The Dream. Common areas. Christmas party! (happens on Christmas)

Jan 06, 2012 19:56

Silver: *still so proud of herself for scaring the Christmas elf even if she hadn't been allowed to pop out of her sock!*

Swindle: *would be facepalming...if he wasn't masquerading as a wrapped present*

yOp: *grilling gummi steaks!*

furryOp: *grilling the meat steaks!*

Zoe: *distracted from setting out food by the pile of cute that is Riotkitty, her little cousin Velvetkitty, Dark's little Swindle kitten, and Terrorwing*

dkSwindle: *her pileup!*

Zoe: Ohhhhhhhhh! *grabby hands but trying to restrain herself* *sooooo much fluff!*

dkSwindle: *purr!*

Zoe: *looks around, and then laughs softly as she sees crLockdown come out of the common building* Did you just now wake up?

crLocky: Um, yeah, I.... *sees Swindle presents* ....The slag???

Zoe: Blitzwing's gifts for the femmes. *chuckle*

crLocky: *quick check to see if HIS is out there... which he's not*

Zoe: *sees the glance* Still in the med bay. *scoops up cute floofs and cuddles*

Moonstruck: *here she comes to get in on that!*

crLocky: Yeah... guess he still would be

Zoe: *reassuringly* It takes them awhile, but they bounce back. *glances over to where Emerald is sitting beside her two Swindles*

lostSwindle: *snuggling Emerald*

wSwindle: *...took a picture!*

Zoe: *quietly, as she watches the dragon babies try to beat the stuffing out of each other* Some may take a little longer, but I think yours will be alright.

crLocky: *nods lightly* I hope so... he.. didn't ask for his share of the bounty...

Zoe: *soft snerk* They're not all as attached to profit as they'd have you believe. Hmm? No. I'm not giving you shinies for the right to snuggle you, Swindle. I'm already giving you a snuggle.

dkSwindle: *roll cute little eyes*

crLocky: *just nods*

Terrorwing: *will give you a nom, dkSwindle! Just give him a paw or an ear and he'll nom it for you*

dkSwindle: o.o Mewl!

Blitzkittens: * Hear distress of sister! Come to... join snugglepile!*

Terrorwing: *LOVES this! Nom on your paw, Spark?*

Spark: Hehehehe!

Terrorwing: *megapurrrr*

Moonstruck: *laughs and hugs Velvetkitty* Love love love. *sweet grin for crLockdown*

crLockdown: Do other Blitzwings have the... more then one face deal?

Zoe: *looks up from bitties* Yes, most of the ones of our tech that I've met or heard of. But I do know two or three who don't. And one who doesn't remember them. *looks around for the poor feral Blitz, thinking that he could use a bit of loving on too*

ferBlitz: *has face in food!*

Zoe: D'awww. Blitzwing, do you have enough?

ferBlitz: Rrrr? ^^

crLocky: *blink*

Zoe: *wiggles fingers of free hand at ferBlitz*

ferBlitz: Rrrrr *comes over. Nuzzle*

crLockdown: ...What... happened?

Zoe: *gently strokes ferBlitz's head and then snuzzles him* *quietly* //Megatron happened. An unfriendly one.//

crLockdown: //More unfriendly then usual?//

Zoe: //I say that because we know a couple of friendlies, though one's of a different tech and goes by Galvatron Prime now.//

crLockdown: Huh... hey... *has hand nuzzled by fer Blitz*

Zoe: He's feral. But as long as he's got enough food he's happy. *turns her head and snerks softly* Shy, you're just in time to work!

zShy: I thought this was a holiday.

zSwindle: *sees wrapped Swindles* ...I wanna play!

Zoe: Do you think tables and chairs set up all by themselves? *chuckles* But, hey, guys. Don't forget to tell Blitzwing hi. *scritches ferBlitz*

crLockdown: *scritches too*

zShy: Okay, okay *snerk and wink*

Zoe: Oh yeah, and I should introduce you to these guys too. You know Spark, Frost, and Flame. And this is their baby sister Swindle. You know Moonstruck. And this is Riot and Velvet. And this is...

Terrorwing: MOW!!

crLockdown: Mow?

Zoe: No, he's...

