Write Away!

Nov 01, 2011 17:09

I promised myself that for the semestral break, I would write at least one decent article which might possibly be published. Instead, I signed up for NaNoWriMo.

I've heard about this for the past couple of years, but never really quite understood what it entailed. I'm still in the process of trying to understand what exactly I'd gotten myself into. It's funny how many other writers are sharing their passion for writing, as well as their dread for agreeing to producing a 50,000-word novel in a month. As for myself, I'm supposed to have a ready idea and title by today, submitting the first 1,600 words of my novel to the site.

Surprisingly enough, I'm keeping calm. Which is why, seeing people commenting about NaNoWriMo and panicking is making me wonder if I'm seeing things the way I'm supposed to be.

Oh well.

I had always wanted to become a writer, but the whole process which entailed becoming a writer (which is, writing) was always romantic. The image always entailed a picture of myself sitting at my desk late at night, with a cup of coffee beside me. I'd be focused on a beat-up (but efficient) laptop. Sometimes even a typewriter would take the laptop's place. I'd be deep in thought, and thinking about the next few lines to write. I'd constantly pause and sigh. And then, that smile and I'd know that inspiration had finally gotten through, and then came the flow of words embodied by a shower of clickety-clacks on the keyboard.

I just realized that the daydream always ended there. It never progressed from the process towards the output, which would be the book itself. The daydream never really included the image of receiving letters from readers who both hated and loved it. I never saw past the romantic idea of the coffee cup, the typewriter and the late-night romance with words.

Going back to NaNoWriMo...

I realized that I had a couple of chapter 1's of unfinished plot bunnies lying here and there in my laptop. I figured that it might be time to work on these unfinished stories.

Wish me luck! And add me, if ever you decide to join too. :)

nanowrimo, life, writing

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