RCV and the Nexus. Black Dog Bar. Mo(u)rning.

Jan 07, 2012 00:32

Blackout: *it is late. Past the time that the Black Dog usually closes. The front door stands open, but only one table is occupied, and Blackout is alone but for memories and her tank of energy. Even Scorponok has been sent away*

Recon: *on her way to the washrack dryers, as evidenced by her dripping frame, she randomly walks out of the Black Dog's previously unoccupied kitchen and finds herself behind the bar* *looks confused and a bit annoyed*

Blackout: *glances toward the newcomer, red optics glinting slightly in the darkness, then turns back to gazing past the tube in her hand*

Recon: *catches the glint and, recognizing its owner from the night previous, quickly turns away to put her visor back on* Vhy does sis keep happening to me? *grumbles and looks for a drying implement*

Blackout: *deep alto sounds quiet, as though it's coming from miles away* God likes a joke sometimes.

Recon: *mid-alto is terse, rife with aggravation* I cruel vone at sat. *still hasn't recovered completely from last night's events, and spent most of the night cuddled in Jazz' arms or watching him fuss over his new pet*

Blackout: No. He's not cruel. *doesn't look up as she speaks, and still sounds far away*

Recon: *gives her a look wondering why she's saying that, then starts looking for some early-morning energon blend*

Blackout: You better not poke around Nemesis' things. She'll yell at me. The bag of energon pellets is under the bar by the pup bed.

Recon: *snerks* Sis is bad vhy? *goes for the pellets*

Blackout: *silent for a long moment, and then her mighty shoulders rise in a slight shrug* It upsets the pup.

Recon: *wonders for a second why the Decepticon is being so mopey, but then decides she doesn't care. Grabs a few pellets, deposits the correct credits on the bar, and sits down as far as she can from the other femme. Finally the suspense is too much* .....Vhy are you here alone?

Blackout: *another shrug, and then seems to remember what the tube she's holding is for and sticks it in her mouth. The gurgle and hiss of very high grade and mineral enhanced fuel follows* *the movement also stirs up the smell of badly burned plating*

Recon: *grimaces* Oh. *snippy* Getting slagged again?

Blackout: *absently* Hrrrrm...

Recon: *turns to frown at her* I sought you learned your lesson?

Blackout: *quietly* Don't worry, I'll never kiss a Jazz again.

Recon: *optic ridge raise* Oh really? Sat is some fery fine self-control.

Blackout: *looks down at her chest, the light of her optics picking out a freshly burned glyph on her plating. The glyph is the one for Jazz's Cybertronian name* *even more quietly* It's respect.

Recon: *considers this, but quickly turns back to hunker over the bartop* *quietly, with a bite* I've nefer known a Decepticon to show respect.

Blackout: I'm Destron. *drinks more*

Recon: Vhatefer. *crunches a pellet* Call it vhat you like, it's all se same...

Blackout: No. Decepticons follow the Fallen. I follow Primus.

Recon: Se Fallen? *turns around, wondering if the other femme is serious* Vhere did you hear sat?

Blackout: *quietly gives coordinates of all the realities she's heard of the Fallen occurring in*

Recon: *blinks, then frowns* Vell he's still a fairytale in my reality. Se Decepticons follow Megatron, and his insane rebellion theories. Or at least se did.

Blackout: And Megatron is the Fallen's lapdog. *glances up* And watch out for Sentinel.

Recon: Vhy? He vas lost centuries ago.... You're spouting nonsense, quit changing se subject.

Blackout: He's on the other side of Earth's moon, but Megatron might already have most of the space bridge pillars.

Recon: STOP SPOUTING DRUNKEN NONSENSE! *slams her fist on the table, which echoes in the empty bar*

Blackout: *shrugs and stops talking. Has another drink as her fingers play absently over that new scar*

Recon: Maybe SAT is vhy I vas sent here today, to look after YOU! In sis condition who KNOWS who you'll slag next?

Blackout: *just drinks*

Recon: *growls, grabbing the tube away* NO! You are NOT ruining somebot else's life today! *goes stomping away with the wheeled container in tow, hoping to lock it up somewhere*

Blackout: *sits and watches, then looks toward the door, her mind calling up all the times that a scarred little silver form came swaggering through it*

Recon: *gets back to the bar and starts fiddling with cabinet doors before she realizes she isn't being followed* O.o You're not efen mad? You are slagged.... *sniffs the tube experimentally, as it's obviously not the usual high-grade*

Blackout: *absent shrug. Didn't actually hear what the red femme said*

energy: *smells corrosive, perhaps even fissionable*

Recon: *recoils and puts the tube on the bar* You'll melt your processor vith sis. Not sat I care. ..... *remembers the ... "helpful" bots from last night* But sey might... *glances at Blackout, wondering if she should contact any of them*

Blackout: *fingers playing over that fresh scar again. Once more the smell of burned armour floats toward Recon* They?