Terrorwing: ROWER! *massive yawn* *no teefs*

crLocky: ...Tired ^^

Zoe: *laughing now* He's Sunhalo and the furry Blitzwing's son, Terrorwing.

crLockdown: Ohhh, right. ^^

Zoe: *offers the little 'terror' to zShy and zSwindle so that they can say hi before they go to do other stuff*

zSwindle: So cute!

Zoe: Isn't he? *chuckles* You should see him argue with his wings. And that purring? Isn't Blitzwing.

ferBlitz: *can rumble too, though!*

Terrorwing: *paws at his ear and purrs loudly, then asks to go see ferBlitz. Reaaach!*

Zoe: Optimus will probably give you snacks for helping, Shy. *looks over at the grill* ...Wow, they came while I wasn't looking. One of the Optimuses will probably give you snacks for helping.

crLockdown: Optimuses?

zShy: Very well.... *goes to help*

zSwindle: *holds Terrorwing up to ferBlitz*

ferBlitz: ....Rrrrow?

Terrorwing: *love love PURR PURRR! Loves Uncas!*

ferBlitz: .....PURRRR

Zoe: Yup. And I think we've acquired a new one, too. Oh wait, no. That's just Optimus Magna.

crLockdown: Magna?

Zoe: Yup. She's commander of the Autobot military for her reality.

fRatchet: *comes ambling over, aged Ratchet with bull horns* So which one of those fuzzballs is Blitzwing's?

crLockdown: *recognizes the horned bot... well, kinda*

ferBlitz: Rrrrr??

fRatchet: Rrrr? *cracks a soothing grin* What's that supposed to mean? *digs in his storage space for something, and doesn't even blink at presence of a Lockdown*

crLockdown: *Thinks it best to keep quiet*

ferBlitz: ..... *nuzzle fRatchet!*

fRatchet: *squints one optic shut and chuckles. Then gives a soft sound of satisfaction as he pulls out a handful of copper ore* You wanna eat some of this?

Terrorwing and Moonstruck: *they sure do!*

ferBlitz: *sniff!* o.o

Zoe: *takes a piece for each sparklet and bitty in her arms, then gives one to Terrorwing. Once she thinks ferBlitz has seen what to do with that good smelling stuff, she offers him a piece*

Moonstruck: *not going to sell you her copper, itty bitty kitty Swindle!*

dkSwindle: *had to try!*

ferBlitz: *gingerly takes it in a hand* Rrr?

fRatchet: *grins encouragingly* Yeah, that's right. Go ahead and eat it.

ferBlitz: *nibblenom!*

fRatchet: *chuckles and then offers the handful of ore to crLockdown* You're not the usual guy, are you?

Zoe: We have more than one usual guy, now.

crLockdown: No, I'm not. Just arrived yestercycle.

fRatchet: So what triggered the move? And are you gonna take some of this?

crLockdown: *takes some* I... *sigh*

fRatchet: Don't worry. I don't wanna know. *goes cross eyed as Silver suddenly appears fuzzing in front of his face and poking a dandelion flower at his mouth* Thank you. *eats it*

crLockdown: *nibble* ...This is pretty good,

fRatchet: It should be. I stayed up all night getting it ready. *now has a giggle, chirp, and chatter monster tucked into the crook of one arm*

crLockdown: Thank you... hey. *offers another to the nuzzling ferBlitz*

Zoe: *gives ferBlitz a kiss on the cheek, then gently sets the babies back down* I better get back to work. I feel guilty for giving Shy chores while I'm sluffing off.

fRatchet: Sluff off? You? I'll believe it when I see it.

ferBlitz: *nuzzle bitties!*

crLockdown: ...I feel I should... help too

Zoe: *grins* If you want to. There are a lot of chairs.

crLockdown: *nods, and goes to help zShy*

Terrorwing: *would like to go to other bitties now. Must snuggle!* Mow!

ferBlitz: Row! ^^

Terrorwing: *oh that's great!* Row!

ferBlitz: Rrrrrssspurrrpurrrpurrr

Terrorwing: PURRR!

