I'm going to put this up now, though i won't be leaving the internet for a handful of days, because i know people end up having last minute questions that it would probably be best if i answered before i headed off. Still don't have an exact date, though it will probably be within the next few days. And for those interested, I won't have an address for mailings until after i get wherever i'm going.
This is going to be the last journal entry i make for a little bit, at least until i get settled in Iraqistan and find out whether i can update regularly or not. In case i can't, or whatever, this will be the big entry for all my friends and stuff.
The last big goobye entry, 7-19-05 So here we are. It's been a long time since the last big genre change in my life, and it's a good time to take stock in how things have gone since the last great assassination attempt (aka the summer of shit aka the hoboventure). I had nothing but vague plans, a bike, a backpack, and a sexy weiner (which, by that time, was very melty). And in desperation, i did something i thought i'd never do: Joined the Frickin' ARMY. I went through a lot of hardship and came out on top, even if by the skin of my teeth (And you'd be surprised at how many people can't make it). I ended up going to GERMANY, of all places, finally getting my ass outside the continental US, and now i'm going to the cradle of civilization in an attempt to bring a little more civilization. I've gone as far from my evil genetics as i can possibly get, but i still feel the shadow hiding where i'm not looking.
I learned how to load and fire various semiautomatic machine guns. I coined the term "Schootching" and created "Cat with Moustache". I re-re-reinvented my comic after losing the first chapter's pages during the hoboventure (which kinda pissed off people, but still). I learned the terrible tallness of Ryo and Wrote a thousand poems with Dorian during a San Fran Christmas. I mastered my true way of Chinpodo. I reclaimed my old "Drawing portraits of people" art style. Fell in love with some silly little goobers. Bought an Ipod, XBox 360 and a Laptop. Injured my back. Invented Excel-based Sprite Art. Came up with
It's been a long crazy trip, and i feel like i've aged twice the time (and a lot of it has to do with very very VE-RY long workdays, but i digress). I still have problems, and i'm still not out of the tunnel, but i think we all know i'm a bad enough dude to kick any ass that gets thrown at me. :p
Which brings us to the requisite for the big goodbye entry, the annoying song lyrics. Yes, Monki bucks the trend of posting cool cryptic lyrics by posting crappy but applicable Elton John lyrics. Take that hip and edgey bands of the now!
You could never know what it's like
Your blood like winter freezes just like ice
And there's a cold lonely light that shines from you
You'll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use
And did you think this fool could never win
Well look at me, I'm coming back again
I got a taste of love in a simple way
And if you need to know while I'm still standing you just fade away
Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid
I'm still standing after all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind
I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah
I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah
Once I never could hope to win
You starting down the road leaving me again
The threats you made were meant to cut me down
And if our love was just a circus you'd be a clown by now
Yeah. Basically, i've been through a lot of crap, and it doesn't seem to get any better, but you know, after all the attempts to ruin, discredit and destroy me...i'm still standing, smarter, wiser and stronger than i was before. So question to the forces of evil: Who's the loser then?
I'm not going to go through all the trouble of repeating what i said last 'goodbye' entry to the people who probably have not looked at this journal since then...so here's to the people who visit, read and comment regularly:
amano_jyaku Keep on workin' that sexyness, dude! Give us poor joes in the land that porn forgot somethin' to live for! :p
bigdaddyt One of these days we're going to invade the national awesomeness reserves and take back what is rightfully ours! Or something. Let us know how you're doing, dude. :p
blindsightbeau Thanks for all the support in the short time we've known each other. Don't let things stop your rockin'!
chaosmeika Good luck with your current endeavor. It's good that you've found a place where you can be both productive and are enjoying yourself. :D
cjdesi Dude, you're going to China to rock out with your thousand fists and i'm going to Iraq! You definitely got the better travel agent. :p
clapine Tell the fam i said Hi and i miss them. Hopefully when this is all over we can enjoy a hearty laugh over all this craziness. >.>
dnfield To tell you the truth i was a little sad when you decided on your new path. I wanted to be the silly monki you had to occaisionally smack upside the head with a ruler or something. :p But I know that your decision was for the best for all involved, and hope you're rockin' out in that sexy muffin man style.
dreamshade It always seems to be a little bit of success breaking up long times of suck, eh? Keep on the horse, Dean Ray! Don't let the siren call of after-job tiredness and WoW delay you more than it already has!
hirameki You've been through almost as many changes as i have, eh? :p I don't get tired of typing "Keep it up" you know, especially when i mean it. Keep it up or my ghost haunts your weiner!!! :o
hooli I hate to say it, but i don't hear much about you beyond the updates about CF...I'm interested in hearing what's next for the Hoo to the Li. (he said, sneaking an "update more" in there)
jaerik Dude, There were times that i worried to high hell about you. Things are finally clearing up for you, and you're finally getting away from the crazy long enough to learn about yourself and do all those things people do when they're not being assaulted by nutters. Now me, i'm just paranoid to believe there's some kind of crazy avalanche (crazylanche?) on it's way. Keep an eye out, man.
lil-bunni-fu-fu Sometimes i think, reading your entries, you got the other half of the suck curse that has made my electronics unreliable and everything else in my life slow as molassess. One day you need to join my superteam i'm forming to combat the forces of suck and wrong.
lunatriste Dude, are you three still alive? >.>
masterninja66 You. Me. Beers. Your Porch. It will happen someday, and we'll argue the finer points of the age old "Lo Pan fights Robocop" arguement. Hope you're finally successful in increasing the ninja population. :p
merekat Mere, i hope your professional advancement keeps it's sherpa-assisted ascent to the top, but make sure you take care of yourself in the meantime. Merearts are not worth an unhealthy Merekat! We've all gotta get to old age together so i can drive you nuts in the rest home (while our grandkids get married)! :3
neobunny Dude, one of these days i'm going to fly over there and molestor you FOR REALS. Truth is, beyond sexiness and the deep voice i realized earlier i know next to nothing about you. Is that your secret power of awesome?
ryosake The warrior without a battle must be wary for he may end up making an enemy of himself in the absence of others. Or something. You need to realize that, yes, you're an upstanding guy. Does it make things easy? Nope. I'm going to raise my hand and vouch that life is full of suck and wrong. But hey, a good guy in the right place can make all the difference, na?
sailortweek It occurs to me that we'd keep in touch a whole lot more if'n i didn't hate myspace so much. >.>
sixgunsalute Have fun and work hard at KCAI. You might want to get ahold of
clapine, as he's in the know about that area of town, as well as in contact with some KCAI alumni.
spacecapnsteve Steve. I know it doesn't help that I, the king of all things uncool, think you're the bee's knees, but it doesn't change the fact that you are teh awesome IRL. I know things on the personal front aren't where you'd like them to be, but think: How many years did it take to get where you are professionally? The personal just needs a little time to grow. :3
ER, there are probably people i missed. But this is the short list of people i know still read or comment on these crazy things. And i figure the less people you embarrass yourself in front of the better.