Recon: *absently, trying to remember their names* Your Jazz and... his children I guess...

Blackout: *slow head shake* My Jazz is why I'm here.

Recon: *stares for a long while* .......... *finally her optics widen behind the visor*

Blackout: *silent, and still looking toward the door, but the hand that is brushing that new scar fists as though gently holding onto something*

Recon: ....Vhat? *walks back to the table, trying desperately not to recognize that look on Blackout's face* But I just saw him last night! Vhat happened?!

Blackout: *doesn't look at her* It's been weeks for us. He went up against Galvatron. Gave his all.

Recon: ......Who is Galvatron? *shakes her head and leans on the table to look into Blackout's optics. Yes, that look was very familiar. Recon wore it herself a long time ago* You're not saying he... *searching for a little comfort through the bond to her own Jazz now*

Jazz: *love love!*

Blackout: *miles away and her voice sounds like it* Died in my arms. *optics hold grief, longing, and respect*

Recon: *her vents give a soft rattling exhale as all the energy drains from her chassis. If that table wasn't there she'd be falling over right about now* Sat.... Sat is so unfair...

Blackout: *blinks and looks at her puzzledly* Unfair?

Recon: *processor revisiting her first mate's demise, then her own silver Solstice's brush with death, she absently gropes for a chair and sits* Nobot should have to go through sat...

Blackout: *quietly* He was old. He died fulfilling his function. Good cops die in the line of duty.

Recon: Sey die fighting Decepticons... *growl* Damn sis var!

Blackout: *very slight smile* He was one of the spoiled ones. The Fallen never got to Megatron in his reality. *looks away* Just Unicron.

Recon: *bitterly* Now you're spouting nonsense again.

Blackout: *shrugs* Google it on a Nexus terminal. *lowers the hand that she was touching the scar with and looks at the limb, her expression going a little lost*

Recon: *grimace* Vell I do hope you nefer kiss a Jazz again. Or anybot else for sat matter.

Blackout: *no sign she's heard that. Doesn't want to think of kissing right now, though she knows there will be mechs looking at her with sad confusion when she fails to greet them in the manner they're accustomed to*

Recon: *grim annoyance* Do you efen hear me? *pokes the larger femme's chestplate, right under that new glyph* I von't let your carelessness bring somevone else to sis table! You got lucky last time.

Blackout: *frowns and focuses* *quietly* The worlds don't revolve around you, Recon. I made a mistake once, and it was not done out of maliciousness. If your Jazz had not looked so unhappy I would never have touched him, and the state that I was in at that time was due to no fault of mine. You seem intent on spreading bitterness and judgment, but that's not my way.

Recon: *that was a good stab to the spark. Nice aim, Blackout. The smaller femme sits up, clenching her fist on the table* I'll haf you know sis bitterness has built up ofer a LONG time, mostly due to Decepticons, your alt included, offlining one good friend after another in seir self-centered quest for "unity!" And for your information se worlds don't revolfe around YOU eiser! How many bots are you forgetting as your corrode your processor avay in here?

Blackout: *shakes head and unfocuses again* I'm not forgetting anyone, or corroding anything.

Recon: *scoffs* Sat stuff could power a nuclear reactor.

Blackout: *absently* Probably.

Recon: *this is the "you're making my point for me" look*

Blackout: *her hand going back to the glyph* If you want something from me then state it, Recon. *yes, she used your name*

Recon: *growls, not knowing how to word what she wants to say, or even what she wants to say in the first place* I sink you're lying, for one. Moping around alone is no vay to remember your Jazz. *a pause, then an absent chuckle* Holding a party is a start...

Blackout: Jetfire and the brats did that. *shrug* They'll probably start again tomorrow.

Recon: *half amused that somebot else thought of that too* And vere you in attendance?

Blackout: No. I was busy tying up Jazz's loose ends. *glances toward the door, her optics darkening slightly as she remembers tucking all his pieces into his tomb, and making sure that he was wearing the glyphs that he deserved*

Recon: *her mouthplanes purse as her tone settles on something closer to respectful* Vell you should go to se next vone.