Moonstruck: ^_^ *bittypurrr*

Silver: *flies down and joins heap* *more bittypurr!*

Blitzkittens: *purrr*

dkSwindle: ... *tries to sell her purr. ...Oops, too late, purring anyway*

Silver: *looks up at ferBlitz lovingly* -Unca snuggie us? Nap pile? Love love?-

ferBlitz: Rrrrsssl? *purrpurr*

Silver: Yee. *giggle* *shows him pictures of him laying down and being bittybed*

ferBlitz: ...Rrrr! Ssssrrr!

Silver: *looks at him and listens hard to see what he's saying*

fRatchet: *watching as he absently eats grass blades from the handful he pulled up*

ferBlitz: *will snugglepile!*

Silver and Moonstruck: *love love! Bittypurrr*

Terrorwing: *love love! BEEEGA PURRR*

ferBlitz: *purrrrpurrrrrrpurrrrrrrrrrrrr*

fRatchet: *chuckles and then transforms to graze near the pile of happy snugglers*

bittyLug and bittyStryka: *running toward that pile just as fast as stubby legs can go!*

Rache: *heading over as well. Has Walrus sitting on her head*

littleColumba: *on Rache back!*

ferBlitz: *izzabed!*

Starhunter: *beetle beetle beetle. Add self to heap*

dkSwindle: *selling spots!*

Nanny's twins: *will give her dandelions for spots!*

dkSwindle: *Hah! Has flowers now! Hugs them*

twins: ^_^ *snuggle ferBlitz and settle down for nap*

ferBlitz: *purrrpurrrpurrr*

Blitzwing: *comes over* *leaves some snacks for when the pile wakes up. Mostly for ferBlitz, since he might get hungry and accidentally dump bitties without meaning to*

lSwindle: *running across the grass with lBlitz. Has Ruse, Cloe, and tiny bot* Can we lay here too?

dkSwindle: *holds out paw. Payment!*

Blitzspark: Swindle, behave!

Blitzfrost and Flame: *amused snerk at that*

lBlitz: *sees the flowers in dkSwindle's grasp, and grabs a handful of grass to offer her, not realizing the difference*

dkSwindle: *frown at grass.... but takes anyway. May be tradeable!*

fRatchet: *sidles over and offers her a piece of copper for her grass*

dkSwindle: o.o! ^.^ *takes offer!*

fRatchet: *chuckles and eats the grass, then goes back to grazing*

dkSwindle: *hugs her copper*

cpvBlitz: *is arguing with her Stryka over how placemats go on a table. Is not afraid one bit of that femme so much bigger than her*

Locket: *comes over to see what's going on, nodding to crLockdown on the way* *adds her two cents worth to the discussion*

cpvBlitz: *shoots into the air and bangs the larger femmes' heads together!*

zShy and crLockdown: *look at each other. Decide to... place more chairs. Over there.*

tkLugnut: *carrying over more chairs and grumbling under his 'breath' about females*

tkDeepdancer: *following you, Dad. Just keep digging that hole*

crLockdown: *staying silent*

zShy: *facepalming at Blitzwing announcing he has a present for him, and he'll put his Swindle with the others!*

tkLugnut: *rumbles a chuckle and stops to look at the pile* Is ours there?

Blitzwing: Yah!

tkSwindle: Right here!

tkLugnut: *shakes his head and chuckles again, then heads for the tables*

fLugnut: *appears with family. Massive furry dude here!*

crLockdown: *getting used to seeing so many furry peeps.*

Ursa Major: *ambles over in bear form to sniff the new guy*

fStryka: *goes over to help wallop on her alternate*

crLockdown: Uh... hello

Ursa Major: Hi. You're new.

crLockdown: Yes, I am... here, at least.

Ursa Major: I'm Ursa. Is Starscream here? The guy with feathers?

crLockdown: I've not seen him. Him, right?

Ursa Major: Yup. He's a boy. Well. A dad. He delivers pizza.

crLockdown: *and he's heard triplet Blitzwings like pizza* Does a Blitzwing or two follow him? *Yes, asked in all seriousness*

Ursa Major: Uh. Our Blitzwing lives here. *sits down and absently scratches his ear with his back foot, then sniffs the foot*

crLockdown: Okay.

fScream: *just got snuck up on over there* AHHH! *featherpoof*

Disturbia: *laughs so hard she falls over*

crLockdown: *looks over* ...Starscream?

fScream: *frazzled but not angry look* Yes?

crLockdown: ...Someone was just asking for you.

fScream: *blinks, and then sees the bear* Ursa. The organic snacks are over here. Where's your sister?

