Recon's Verse. Black Dog. The Prime Table.

May 29, 2011 00:12

Directly after The Appointment.

Optimus: *stepping gingerly through a garden on his way to the Black Dog and appreciating the neat soft geometric forms of the garden beds under the snow*

tall, strong woman: *stands from where she was tending a border of snowdrops, her cornsilk hair blowing in the warming wind as greenish brown eyes full of deep memories study the big bot. Then she lifts one hand to wave before turning back to her flowers, her dark brown skin making her seem nearly a part of the garden she tends*

Optimus: *smiles and waves in return before consulting the map his alt gave him. Continues on to the bar*

massive sandy golden femme: *looks up from talking to a black and silver bayformer mech that's the same size and general shape as Optimus* Look, Apoleia. Mousie see another Optimus.

Apoleia: *glances over, crimson optics indifferent over his face mask as he leans back on the porch bench* Yeah, there are a lot of them.

Optimus: *warm smile and a wave as he passes* Greetings.

Mouse: *shy smile, her russet optics as warm as her companion's are disinterested* Guten Morgen, Optimus.

Optimus: *a small bit of humble embarrassment leaks through his faceplanes. He enters the bar and looks around for the waitstaff*

Archiva: *pretty, tall white bayformer femme* *comes to meet him, blue optics quizzical* Are you here for the Prime table?

Optimus: *is it that obvious?* Yes, I am.

Archiva: *gentle smile as she nods to a round table not far away* It's right there, sir. A waiter will come for your order soon.

Optimus: *smiles in appreciation* Thank you. *notices a bot in his tech and another who he somehow knows is Vector Prime have already arrived. Chooses an empty seat but doesn't sit yet* Greetings, Gentlemechs.

dvOp: *looks up, his optics twinkling when he sees the newcomer* Welcome, brother.

Vector: Won't you join us?

eleven-foot tall bot with flames and 'wings': Yeah, the silibacon's good. *cheesy grin*

Optimus: *smiles at the warm welcome and sits. Then curiosity gets the better of him as he stares down at the cheesy bot* Hot Rod?

flame bot: *snerks* Rodimus Prime. *arm around the little six foot tall buffy coloured femme who's sitting beside him at the small table atop the larger one* And this is my daughter, Oriana 2.

Oriana 2: *bright eyed look for the big mech* Good morning, Grandpa.

Optimus: *small sputter at 'Grandpa,' but he recovers valiantly* Good morning, Oriana 2. *amused smile at Rodimus* Excuse me, but I must ask, how did you become a Prime?

Rodimus: *dramatic sigh* I ask myself that every day.

Oriana 2: *shakes head at her father, and then looks at Optimus* The Matrix chose him after Grandma Optimus Prima went offline.

Optimus: *after a small thoughtful pause* Did Kup have a spark attack?

Rodimus: *winces* Not for another two thousand years.

Optimus: *amused but curious expression*

Rodimus: *quiet chuckle* No. He was proud of me. *looks up* But he recently crossed the veil and went to hang out with the rest of the heroes of the last Cybertonian war.

Oriana 2: And then Uncle Ironhide and Uncle Prowl came back. *chuckle*

Optimus: *reverently* I see. *places a hand on Rodimus' shoulder* I always thought that you'd make a good Prime.

Rodimus: *surprise* You guys keep saying that. It's like a kick in the butt. ...In a good way. *grin*

Optimus: *smirks and looks around the table to see if they're doing the same*

dvOp: *optics twinkling*

Vector Prime: *small smile as his own optics do the same*

massive plate of silibacon and another of scrambles: *is set on the table by Rodimus and O2's table*

Rodimus: *distracted* Thanks, Diehard. My tank was starting to think my fuel line'd been cut.

Optimus: *perks at the food, and his tank expresses displeasure at being forced to run for hours with only watery energon supplement drink as he did paperwork*

dvOp: Optimus, this is my son, Diehard Prime.

tall black mech of the same make as Optimus, but sporting a helmet with a low ridge/crest on the middle and no horns, and armor that is gleaming black with pewter pinstripe detailing: *nods to Optimus* Sir. *settles in a seat across from dvOp*

Optimus: *smiles and nods at the newcomer* Well-met. Will anybot else be joining us?

Vector Prime: Unfortunately no. Other concerns have distracted our other members.

Optimus: *nods* Then I wish them the best.

Rodimus: *looks at Vector* Don't tell me Pansy's little alt was playing with explosives again?

