pleased with himself. Still, Tommy ends up falling to his knees (that happens to him a lot) and he gets his powers drained (... that also happens to him a lot) and the wizard sends evil!Tommy off to annoy Zordon, while he goes back in time to annoy the other Rangers.

Back in 17whatever, Kimberly is claiming that Tommy will save them, and I'm saved from my disgust by the appearance of the chief redcoat - someone who appears to be Skull's ancestor! Aww, Skull! Kimberly is all confused. They try to explain things to ancestor!Skull, but he isn't listening and tries to arrest them. Oh, and for some reason, they can't call Zordon on their communicators. The fish must be jamming them. (Why they aren't just trying to walk to the Command Center we.... really don't know.)

At the Command Center, evil!Tommy is there to taunt Zordon in some very familiar footage. Except this time he doesn't short circuit Zordon. Clearly, a pale imitation of the original. But he does tell Zordon that wherever the Rangers are, history is repeating itself. Somehow, Zordon deduces that this means they've been sent back through time and now they have to work backwards and scan for their genetic markers, and look, I'm not making this up, I only report it.

On the moon, Rita and Zedd are dancing to celebrate! They are so adorable, I love them so much. Zedd's big plan for once they've officially destroyed the Rangers? He and Rita should have a baby! There is much squealing from us, but Rita is disgusted, and runs away to make Finster make a new potion to make Zedd get over that idea. Finster is all "ooh, a baby!" but he starts trying to do what Rita tells him. Zedd wants the baby to have Rita's looks and his brains, but sadly the eventual spawn will be the other way around.

In 17whatever, Adam grabs Marissa and drags her with them, as they run away. She clearly only believed them because the power of Adam's hotness compelled her to. To be fair, we can understand why. They start running through town, and Rocky jumps over a sheep. AMAZING. Marissa ends up leading them to her uncle's carriage that will carry them to safety (good thing Adam is so pretty, although how she summoned her uncle we.... really don't know.) and it turns out her uncle is Bulk's ancestor! Aww, Bulk! On Bulk's farm, Adam is making googly eyes at Marissa, while Rocky and Aisha are by the barn wall. Aisha tells Rocky his foot is tickling her, and it turns out that it isn't his foot (although, Rocky and Aisha playing footsie? yesplease.) but some rats. Aisha screams. (Wouldn't you?)

Then the wizard guy shows up, and turns the rats into rat monsters. The Rangers try to morph, but they can't, because they're 200 years before they met Zordon. WHAT. Look, they shouldn't have LOST their morphers just because they went into the past. It's also 200 years before they got those clothes - should they be wearing them? Also, the morphers tap into a morphin grid that is STILL THERE, so they should have been able to tap in anyway.

Back in the present, evil!Tommy has out his dragon dagger, and he is summoning the dragonzord. We are pleased. On the moon, Zedd has an evil laugh.

To be continued.

Fish: 4.5 (We needed a break from the 5 fish.)

Other things we usually keep track of: None!

Fic people should write us: I really would read the wacky adventures of time traveling Rangers. But I did just get fic where Kimberly tries to save Abraham Lincoln for my birthday, so you should all go read that.

shield of cheap bling, consult a map already, mentor fail, centered on: tommy, under a spell, better when evil, 4.5 fish, history doesn't work that way, season 2: stone canyon trio, era: stone canyon trio, evil twin

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