Recon's Verse. The Perez Residence. Cats Cure Everything.

Jun 01, 2011 18:29

((A little mini log full of cuteness, for your reading pleasure. ^_^))

Mrs. Perez: *fretting in Spanish*[Go to sleep, Mija! You look exhausted!]

Maria: [Yeah, Mama, I will.]

Mrs. Perez: [And go take care of that cat, it's been so sad this whole time...]

Maria: [Yes Mama.] *trudge into room, shut door, collapse on bed*

kitten: *looks up from where she was checking the corner for mouses, then walks over to the bed and sits to watch the girl and see if she needs a kitty*

Maria: *long drawn-out groan into her pillow*

kitten: *polite little mew*

Maria: *doesn't move, but lets out a small acknowledging grunt*

kitten: *not too sure what to do now. Perks and goes to get that tennis ball that she saw. Plays ball!*

Maria: *hangs an arm over the side of the bed, waves her fingers around a little*

kitten: *bounces the ball off the fingers! Friend wanna play? Will playing make friend happy?*

Maria: *wasn't expecting a ball. She perks and manages to move up onto her side to look down* What're you doing, cat?

kitten: *in a pounce pose, fluffy tail twitching at the end. So ready to get the ball if you toss or roll it!*

Maria: *tired smirk, nudges the ball across the floor*

kitten: *attacks! And then herds the ball back to Maria's hand before dashing away and waiting again*

Maria: *chuckles* I thought only dogs fetched? *grunts again as she pushes herself into a better position, then throws the ball with a bit more gusto this time*

kitten: *skid skid zoom! So floof as she goes after the bouncy toy and boxes its ears but good. In the course of her attack it rolls back toward Maria, and once more she waits, eyes big and tail twitching*

Maria: *bats it in a different direction this time*

kitten: *zoom, slip, sliiiiide across the floor and then use all four feet to hold the ball as she bites it*

Maria: *laughs at the kitty's intensity*

kitten: *perks and looks over at the laugh, then wriggles all over and once more chases the ball to the girl*

Maria: *holds the ball for a moment* You know, I haven't given you a name yet... *chucks it in the hamper full of soft clothes and towels*

kitten: *getting surer on the slick floor, soon vanishes into the hamper, which shakes slightly as she hunts her quarry*

Maria: *lays back down* I don't even know your gender... *ponders*

kitten: *watches the ball fall out of the hamper, ears perked and cute little non-squished Persian type face in profile as she tracks its rolling*

Maria: *watches the hunt from her bed* Francis is the patron saint of animals... Francis isn't a cat name... *frown*

kitten: *ball didn't go where it should. Zoomskitwhap wee!*

Maria: *chuckle*

kitten: *oops. Ball's under the bed now. Follows, tail arched and floofed*

Mrs. Perez: [What's going on up there? Keep it down!]

Maria: [Yes, Mama!]

kitten: *quizzical little mew? And yes, she actually does say mew*

Maria: *laughs* You're too loud, cat.

kitten: *peeks at the friend, pushing her head out from a narrow space between two boxes*

Maria: Come here. *pats bed*

kitten: *comes out and sits down by bed, looking up at her alertly*

Maria: Up here... *pats top of bed again*

kitten: *rolls on her back and bellymoons!*

Maria: *snerk* Well, I guess I can look between your legs from here... *frowns upon discovering it, like the rest of the cat, is a mass of fur. Gender unreadable*

kitten: *doing the cute. And purring*

Maria: *rolls her eyes. Reaches out and rubs the belleh*

kitten: *hugs hand and licks it gently as she purrs louder*

Maria: Hey... *small giggle, not used to rough tongues*

kitten: *looks up alertly* Mew?

Maria: *absently* What name would you like, cat?

kitten: *just cuddles her hand and rubs a cheek on it*

Maria: *will scratch the chin* I wonder if we have to get you fixed...

kitten: *love love love sing sing love*

Maria: You like that?

kitten: *cuddle hand, happy face*

Maria: *groans and whaps her face on the mattress again* Those @#$%* government pigs... *but is still scratching*

kitten: *still purring, but the hand washing has stopped. If Maria looks she'll see that the young cat has fallen asleep*

Jazz: *just called Maria's phone*

Maria: *scratch scratch* They come here and I'll- *jumps at the ring, then grumbles again sleepily* No calls! Need to sleep! *rummage rummage. Grab purse. Throw across room. Whap face on mattress. Again*

kitten: *wakes up and goes to check out the ring ring!*

Maria: *groans and pulls a pillow over her head* Go away!

kitten: *pat patted the ring ring*

Jazz's voice: //Hey, Maria? I'm really sorry ta bug ya, but there was this lil' grey kitty 'n I think I remember hearin' you wound up with 'er, but I dunno if that was just a dream 'n it's keepin' me awake.// *sad and apologetic tone to the deep voice*

kitten: *trying to figure out how a people got in the purse*

Maria: *grunts in confusion. Can't exactly hear under the pillow, so lifts it up cautiously*

Jazz: *sounds confused now himself* //Maria? This yer voice mail? Uh...//

Maria: *picks out the distinct robot-y tone and stomps over in rage* You're calling my house now?!

Mrs. Perez: [Maria! Your father is trying to sleep!]

Maria: *tone switches from angry to apologetic* [Sorry, Mama!] *snatches up phone*

Jazz: *quiet and apologetic* //I'll leave ya alone. I just need ta know if you got a grey kitty there somewhere.//

Maria: *her voice is quieter now but still contains a hint of frustration* YES, I do. So?

Jazz: *very quiet* //Thank the Lord Almighty. She doin' alright? Not causin' any trouble?//

Maria: No. *looks at said cat cautiously* Is she a robot or something? Am I gonna have to hide her from my parents like some dumb kids' movie?

Jazz: *softly and wearily, as though he's crashing now that he's managed to ease his mind* //She's just a lil' kitty I found playin' in traffic.//

kitten: *loving the purse*

Maria: *tone softening* Hey, are you o- .... *eyes widen as she starts to whisper* Jazz, is that you?!

Jazz: *quietly* //Yup. S'me.//

Maria: What're you doing up? You should be resting! *pinches the bridge of her nose*

Jazz: //Layin' down. Ben layin' down all day. But that @$#@#$#@head Galloway got me so tied up in knots I was havin' nightmares I lost the kitty.//

Maria: *heard the name while she was on-base, but still doesn't know who he is. Other than he's an %^#* I... didn't know robots had nightmares...

Jazz: *sounds so tired now* //Yeah we do. 'Hide's make 'im cry.//

Maria: You... You should go to sleep now. Don't worry about the cat... *all trace of anger is gone from her voice now*

Jazz: //Yes'm.// *muffled rumble of what can only be a yawn* //Sorry...//

Maria: *half a chuckle* Hang up now...

Jazz: //Tryin'...// *short pause full of muttering, and then a click*

Maria: *sighs wearily and stares through the phone* Those guys are so weird...

kitten: *happy singing to herself where she's wriggled into Maria's purse*

Maria: *scoffs and shakes her head at the kitten, then goes to put on pajamas and crawl into bed*

kitten: *will come and lay on the floor by the bed and sing as she catloafs*

((Written by ssjmihoshi and random_xtras.))


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