Vector Prime: *smiles and shakes his head* No. Optimus is merely tired after a very trying Council session.

Rodimus: *wince* I have to send that femme something to cheer her up. *gets the smaller platters from where they're sitting on the edge of the big ones and set them on his and Oriana 2's table*

Optimus: *takes the larger side-dish plates and distributes them to the rest of the table*

Vector: *shakes his head* No thank you, Optimus. I will not be fueling.

Optimus: Well, if you change your mind... *leaves the plate there anyway, then grabs some silibacon for himself*

Vector: *gently, with a serious but smiling look* I no longer have a body that requires reenergizing.

Rodimus: *without looking up from serving Oriana 2* He kicked the bucket.

Optimus: *stops* Oh. ... Pardon me, I did not know.

Vector: My duties as Guardian of Time and Space render me able to enter these places between reality and interact with the living.

Rodimus: ... *mutters something about wishing a certain medic could limit himself to those rules*

Optimus: *contemplative rumble* It seems there are many things about this place I have yet to learn.

dvOp: I believe that the same holds true for everyone, even those who make this nexus their home. *passes the scrambles platter*

Diehard: *squinting to peer into the botsup bottle as he holds it up in front of his face*

Optimus: *portions some scrambles for himself before passing the plate on* This smells delicious. I can see why my officers sneak off here so often...

dvOp: According the Ratchet who is bonded to my young female alternate who is Magna it's solely for the softboils and for Nemesis' secret brew. *counts strips of silibacon and then trades his twin for the scrambles platter*

Diehard: Dinobot, come out of there. Rhinox must be worried. *still squinting into the botsup bottle*

Rodimus: ...! *looks up in mid chomp*

Optimus: *can't help but stare as well, hand paused in reaching for the bacon platter*

Rodimus: Are you sure he's not stuck? *leans elbow on table, forkful of silibacon forgotten*

Diehard: He's not stuck. He's crawling out now. *moves bottle slightly and puts his hand in front of it to receive a tiny creature only the size of a human toddler. The little bot is COVERED in purple condiment* Hello, Dinobot. *stern frown*

Dinobot: *growls and yawns and hugs a battered canvas and rope cat doll that's as botsupped as he is*

Optimus: *blink blink* Who was watching him?

Diehard: *looks over at the bar, where a puzzled Pooka is sniffing around under everything* Nemesis, I think.

Rodimus: Nah, she'd never let a kid out of her sight. *tilts his head and then nods as the bartender looks up and toward him* Spazz was, but she and Lucky passed out and Dinobot escaped.

Nemesis: *coming to get the stray now*

Optimus: *concerned ventilator hiss as he finally passes the bacon platter. Will note to be even more careful of what he uses in the future*

Nemesis: *burly, very dark green femme who looks like a shorter, wider Blackout with eyes the colour of dried blood* Hand him over, the little glitch.

Dinobaby: *growly and cuss*

Oriana 2: *hands over audios!*

Optimus: *will not interfere. Will eat breakfast now*

Nemesis: *closes hand carefully over the little disturber, and then looks around* Since I'm here... anybody want any drinks? Rodimus, two fizzies?

Rodimus: I love this femme.

Nemesis: *rolls her optics and looks at dvOp* Java for you, and singer for the kid.

dvOp: Indeed. *slight smile*

Nemesis: *looks at Optimus*

Optimus: *thinks* I must confess I don't know the menu.

Nemesis: *tilts her empty hand up and shows him a holographic one. The drinks all bear very interesting names*

Archiva: *arrives with the other drinks* *java smells good...*

Optimus: *is relishing all the good smells in here, though you wouldn't know it* I will have a java please.

Archiva: *holds up her hand, catches the mug someone just teleported into it, and then pours a second cup from the can she's holding*

dvOp: *pleased rumbling as he sips the heated mixture*

Optimus: *identical rumbling as he samples the scrambles*

Nemesis: *slight snerk and heads back to the bar*

Rodimus: *looks up at Optimus* So, is the idea of a non-combatant Decepticon surprising to you?

Optimus: *looks up from his plate, a little surprised* Not really, there are supporting roles on every side but... Why do you ask?

Rodimus: *nods after Nemesis* She's a non-com.

Optimus: *looks after her as he processes* From what I understand the Nexus is a neutral place.

Rodimus: There are still a lot of battle ready bots living in it. *puts a piece of silibacon in his mouth and lets it hang out like a long silly tongue*

Oriana 2: *laughs at him*

Optimus: Hmm. *pokes at his meal* I am not sure the Decepticons from my world have thought of the merits of living in a neutral location.

