Five paintings by Evelyn De Morgan (1855-1919)

Oct 10, 2014 10:18

Like Marianne Stokes, Evelyn De Morgan was associated with the Pre-Raphaelites, but unlike Stokes she was directly related to the group. Her uncle, John Roddam Spencer Stanhope, was a "second wave" Pre-Raphaelite painter. The Art Magick article about Morgan says of her paintings, "Many do reflect the usual conventions and literary subjects of late Victorian art with its Pre-Raphaelite traces and neo-classical tendencies. However, looking closer, one discovers Symbolist works that employ the language of Christian allegory to reveal the artist’s engagement with the contemporary issues of her time." Art Magick also says she was a practicing spiritualist and feminist, who "sought new heroines with which to construct her own images of Victorian womanhood."

Medea (1889)

Eos (1895)

Boreas and Oreithyia (1896)

The Love Potion (1903)

SOS (1916)

feminism, art, evelyn de morgan, pre-raphaelites, symbolism

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