Aww, I liked the sort of old-school feel of this ep - and I don't think even the creators were trying to hide the fact that they'd been there before with the tournaments, what with them using the music from Valiant. (I don't know what is up with them using the S1 soundtrack so much this series, but it's making me all nostalgic. ♥) But, unlike in Valiant, it felt like the tournament wasn't really what mattered at all, but the underlying power-struggles and emotions it caused, were.
- Let me say that I love the whole fight between Uther and Arthur. Ignoring the fact that it's pretty stupid to put the king and the crown prince in the same tournament, I loved every little step of the way it played out. Arthur being smart enough and respecting his father enough to decide beforehand that he'll have to let him win, but then nearly changing his mind on the field, because a small part of him is still that boy who craves his father's approval, who's a little insecure and just wants to be good enough, and who's also a bit of an arrogant prat, maybe because of it; and feels injured in his pride, here, and almost lets it get the better of him. But who does the right thing, when it really matters, seemingly both for the kingdom and simply because he cares about his father.
It's a contrast to the Arthur we saw in Valiant, who I think would have done anything to prove himself to his father, even if it meant beating him, and it's possibly the most obvious sign of character growth - towards him becoming a wise king - we've seen this series. ♥ I also love (and didn't expect) that Uther had him figured out; was possibly taunting him on purpose to see his reaction, and thinks more highly of Arthur than Arthur thought.
- I loved - well, the way Katie's toned down the way she plays Morgana's evil, this ep. I'm grateful she's developed a more subtle version of the Evil Smirk, and that her bad intentions are hinted at throughout, but that most of the time, it was actually easy to forget who she's become. I think it works much better like this.
- And, oh, Merlin and Gilli. I'm glad we've got some sort of exploration of what power such as magic can do to you. And it was heart-breaking, the way they paralleled Merlin and Gilli's position, and how easy it was to sympathise with Gilli, and to see his POV. It was obvious that Merlin did, too, and, gah, that bit where he told Merlin that he'd been playing the servant so long that he'd forgotten who he was. It was all the more painful in that it feels true, at least a little bit, if you look at the development Merlin went through, through the series. (Makes me almost wonder if they actually put that "Merlin carrying around the target" scene in there on purpose, a few eps ago, but would probably be looking for too much continuity.)
But it's also a good reminder of why Merlin can't let himself get carried away and can't, perhaps, do too much about him situation - both for himself and for the audience - because although it might start out for acceptable reasons, it would be too easy to get carried away.
It's also a good reminder of just what good a person Merlin is, that he doesn't, at least not really. (Though I did find it chilling when Gilli said "I've never killed a man," and wondered if Merlin was going to start thinking about all the people he's killed. But then he's never killed for his own gain.)
And, ugh, that scene where Gilli tells Merlin he's going through with the tournament, that someone should make a stand for their kind, and that you start wondering if all the reasons he's listing aren't true. Such an intense moment between them, too. MY HEART.
I also wondered, when Merlin showed Gilli his magic in spite of Gaius' continual advice not to tell anyone, if he was thinking of Morgana and how he couldn't save her and that he didn't want the same thing to happen to Gilli, that he was desperate for it not to happen again. I'm glad he managed to bring Gilli back to himself, and that whole speech about how they would find each other again - how he also desperately needs to believe that things will change, that he's doing the things he does for a purpose, and that one day magic will once again be a glorious thing without falling into evil... Oh, Merlin.
- Totally random, but how pretty did Merlin look in the forest (I just typed "shower". Um. THEY ARE VERY SIMILAR WORDS, OK.)? Also, hullo, Dragon! Long time no see. I LOL'ed at him hoping Merlin had forgotten about him, I don't even know why.
- Also, I AM EXCITE for the next two eps.
On a different note, apologies to everyone I owe comment-replies to! *is a bit behind*