Rodimus: Blackout's the main bigwig around here. She'll fight here, but she's pretty selective.

Vector: *hrrrms softly* She is indeed. *knows why, but isn't going to speak of it*

Optimus: *looks around the bar* This place reminds me of Old Maccadam's. It was an important installation.

dvOp: *sudden look of memory as his cup pauses on the way to his mouth* *quietly* I'd forgotten Maccadam's.

Optimus: I imagine you didn't get many chances to visit it either.

dvOp: No. I was busy with the Council and my digs, and then... the war. *sips slowly, his optics focused far away*

Optimus: *nods solemnly, optics shuttered*

dvOp: *then shoots a look at the serious black mech across from him* Not to mention your newspark attempts to emulate Hot Rod.

Diehard: *ducks and twinkles innocence*

Rodimus: *laughs!*

Optimus: *lighthearted chuckle*

Diehard: Don't remind me, Optimus. *chuckles, including Optimus in the humor* Thankfully, Velocia was sparked able to think before she jumps.

Optimus: *now curious as he begins eating again* You have two? Who is the other caregiver?

dvOp: There are actually seven Autobots that I have had a hand in the creation of and who count me as a mentor. The Aerialbots were given sparks using the last fragment of the Allspark. Diehard, and recently Velocia, were sparks that budded from the spark of Elita-One.

Optimus: *optics twinkle* You must be more busy than me.

dvOp: *curious look* Why do you say that?

Optimus: If your world is anything like mine, keeping Ironhide off Sunstreaker's throat takes up half your day, and the other half you spend calming Advisor Galloway.

dvOp: *browplates lift* Ironhide is stationed with me in Washington, whereas Sunstreaker and her twin sister and their family spend most of their time in Italy. And... forgive me, who is Advisor Galloway?

Optimus: *smiles and shakes his head at himself* Sorry. Galloway is the new advisor to the United States President concerning Cybertronians. He has a tendency to... overreact.

dvOp: Ahh. In my reality we have Mr. Keller as our Liaison. And I myself am recognized as Cybertron's ambassador to Earth.

Optimus: Ah, Mr. Keller is a sensible man. But we still live in hiding from the humans. Congratulations on your position.

dvOp: *quietly* After Megatron announced himself over every public human media device... hiding became an impossibility.

Optimus: *sobers* Hmm. How did the humans take it?

dvOp: There was some panic, but strangely, one news program's footage of myself telling Megatron that he would have to kill me to obtain Sam seems to have swung the majority of opinion in our favor. ...As have Bumblebee's regular televised appearances since then. The human population does not know how many of us there are, or that some of us have taken professions on Earth, however.

Optimus: I am glad they accept you. But in my experience humans equate facts not proffered as a form of lying.

dvOp: *blinks* I also don't know how many humans there are on Earth, nor how many work in connection with my own people.

Optimus: *weighs this* Yes, but we are the newcomers on their planet. They, or Galloway at least, feel these questions are a matter of national security. Just as we would prefer knowing how many Decepticons lurk near our bases.

dvOp: Ah. And Mr. Keller feels that we will be better accepted if we slowly integrate ourselves into human society.

Optimus: *nods as he serves himself a second helping* Yes, I have heard that opinion as well. Unfortunately Mr. Galloway is reluctant to trust us as much, no matter how many human references Jazz and Bumblebee spout at him.

dvOp: ...Have you no contact with Mr. Keller at all?

Optimus: He is the Secretary of Defense. We speak on occasion about Decepticon incursions, but his duties encompass more than just our war. The humans have many wars of their own to consider.

dvOp: Hrrm. I see. *eats scrambles and silibacon and frowns slightly*

Optimus: *offers the entrees to the others* You mentioned Sunstreaker resided in Italy?

dvOp: Yes, with Sideswipe, Red Alert, and their human son. *passes the platters to Diehard since he's only started to eat after totally enjoying his java*

Optimus: *interest piqued* They adopted a human? How did that come about?

dvOp: *gravely* From what I understand Roberto's first father was in the habit of attacking the boy. One day Roberto fled and hid beneath Sunstreaker. She defended him by covering him and calling the police. Roberto refused to leave her after that, so the courts granted she and Sideswipe custody.

Optimus: I see. But the courts recognize your rights? That's marvelous!

dvOp: They do. There are social workers who regularly test Roberto in learning and interaction, but otherwise the boy is free to travel as his family pleases.