Blackout: I'll leave the getting drunk and singing to them. *slight frown as she looks around, and then she gets up to go get her tank*

Recon: *considers grabbing the bot to stop her, but decides to let her tone do that instead* Sey vould vant you sere.

Blackout: *snort of amusement* No.

Recon: *sounds almost caring now... almost* Trust me, se do.

Blackout: Commanders ruin parties. *walks over and gets the hose, then brings it back and pokes it at the Autobot femme's mouth*

Recon: *grimaces and shoves the tube away, sensors going crazy just from the smell* I'm serious! You're lucky you haf family left.

Blackout: I don't have fam... *drinks deeply, frowning* *then offers the tube again as she tries to think of a good response past the desire to just sit and think* This was his favourite drink.

Recon: Of course you- *ventillators hitch at the smell, and she shoves it away again* Faforite? *note to self: question Jazz's taste in high-grade later. Thoroughly* Ugh, disgusting!

Blackout: *shrugs* It's better than the sweet junk he drank too.

Jazz: *catches Recon's thought and absently thinks about that time he screwed the top off a missile. Wonders if he could get away with it again*

Recon: I happen to like se sveet junk, sank you. *catches Jazz's thought, does a double-take, and thinks maybe she should get back home...*

Jazz: *meep! Feeling of a big grin*

Blackout: *stares at the smaller femme for a moment, then shrugs and sets down her hose before going to the bar, where she unlocks cupboards and mixes up a big cube of that sweet and fizzy slag*

Recon: *shakes her head, getting back to the present* Vhat are you doing now?

Blackout: Pink, blue, or yellow? *looks at three mineral jars she's holding*

Recon: *grimaces and looks toward the door* Didn't you hear me? I haf a staff meeting to get to.

Blackout: So time it. *throws in the yellow and then puts away the jars. Stirs the cube and watches it fizz*

Recon: Vhat do you mean? *sits backwards in the chair with her rear claw-arms twitching*

Blackout: Set your PINpoint to bring you back to the time you left. *offers her the cube and then takes the hose and lifts it in a grave and wistful toast* Toast the old junker and what might have been with me.

Recon: *wryly* But I can't be drunk for a staff meeting... *vents sigh as the mention of Jazz tugs at her sparkstrings just enough to humor the femme she can't stand* *walks to the bar, takes the cube and toasts* You know I only met him for 5 nanocliks, yes?

Blackout: *shrugs and drinks* Jazz is Jazz, even the white ones. *slight, wistful smile* How anything can look that pretty... *surprise surprise, Recon. That's low grade. BLACKOUT KNOWS A SPARKLET DRINK*

Recon: *shakes head, but smiles into her drink...which is low grade?! Nope she's not wrong, you can't prove it!*

Blackout: And how anybody can waggle their caboose like that without dislocating something... *drinks more and snerks*

Recon: *snickers, though her snark is good-natured this time* It's easy vhen you've got a few millenia left in you.

Blackout: *deep pull at the hose, her optics darkening again* *quietly* Then there's their translation of 'No, I won't be your mate'. 'Look cuter and keep hoping'.

Recon: And if sat doesn't vork, "bombard sem vith it until sey say yes." ... *just now catches the word "mate" in there* O.o

Blackout: *sees the look and shakes her head* We weren't a pair.

Recon: But... *sets down the drink* But you haf children...

Blackout: Only Dreadnought was made from him. *looks away with a scowl that holds deep regret* We sat on the couch.

Recon: Oh! *opens mouth to say something, then thinks better of it. Later, quieter, by way of explanation* On my Cybertron you had to prove you had se means to take care of children. Usually meant money or a stable pair-bond.

Blackout: *snort* All the brats I've created were born here in the Nexus.

Recon: *snerk* You do like to break se rules, don't you?

Blackout: Rules? *frown that holds no anger, only puzzlement*

Recon: *knows it's more complicated, but she's just having friendly fun now* Come here to get your kicks, and raise a cheap army?

Blackout: ...I live in the Nexus. And that army is not cheap. *bit of pride leaks out in her voice as she mentions her army*

Recon: *knew there was some affection for her kids in there somewhere* Sey aren't vhen you don't supervise seir parties. *smiles and drinks*

Blackout: That's what Jetfire's for. *hose in mouth and drinks in silence for a moment* *lowers hose* And there are no 'kicks' involved with that couch gas.

