Last week, did 100m sprints one day, and AMRAP 3x bench 65# and 5x back squat 85# in 12 minutes. I should have done more warmup and stretching on the sprints day, because my body resisted, badly.
Today, CFWU with 50% pull-ups (yay!). My left groin tendon needed some major stretching, so I'm glad I got to warm it up enough to beat it into looseness (har har *dirty snark*)
Behind-the-neck Jerk (
watch this hot chick do it!) 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
I didn't know what weight to start using, so I started at 65# and kept adding in increments of 20 til I got to 145, which is where I started my "set."
Not too bad, if I do say so myself. They were comparatively easy, but I know that I probably could have been quicker getting under the bar. It will come with time.