Optimus: I am glad. You are on your way to gaining a second home. *optics twinkle with pride even as he longs for the same for his people*

Rodimus: *before dvOp can reply* You didn't ask him about Red Alert's part in that.

Optimus: *raises an optic ridge curiously* If it was important he would mention it.

Rodimus: Nah, he stinks at storytelling. And it is important because it calmed Red down! *grin*

dvOp: *amused head shake as he pinches the bridge of his nose*

Optimus: *small chuckle* Well, that is important.

dvOp: *quiet rumble of laughter in his voice* Sideswipe decided that Roberto needed a male role model. So she courted Red Alert and spark bonded with him.

Rodimus: And since her spark is identical to Sunstreaker's...

Vector: *hand over the smaller mech* Oh hush.

Rodimus: No, seriously. *ducks out* That being equally attached to both femmes is what saved the lives of the Red Alert and Sideswipe of my reality.

Optimus: *wry smirk at Rodimus* Yes, twin bonding has more advantages than a second pair of hands.

Rodimus: *serious nod* Our Sunstreaker was critically injured on the front. She stayed for as long as she could, for Sideswipe's sake. Somehow in the process she formed a bond with Red, and then she and Swiper sucked him into their twin bond. When she finally couldn't hold on anymore Red was there to fill the hole she left.

Optimus: *warm smile* Good.

Oriana 2: *says the best part* And then they went to the factory and got Cometchaser! *happy smile*

Optimus: *smiles too, sharing in her innocence* Are you friends with Cometchaser?

Oriana 2: I don't know him very well, because he stays with Aunty Swiper all the time. But we have fun when he visits. He likes to read more than wrestle like the other mech sparklets, so I share my bookchips with him. And my Furby.

Optimus: *poses this question to the table in general* And how does Roberto get along with Cometchaser?

Rodimus: Ah, they haven't met yet. Cometchaser's only been to the Nexus once, and I hear 'Berto's only been about the same number of times.

dvOp: The twins are very protective parents. As is Red Alert.

Optimus: Oh? Excuse me, I'm having trouble keeping all these realities straight.

Rodimus: *chuckles* Yeah, that's normal. But you'll get used to it after awhile. *head turns as a wonderful sweet fragrance reaches the bots around the table*

Archiva: *walking past with a heap of flapjacks covered in strawbaby creme and some gummy strawbabies*

Rodimus: Drool. Oh maaan. Now I need some of that.

Oriana 2: *laughs at her dad*

Optimus: *finishes his java* Vector Prime, you have been very quiet this morning.

Vector: *looks up from watching dvOp and Diehard contemplate their empty plates* *smiles* No, not really, Optimus. I am primarily a spectator now upon the actions of the living.

Optimus: Well spectating is a form of communication undetectable by my substandard audios. Please, tell me about yourself. I sit next to you but do not know anything about you.

Vector: *slight rumble of a chuckle* No, even the legend of the first Prime is rather forgotten in your reality, isn't it?

Optimus: *sadly* By all but a few.

dvOp: *looks up with interest from the platter of flapjacks that's just been set on the table* Your reality isn't one where Prime is a family, then?

Optimus: *surprised by the idea* No, we are... were elected by the people. *sobers* But what the Council did not like to admit was that the Matrix did not truly react for all my predecessors. I have my own theories about the matter, but the war has made exploring them impossible.

Rodimus: *drops his spoonful of strawbaby creme in surprise* What?? You mean you guys had fake Primes?

Oriana 2: *frowny frown*

Optimus: *trying to diffuse the situation* Wait now. All the Primes performed their duties admirably.

Rodimus: Yeah, but if Primus didn't... *intakes deeply, and then looks down at his lap* ...Rats.

Oriana 2: *will now laugh at Dad in strawbaby creme*

dvOp: It is startling. But I know that not all Primes in all realities carry the Matrix.

Vector Prime: *nods* *gently* In some realities the Matrix has only just been forged.

Optimus: *reassuring smile for Rodimus* One of those theories I mentioned holds that Primus intends everything for a reason. Even if some of my predecessors were "fake Primes," their influence was necessary for us at that time.

Vector Prime: Hrrrm. Primus won't speak of it. *slight frown* Though it may be because he's more interested in relating the nature of your earlier visit here, Optimus.