Ursa Major: *heads that way* At home in bed. she emptied the pantry last night.

crLockdown: *grins at that*

fScream: *facepalm* Oh, Deepdancer. You always have to march to your own drum.

Optimus: Everything's nearly ready, and I got the short straw, so if everybody wants to bow their heads? And even if you don't... *pokes self* Elita, cut it out.

crLockdown: *confused about the bowing of heads, but since everyone else is doing so, follows*

Optimus: Greatest Creator, Lord Jesus, thank You for bringing us all here safely today... *ducks slightly as Seekers go over* And thank You for all this good fuel and food. Please bless it, and bless us, and this day. In Your name, amen.

lotsa bots: Amen. *GRIN that happy grin that seems to always follow the prayer at social meals*

crLockdown: *blinks*

tkLugnut: *heading from infirmary, speaking with gruff gentleness to crSwindle as he carries the bot over to that reclining chair. Is describing the fuel he's already seen, and the pretty femmes to look at*

crSwindle: *small chuckle*

crLockdown: *was just thinking of his Swindle!*

Optimuses: *are acting as waiters. Putting a HUGE gummi ham steak on all the plates belonging to somebody with the usual fuel systems*

fOp and fScream: *putting dinoham steak on the plates of the techno-organics*

Blitzwing: *putting Swindles in their places! ...And unwrapping arms so they can eat*

tkLugnut: *watches this after setting crSwindle down* Ah, so the gifts come after the meal. Alright. *grins at crLockdown as he turns toward where his family is sitting*

Blitzwing: *grin*

crLockdown: *smiles back*

yBlitz and family: *arrive* Oh, are we late?

yOp: *looks over and chuckles* Nope. The first helpings are just being served.

yFamily: *looking for spots to sit*

Phantasm: *is... kinda distracted. First time here!*

tkDeepdancer: *sidles over and looks at Phantasm*

Phantasm: ... *shy grin*

mgvStarscream: I still think this was a mistake. *walking toward the yFamily without watching where he's going*

yStarscream: As much as we've discovered, I still can't get over seeing so many different alternates... *looking st Swindles*

mgvStarscream: *pauses and looks over at alternate without feathers* *blinks*

yStarscream: *sees mgvScream at the same time* *blinks*

mgvStarscream: *uncertainly* Are you the PITAScream?

Stormfire: *heard that. Snort!*

yStarscream: No. *glance at yBlitz, who also snorted* ...I'm The Supreme Annoyance. Just ask him. *thumb point to yBlitz*

mgvBlitz: Brother! *glomps yBlitz*

yBlitz: *glomps back* Been too long!

mgvStarscream: *face. Palm*

yScream: ...Blitzwings. *soft snerk*

mgvBlitz: I was told that I had to come and bring my mate. But my boys didn't want to come. *going to lead brother over to sit*

yScream: You have creations?

yBlitz: *has yShadowwraithe and Fulminaire join him. Frostshade is with ySwindle and Phantasm*

mgvScream: And I was told that I wasn't allowed to leave one single one of my creations at home. *deep sigh*

yBlitz: *talking, then BLINKS... and looks at mgvScream again*

mgvScream: *to yScream* Blitzwing's only got two sons. I have a daughter and ten clones.

yScream: And I don't have any... and ten?

mgvScream: *as a wing of Seekers screams over* Ten.

yScream: *glances up* Primus.

mgvScream: No. It's not him. But he's probably laughing.

yBlitz: *heard that. will laugh now, even if he's still kinda o.O at you, mgvScream*

Cloudtrader: *scoots over to hug the new Starscream!* Hi!

mgvCloudtrader: *wait wait! A little guy that's his colour! Lands and runs over!*

yScream: *amused as a Starscream can be*

Cloudtrader: I'm Cloudtrader!

mgvCloudtrader: So am I. Wait. *worry* You're the little me that's dead?