Recon: *snerks into her drink, fizzing it more*

Blackout: *silent again, her thoughts far away as she once more draws deeply on her drinking tube*

Recon: *lets the reverent silence settle down on the empty bar. Then after a while, asks softly* Vhy didn't you?

Blackout: *cocks a quizzical optic down at her*

Recon: Mate, I mean?

Blackout: *quiet rumble and returns her gaze to the door* I wasn't sure yet that the last guy wasn't coming back.

Recon: *her turn to cock an optic* Last one a problem?

Blackout: *shrugs* Not really. He just stopped coming by one day.

Recon: *now looks dubious* And you stayed around for him?

Blackout: *sharp look* Yes.

Recon: *recoils slightly* I'm just saying, he left you.

Blackout: *quietly* That doesn't mean that I'm going to turn around and instantly throw myself into the arms of another mech. *shutters her optics very briefly, but then lifts her chin proudly as she returns her attention to the door*

Recon: Who says it vas instant?

Blackout: He hasn't been gone that long. I have to show an honourable example to his son.

Recon: I sought you said time vas veird here?

Blackout: For us he's been gone for less than two Earth years. Less than a vorn.

Recon: *contemplates this, reverence creeping into her tone as she stares into her drink* Sometimes a vorn is a long time...

Blackout: *quietly* Not too long for honour.

Recon: I guess not... *hasn't thought about honor in that way for a long, long time*

Blackout: *absent now* Requiem looks like him.

Recon: Hmm?

Blackout: Requiem is Skywarp's son. He shows the imprint of his... father's... coding and specs strongly.

Recon: *now back in the conversation* Vait... Skyvarp?! .......Why.....?

Blackout: Tall, dark, nice guns, and he was great at sparring and canyon running.

Recon: But he's so.... *grimaces, looking for a nice way to say it.... aww screw it* Stupid!

Blackout: *chuckle* Different reality. *projects a small image of the black 'Armada' style Seeker* This one was anything but stupid.

Recon: *an optic ridge raises, but again you can't prove that she's wrong*

Blackout: *just shakes her head as she remembers the shrewed look in the hunter's optics* He wasn't stupid. Pig headed. Bigoted. Proud. But not stupid. *makes the holo vanish and returns to her drink*

Recon: Vell... *trying to be nice* Now sat you need him, maybe se Nexus vill bring him to you?

Blackout: *frowns at her* Need him?

Recon: He's se next best sing to Jazz?

Blackout: *snort* No. I never 'needed' either of them.

Recon: *wry smirk* Sen vhy vere you in here drinking yourself silly?

Blackout: Silly? What's silly about drinking a mech's favorite drink in memory of him?

Recon: *the fact that his "favorite" drink is so bad will not distract her from the point, though she does roll her optics* If you vanted to preserve his memory you'd be serving sis at his party.

Blackout: *snort* This is my party. *rattles on the hose a bit, then hangs it on the tank and absently rotates one shoulder*

Recon: *smiles, shaking her helm* You vouldn't know a good party if it hit you on se aft. *the sparklet drink is wearing thin, as is her patience. Though she's not angry. Just can't think of a reason to stay*

Blackout: This is better than the one where my idiot youngest son puked on Jetfire's feet. *yes, that is humor in her voice*

Recon: *cackle* Are you kidding? Sat sounds hilarious!

Blackout: *thoughtful* Though the one where the brats strapped that other idiot down in the ant hill and filled him with honey was alright.

Recon: *sighs* Jazz had a lot of work to do.

Blackout: Jazz wasn't at that one. *looks at her and then frowns and asks again* What do you want from me?

Recon: *quietly, not looking up* I don't know.

Blackout: Is the debt canceled? Or are you going to come scream at me again?

Recon: Not unless you mess something up again. *there's a real worry of that happening, but the other femme can tell she's doing her best to be civil* *instantly knows she probably shouldn't have said that and shifts uncomfortably* Look, I appreciate vhat you did to make up for it but... I just don't change ofernight...

Blackout: *disgruntled outlet of air* *quietly* Whatever. *turns and walks out of the bar and down the steps, then looks up at the sky for a moment before transforming and flying away*

Recon: *left alone in the dark bar, watches the Decep--whatever she was leave, and thinks for a good long while before going to find her own way home*

((Written by ssjmihoshi and random_xtras.))


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