Rodimus: *looks up*

dvOp: *quizzical look as he offers the flapjack platter*

Optimus: *slight embarrassment now that his privacy's been violated, but he doesn't show it and reaches for the flapjacks instead*

Rodimus: *meeps as Oriana 2 elbows him in the side, then returns his attention to wiping his legs*

Vector Prime: *gravely* Forgive me.

Optimus: *keeps his face expressionless as only a seasoned leader can* If Primus wished you to know then it is your right.

Vector Prime: *quietly* But you do not wish to speak of it.

Rodimus: He was asking about you, VP. Stop changing the subject.

dvOp: *snerks as he eats a strawbaby*

Optimus: It is a personal matter, but what I can tell you is that I was researching alternate methods of expanding our population, now that our Allspark has been destroyed.

Vector Prime: *nods* It is a problem common to many realities.

Diehard: Except the ones like Rodimus'.

Rodimus: No rabbit jokes.

Optimus: *smirks and offers flapjack plate to Rodimus and Oriana 2*

Rodimus: Thanks. *grins and cuts off several bits of a flapjack, then heaps them on their plates... on TOP of the heap of strawbabies and creme*

dvOp: How many children has Jazz got now, Rodimus?

Rodimus: He lost count.

Optimus: *stores that information for later use* Now, Vector, about changing the subject?

Vector Prime: *slight chuckle* What do you wish to know?

Optimus: You wished to serve Primus even after your death?

Vector Prime: *surprised* Why should I stop?

Optimus: *small smile* Everybot deserves a vacation.

Vector Prime: *slight smile* Instead, I received a younger sister to work beside me. And the option of a daily oil bath if it so please me.

Diehard: *offers Optimus the bowl of strawbabies, which are heart shaped gummies*

Optimus: *chuckles and waves off the strawbabies, as he's already getting full* Who is this sister, if I may ask?

Vector Prime: *smile grows, and holds both affection and sadness* Your alternate from my own reality of origin.

Optimus: *pleasant surprise also fades into affection* I can see why we're linked.

Vector Prime: *quietly* The bond was formed shortly before my death, and when she herself came close to crossing the veil I felt it, and brought her away with me. Though an Exile now, she cheers my existence greatly.

Optimus: It sounds like you still have an enjoyable and fulfilling existence.

Vector Prime: Indeed. *lifts his optics to those of the younger mech, and they're twinkling* *quiet chuckle* Does that answer your question?

Optimus: *optics smiling* Yes, I suppose it does.

Vector Prime: Have you any others? *then turns his head to look over his shoulder as a pewter coloured hand touches him* Ah. Yes, Orion?

Optimus: Yes, an infinite number. *stops when he sees the hand, remains reverently silent*

Orion: *is a plain pewter coloured mech with the innocence of youth in his expression* *hopefully* Can Soundwave and Megatron and I eat with you guys?

Vector: *looks inquiringly toward the other Primes*

Optimus: *looks a bit uncertain, but will trust the judgement of the others at the table*

Rodimus: *cheerfully talking gentle trash talk at the young mechs and pointing to the empty chairs*

Diehard: *smiling at them*

dvOptimus: *ditto, and offering the plate of flapjacks*

Vector Prime: *softly, to Optimus* They are from a reality where the Quintessons conquered Cybertron early in the history. They were sold soon after being sparked.

Optimus: I see. Well, if you all are willing to relax the Prime rule... *playfully*

Megatron: *raises his head where he's taking the chair next to Optimus* *gravely* Magnuses sit here too, sometimes. And Oriana 2. *optics are blue*

Optimus: *trying to hide his uneasiness being this close to his mortal enemies, decides to focus on the happier memories of brotherly love* Forgive me, I was merely trying to lighten the mood.

Megatron: *smiles, and the expression, though grave, is full of innocent sweetness*

Orion: He's not really good at jokes. *grins* Actually, neither am I. Sounders is alright, though.

Soundwave: *creme nom, brb*

Optimus: *wry smile* With my crew a sense of humor will save you from processor meltdown.

dvOp: You are familiar with these three, Optimus? *still smiling*

Orion: *cheerfully* Mornbein says we all give her a splitting headache.

Optimus: *snerk*

Megatron: *gruff* Except when I squish the clams.

Orion: Yeah, she thinks that's funny. *pokes Soundwave* Hey, share.

Optimus: *curious* If you were sold, what do you do now?

Orion: Mostly bell boy stuff. But we go on a few missions with Mornbein, or just hang out with her, too.

Soundwave: *looking thoughtfully into the creme bowl, but then uses the spoon to launch some at Orion*

Orion: *ducks without looking*

Vector Prime: *hand up and catches the creme, then picks up a napkin* Boys...