Cloudtrader: Yup! ^_^

mgvCloudtrader: *cry*

Skywarp: .... *sees* ...Meep! Crying is scary! *goes to hug and make the crying go away*

mgvCloudtrader: *hugs back, but then pauses and lifts his head* ...'Warp?

mgvStarscream: *settling down to watch the show*

Skywarp: Yes? *kinda scared, but not that much*

mgvCloudtrader: *tilts head and studies him* ...You're different from my brother.

Skywarp: ...Is he scary?

mgvCloudtrader: No. None of my brothers and sisters is scary. *innocent faith in siblings*

Cloudtrader: ^_^ Nobody's scary.

Skywarp: Well... maaybe.... here... But Blitzwing is scary when he's mad! Don't make Blitzwing mad!

Cloudtraders: *look at him and then hug*

mgvCloudtrader: Only Sentinel's scary. He killed my dad once.

Skywarp: Ohhh, yes, our Sentinel used to be really scary! Now he's a not so scary.

bittySentinel: *scoots past, food in each hand* :D

mgvCloudtrader: 0_0

Skywarp: Seee? Not so scary!

mgvCloudtrader: He's bitty! I want to hug him! *chase a chibi!*

Cloudtrader: *laughs and chases too!*

Skywarp: ...^^

mgvScream: *sighs as something explodes into fireworks overhead* That is my Skywarp.

Skywarp: O.O *hide behind mgvScream!* ...Sounds scary,

mgvScream: *looks up and considers, then shakes his head* Only if you're an Autobot.

Skywarp: ...Oh. No, I'm not. Bubby is, though! And that Blitzwing, and his mate and creations! *point to yBlitz*

mgvScream: I should have worded that more clearly. Only if you're an Autobot from my reality.

Skywarp: Ohhhh.

mgvThundercracker: *comes moping over after his siblings have landed* I'm such an idiot. I knocked Slipstream out of the air. So stupid.

mgvRamjet: She ran into you.

Skywarp: ... *blink* ...

mgvRamjet: It wasn't your fault that the only way she knows how to land yet is to forget what she's doing and crash into someone. She didn't get hurt.

mgvTC: *wibble*

mgvScream: *sighs and goes to hug his TC*

Skywarp: ....Scary. ...Erm, hi!... *scootscoot... hug*

mgvScream: *to yScream and yBlitz* This is our Thundercracker. *compassion in his expression for this sadsack of a youngster*

yBlitz: He seems quite different from the local one here.

mgvScream: So I'm told. *looks over* Brace yourselves.

ypeeps: *do*

Skywarp: *hide a little*

mgvSkywarp and Bob: *break on them like a joyful, noisy tidal wave* Hey, are we going to eat? This is great! We can fly wherever we want! Hey, it's another Dad!

yBlitz: Yah, this is your Uncle Annoyance! AHAHAHAH!

yScream: *face. Palm.*

mgvSkywarp: Really? You're annoying? So am I. XD So's he.

mgvBob: I am not. You can't believe everything George and Sunstorm say. Dad says so.

mgvScream: Yes, I did say that. And sometimes I regret it.

yScream: I'm not that annoying, though I used to be in my youth.

yBlitz: He's calmed down quite a bit over the last hundred vorns or so.

mgvSkywarp: Well, we get it from Dad. We're all aspects of his personality. *turns head* FOOD! *gone*

mgvBob: Wait for me! *zoom!*

yScream: *raise optic ridge*

mgvScream: *sheepishly* I'm told that's my pigheaded courage.

yScream: *chuckles* Can't say I've ever had that... well... perhaps nowhere near to that extreme...

Skywarp: ...If you're anything like our Starscream, it was probably... overshadowed by... scary stuff. I mean.... it couldn't have been all ego, right?

yBlitz: *cracking up now*

mgvScream: *blushing much*

yScream: True....

yBlitz: But it was mostly ego!

yScream: *sigh*

mgvScream: *hugs his TC* Yes. Ego can be quite a downer at times.

mgvSunstorm: *comes trotting over, leading her sister by the hand*

mgvSunhalo: *has Slipstream's other hand. Is going to make darn sure sister gets to Dad without falling over or getting lost!*

TC: *flies in* I have arrived, the party can now officially start! *preen*

Sunstorm: Oh, and what a wonderful and superb party it is!

mgvSunstorm: *frowns at TC* It's already started, afthat.

