College, Camwhoring, Mad Men, Fic, etc.

Aug 24, 2009 20:20

The only really good thing about today was my first day outfit:

I have to override into a few classes and I'll be screwed if I can't do it. I hate the way Howard runs this shit *facepalm* Wish me luck that I'll figure it out, my parents are helping calm me down.

In other news:

+ Went to Target yesterday and I swear that everybody from every DC area college was there getting random crap. SO CROWDED.

+ My friend Courtney got heat stroke doing jazzercize, according to facebook. ILH ♥

+ I made a new icon. I call it my "Evans doesn't give a fuck" icon, really.

+ MAD MEN LAST love for Peggy grows and grows. But there was not enough Pete for my liking :( I don't know why so many people thought the ep was so dull. I was entertained enough. Oh and somebody at madmen_tv pointed out that the wedding plans are the day after JKF gets shot. Oooer.

And I'm looking forward to Joan talking back to Doctor Rapist next week. BTW all Mad Men fans should join ontdmadmen for the lulz. I took so many gifs from there:

+ Some HP related ONTD lulz: Dan and Tom are cute together and Cassie Claire got a fucking movie deal. Nuff said.

+ I'm pretty excited because I suspect that I'll be done with the next chapter of Where the Flowers Bloom a lot faster than I expected. I'm banking on late September if school doesn't kill me by then. Hopefully it will be no match for MWPP era goodness.

Okay, that's all I have time for today. How are you all?

tom felton, clothes, fic, howard, mad men, camwhoring, daniel radcliffe, personal, linkage, college, harry potter, ontd, parents, friends

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