Soundwave: *sheepish, but laughing silently*

Orion: *also laughing*

Megatron: *eating!*

dvOp: *pinching his nose to try and hide his smile*

Optimus: *jumps in his seat at the sight of the projectile, then cycles his ventilators as he powers down the battle programs that just switched on*

Vector Prime: *gentle hand on Optimus' shoulder* *very softly and gently in the younger mech's mind* -Your war has gone on too long.-

Optimus: *as quietly as he can, to Vector* I'm sorry. Perhaps I should go. *his worry is beginning to show*

Vector Prime: *compassion in his optics* -Mr. Galloway is currently saying very rude things to your Jazz over the telephone.-

hand: *touches Optimus' arm from the other side*

Optimus: *cautiously looks toward that side*

Megatron: *quietly, those blue optics searching the larger mech's face* Do you need a hug?

Optimus: *stunned, own blue optics wide as he takes in the innocent face of his enemy*

Megatron: *lifts his browplates, still waiting for the reply. And his hand just did a pat pat*

Soundwave: *watching silently, his spoon paused halfway to his fuel port*

Optimus: *slowly his gaze softens. He attempts to hide his reactions to the memories flooding his processor, but fatigue and longing leak through* *turns toward Megatron and gently embraces him*

Megatron: *strong hug in return*

Soundwave: *drops the spoon and is around the table in seconds to hug Optimus from the back*

Optimus: Thank you, Old Friend. *small noise of surprise at the hug-tackle from behind*

Megatron: *quietly* You're welcome. *lets go and sits up as Soundwave steps back*

Orion: *watching with concern for Optimus, but is obedient to the hand that Diehard has on his shoulder*

Soundwave: *pat pat*

Optimus: *sits up* Thank you. *takes a moment to smile tiredly to the table* I believe I should be going. *moves to get up*

Orion: Wait! *drops his fork on the floor in his haste to reach into subspace*

Optimus: Hmm? *stands waiting*

Orion: *grins as he finds what he's looking for, and then holds out his hand toward Optimus, who will be able to see that it holds a simple rabbit rag doll made from what looks to be an old sweatshirt. The doll is three foot long, not counting the long legs and the floppy ears* Here. In case you need another hug later.

Optimus: *small sigh and a smile as he waves it off* No, that's not necessary...

Orion: *face falls*

Megatron: *quietly* He has a lot of them. He makes them from junk the guests leave behind.

Optimus: *can't say no to that face* It looks skillfully made. *reaches for it*

Orion: *perks and hands over the dark blue with plaid accents doll* I try and make sure they're good enough not to leak fluff.

Optimus: I'll treasure it, thank you.

Orion: *is going to be happy for a week!*

Megatron: *has a gift of his own now* *offers the smooth, creamy white conch shell gravely* It's a paper weight.

Optimus: *chuckles softly; his brother never was one to be outdone* Thank you. It's lovely.

Megatron: *grave smile, and then throws an arm around Soundwave's neck* See you later.

Soundwave: *very carefully NOT thumping on his brother. Remembers Mornbein's rules concerning tussling and Nexus privileges*

Vector Prime: *has stood up. Hand on Optimus' shoulder* *quietly* Till we meet again, Optimus.

Optimus: *subspaces the gifts and smiles to everybot in turn* Thank you all for the wonderful meal and conversation. I will be returning... next time I need a vacation. *optics twinkle*

Oriana 2: Okay! We'll be here tomorrow too! *big grin as she waves*

Rodimus: *snerk*

dvOp: Take care, Brother.

Diehard: *nod nods to what his father said as he smiles at Optimus*

Nemesis: *comes over and fills Optimus' hands with the boxes that the others ordered for him behind his back*

Optimus: *small protesting noise is ineffectual! He subspaces what he can and holds the others* Thank you all. Take care. 'Till all are one. *turns to leave before they pile more things on him*

Rodimus: *dirty rotten happy chuckle as he watches Optimus go*

Jazz: //Op...!// *beseeching*

Optimus: *worried* //Jazz? You should be resting. What's the matter?//

Jazz: //Galloway just won't #$#@$#@ shut up!//

Optimus: //I'll be there soon. Prime out.// *unsubspaces his PINpoint and prepares for the journey home*

Primus: *laughingly offers to chibify Megatron*

Optimus: *chuckles as he PINpoints away*

((Written by ssjmihoshi and random_xtras.))
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