TC: But it wasn't official.

mgvSunstorm: Yes it was. They prayed. That big furry kid said so.

Sunstorm: I bet it was a wonderful prayer, worthy of the great and glorious Greater Creator!

mgvSunstorm: *shifts her attention* You're going to make me puke.

mgvTC: *wibble* This is my fault.

Sunstorm: And I bet your puke would be wonderful!

TC: *rolls optics, and smirks*

mgvScream: *softly, as he watches TC* My word. Swindle wasn't exaggerating at all.

TC: *then goes over to mgvTC* So, what did everyone do to deserve two of the best Seekers at this party, eh? *grin*

mgvTC: *blinks and looks up at his alternate, then looks around* Two of the best? Do you mean Dad and his alternate?

TC: I was talking about us, but yes, they are pretty close. They don't quite reach our level of awesomeness, though.

mgvTC: *sad droop* There's nothing awesome about me. I'm an utter failure.

TC: *stops for a moment at that. You did NOT see him wibble. Even if it was the best wibble you didn't see.*

mgvTC: *deep sigh* I guess... I guess I better eat something. *as he turns toward the table where his siblings are sitting* Though I don't deserve it.

TC: *stops him* ...Are you still online?

mgvTC: *blink blink. Poke self* Yes.

TC: Then you are not an utter failure. *serious, then smirks his smirk* Now come on, lets make sure we get the best steaks!

Ramjet: I've already got it!

mgvRamjet: No. I saved this one for Mom. You ... Right. Liar.

Ramjet: I don't lie, I never lie, I always tell the truth!

Lazerwave: Ramjet, behave, and yes you were. Sunstorm, stop saying how wonderful the food is and just EAT it. Skywarp... come on... and has anyone seen Dirge?

mgvDirge: Yes? Oh, would you like this steak? It's not mine. :D

mgvThrust: You can have some of mine too!

Lazerwave: No, but thanks anyway. *frowns a bit as she sits*

furrySwindle: *is sooo over there to sit with her!*

Ramjet: I'm NOT hungry, and I'm not eating this horrible slop they call fuel! *then NOM his steak!*

mgvScream: *meanwhile, is staring after the other TC with his mouth hanging open as he absently hugs Slipstream*

yScream: *looks over* Something wrong?

mgvScream: *shakes self* I... it's hard to believe someone can be that full of themself. *pat pats daughter* Slipstream, did you fall asleep?

mgvSlipstream: Eeeek? What? *totally did*

yScream: Blitzwing, the one that lives here, said he used to be much worse.

mgvScream: My word. *shakes head* Well. Shall we eat? Would you care to sit next to my... *glances over* ...Herd.

yScream: I'd be delighted.

chBlitz: *is soooo not singing 'Send in the Clones', oh noooo*

mgvScream: After you? *smiles at his alternate, pretending that he doesn't hear Blitzsinging*

yScream: *nods lightly*

Zoe: *watches them settle near fScream and the local white, red, and blue Scream, then pokes another piece of steak at her mate's mouth* Having fun yet?

Swindle: Mmphmmm *nom* Yes, I am.

Zoe: ^_^ I'm glad. *looks at plate* Do you want a second steak?

Swindle: Well... I am hungry after last night...

Zoe: *snuzzles him and feeds him the last of his blitzbread and botter* Don't forget we've got dessert coming. *waves hand for a waitbot to bring another steak*

Optimus Magna: *here she comes, laughing at something one of her alts said*

Swindle: I... feel hungry enough to eat that too ^^;

Zoe: *laughs and asks for a really big steak!*

Swindle: *blush at that... but yes, he probably COULD eat that. He'd been busy playing Santa Claws*

Half hour later

yOp: *has brought out the huge white blitzcake sheet cake. Also the massive tubs of botscream and creme! And the strawbaby sauce! And the choccy sauce!* Who wants dessert?

Blitzwing: Mememememeememee! *switch* Do we have to SHARE? *switch* We'd like some*

TC: *is getting up now*

mgvSeekers: *most are enthusiastically cheering*

Ursa Major: We can't eat that, right?

furrySwindle: *peeks over* Nooo, but I'm sure they've got something for us as well...

TC: *is telling yOp that since he's the best person here, he should have the honor of serving the best part of the meal*

yOp: Sorry, TC. That job's already filled. You guys get to sit down through this one.

fScream: *has gotten up to go help furryOp with the angel cake and the good things to put on it. So surprised and pleased* Organic glitter! There is edible organic glitter!

mgvRamjet: I guess lots of Starscreams have some Slipstream and some Cloudtrader in them.

TC: Very well, but be sure to remember to save the best for last! *smirk*

yScream: o.O... *rolls optics and snerk*

mgvTC: *mournfully* The best isn't always last. I was finished last.

dessert: *starts being passed out!*

TC: Oh, that just confirms how great you are! ...Though truth be told, I wasn't finished last in my group. Skywarp was.

mgvTC: I'm told Skywarp decided to put his own head on.

TC: *laughs* The thought of that would scare my Skywarp to pieces. Or it would have once.

mgvSkywarp: *partially overhears that* My head? Okay! *pops it off and offers it*

mgvTC: *wince*

Skywarp: AHHHHHH! SCARY! *gaspgasp* ....I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay.

Sunstorm: That was awesome!

Ramjet: ...No it wasn't

mgvGeorge: *face palm* Skywarp, you are such a fraggin' idiot.

Skywarp: ... *thinks of this* ...Are idiots scary?

TC: Think of our Starscream...

Skywarp: ...Meep, yes they are!

mgvCloudtrader: *gentle and encouraging one armed hug for Skywarp, and then a grin as mgvDirge reaches over*

mgvDirge: Look, Skywarp, cake! *offers plate*

mgvThrust: *big happy grin*

Skywarp: Scary cake *takes*

TC: Scary that it's so good. Does it have a picture of me through it? *smiiiiirk*

Lazerwave: *facepalm at TC* Now you're just being silly.

TC: I'm the best at being silly.

mgvThrust: *looks at the cake* I only see brown flecks. *tastes one*

TC: It's still a good cake.

Optimus: You guys want strawbaby?

mgvSeekers: Yes!

Seekers: *agree. Even Ramjet. ...He must want choccy*

Optimus: And choccy?

mgvSeekers: Yes!

Ramjet: Oh, ick, no

Optimus: Creme?

mgvSeekers: *want that too, yes*

Ramjet: *Do NOT Want!*

Optimus: Botscream.

mgvSeekers: *yes, most of them do* *the others that don't, want some anyway*

Ramjet: *knows nothing of Botscream*

Optimus: Glitter?

mgvSeekers: *oh yes!*

Optimus: *starts fixing dessert plates and passing them out along the table!*

Seekers: *taking and passing*

yOp: *accidentally handed Ramjet one with the works. Got a bit distracted by all those 'the works' orders from the mgvSeekers*

Ramjet: This is all mine! *passes it down*

mgvRamjet: I already have one, and so do all these guys. *frowns at him*

Ramjet: No you don't...

yOp: Whoops. Just pass that one to the bot on this side of you, Ramjet.

Ramjet: No way! *does so*

mgvSkywarp: Optimus was looking at a GIRL.

yOp: Actually, I was. *nods to where Silver's flying around with a glow stick*

Ramjet: That's not a girl!

mgvRamjet: *donks him on the head with a fist*

Ramjet: Do that again!

mgvRamjet: *EVIL grin* *DONK*

Ramjet: ...That didn't hurt.

Lazerwave: *giving mgvRamjet a LOOK*

mgvRamjet: *blushes and apologizes to her*

mgvSlipstream: *peeks at Lazerwave*

Lazerwave: *just nods, then smiles at the Swindly-looking fox in her lap*

mgvBob: *sniffs his wonderful dessert... and then sneezes and blows whipped creme everywhere*

Cloudtrader: 8O *LAUGH*

mgvCloudtrader: *wearing the creme and laughing too*

Skywarp: *hides, a little*

furryOp: Does anyone need a new organic dessert? *worried that inorganic dessert might have gotten into them*

fLug: *checks his family* We're good, Optimus.

furrySwindle: *sniffing at his* I think mine's okay.

chBlitz: I got some in ours, but we can eat both.

fRatchet: *is over at the other table, elbow on table as he gabs with his alternates*

mgvScream: *glances over and blinks* That's a little frightening.

Skywarp: Oh yes, and so is his secret weapon! Very scary!... *nom cake*

mgvScream: ...Secret weapon?

TC: ...Methane Emitter.

mgvScream: *blink. Blink* I don't get it.

Skywarp: ....Probably for the best.

Cloudtrader: He's talking about farts.

mgvBob: ...Farts? *so curious!*

TC: Organic backfiring.

mgvSeekers: *most of them* Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! *laugh*

mgvScream: *facepalms at his kids*

TC: ...Very true. ... *nom cake now*

mgvThrust: *looks around* I don't see any other me here.

Sunstorm: They were too wonderful to even be brought online in our reality. Then again, so was Dirge, he came from a different one!

Columba: *looks around* Speaking of Dirge, he's being awfully quiet.

Lazerwave: He is... Dirge?

yOp: *listens, and then snerks* Someone's been making moonshine.

Lazerwave: *facepalm*

yOp: *calls over to the Ratchet that helps out here sometimes* Do you know anything about moonshine, Ratchet?

Ratchet: Not really, no

yOp: Alright, then Dirge is probably only dreaming about Ratchet because he figures he and Mixer are going to wake up with headaches.

Ratchet: *facepalm*

mgvScream: ...Mixer?

Ramjet: She's Sooooo not Dirge's mate, not in the slightest!

mgvScream: *quirks a brow ridge* That's an interesting name.

Sunstorm: She's the most wonderful mixer in the place!

Ramjet: And Optimus totally brought her to life.

yOp: No. Someone playing with Nightwish's spark brought her to life. *remembers who he's talking to* Err... *chuckles at himself for being derpy*

Ramjet: It wasn't Wheeljack at all, either.

mgvScream: *looks a bit urky* ...Playing with a spark?

mgvMoonshadow: *pat pats him, her small pretty face concerned*

Swindle: *hears this* Nightwish's spark is... immortal. Her shell had suffered irreparable damage, and we kept her spark here while we searched for the materials to remake it.

Cyclonus: *looks over from where he's been patiently being spattered with some of bittySentinel's dessert* So that's why she says such strange things the few times I've caught her sleeping.

Nightwish: *knows not what you're saying, mate!*

kittyWish: *snerk*

Blitzwing: Nightwish sleeps?

Cyclonus: I've seen her do it twice.

Nightwish: I was bored.

Blitzwing: Ohhhhhh, makes sense then!

kittyWish: Shut off everything but the subconscious. *slight grin* But watching Hothead sleep is more fun.

HotheadKitty: *BLUSH as Randomkitty laughs and Icykitty snerks*

mLocky: *looks over from offering her wolfy alt a beer*

Lockwolf: *has big beer?*

mLocky: *nah, she'll pour it in a glass if he wants some*

Nightwish: *grave interest* What does he say?

kittyWish: What doesn't he say?

Hotheadkitty: *blush more, hide now*

Lockwolf: *will take a glass, thanks*

mLocky: *serves it up. She's the bartender*

Optimuses: *finish serving dessert and go to put the rest on the bar and have some theirselves*

peeps: *eating dessert*

Zoe: *watches as the party starts to wind down to visiting and dessert and the bar* What do you think, Swindle?

Swindle: ...I think the parties get bigger every year.

Zoe: *laughs!* Hey, they're just a few family and friends. *so amused*

Swindle: *snerks*

Zoe: Think we can get away with taking a nap in the hammock?

Swindle: I think we can.

Zoe: *wishes themselves and little sleeping Cloe and Farsight over there. Wishes Blizzard there too so he doesn't lose his boy*

Swindle: *grants wish*

Zoe: *cuddles and watches the guests a bit more, then settles down to hug her mate, feel cold kitty on feet, and have a contented nap*

Swindle: *snuggles, and joins in on the nap*

((Co-written with swindle_blitz))
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