Before I get started, I didn't see OotP yesterday like I said I would so don't bother asking me about it. The theatre fucked up the ticket date. But I will be seeing it in a matter of hours.
So I got to the same location as the line yesterday around 7:00 am or so and, stupidly, I thought that not as many people would be there.
The line was SO long that it wrapped around the intersecting block, and that was only at 7:00! I didn't feel too bad about my position later but the moment I saw that LONG line of people I was like, "Oh God, I'm NOT going to get anywhere NEAR them am I?" My mom and dad laughed at me from the car as I walked to the end of the line but soon took off. I didn't come/expect anyone I knew to be here but I easily started talking to the people in front/behind me (mostly in front of me). I met an Asian girl named Jane who was with what looked to be her grandmother (she was such a sweetheart!) and her guy friend (I forgot his name D: But we talked a lot and he seemed to find me funny). I also mingled with a girl in front of them named Berlin and her mom (who is like...30. She had Berlin when she was 15).
Berlin was at the premiere (in the bleacher seats) the day before and got lots of footage/photos/hotness from where she was and Dan seriously looked RIGHT into her camera at one point. We squee’d quite a bit ;D They were all amazed by my autograph of Emma which was, sadly, rubbing off due to the glossyness of the cover :X I also saw my Venezuelan friend (I found out a few hours later that her name was Caroline) whom I met at the premiere the day before. Apparently she was number 25 or 35 in line after calling a cab at 3:00 am and getting there about half an hour later. So she was WAAAAAAAY up there in the line.
Also, I was amazed by how far people traveled to get here that day! Berlin was from a little north of San Fran and a couple girls behind me were from Missouri (I think...somewhere around there). I heard some English accents in line and guy friend was like, "I loooove their accents!" Show me an American who doesn't bb?
We were determined to get autographs and we all planned to get to the barricade (despite being like...number 250 or 249 in line) and we hoped lots of people were tired and bleacher seats. We even started shouting, "Oh, I hear the bleacher seats are FANTASTIC!"
After a few hours and laughing at people's reaction of the steadily increasing line, we finally moved more than a few feet and got stamped with, again, lovely red ink in the shape of a happy face, to go to the barricade. Thank GOD the area was ten times bigger this time and there were a lot more bleachers.
Jane and guy friend were right in front of the theater but people were in front of them so we split up and I went with Berlin and her mom further down the looong barricade and got right up along it. I started talking to a bunch of people, including this black girl whose name I didn't get but I discovered that she goes to school near LAX and that she is going to see OotP at The Bridge like I am. At one point, this girl sprayed perfume randomly and it sort of got into my eye. She apologized so it was okay...and it smelled good so whatever. I also humored myself by watching this blonde kid with a girlish voice and emo glasses who was right next to me with some of his girl friends. He was the most interesting person around us.
Also, security started to transport some people to the barricades right along the theatre, rather than across from it like most of us were. People were throwing themselves at the security people to try to get to be so close to the action, but we realized that they were only getting families with little kids or old people. I yelled, "DISCRIMINATION!"
So after talking to just about everyone around me and dropping in on other's conversations, a black car pulled up to the theatre. A lot of people started screaming, stupidly thinking it was the trio, but it was the director David Yates. A few people booed and I'm like WTF shut up are you people 10 years old? But some cheered, knowing who it was. I DID think it was sort of funny that he was the only one who rolled up in a limo though.
Then the honorary mayor of Hollywood,
Johnny Grant (actor and part time pervert. Some of the stuff he said was so...ooer.) talked to us for a while (totally stalling), then a guy from Warner Brothers talked too about the accomplishment of Dan, Emma, and Rupert as we were SWELTERING in the hot sun.
FINALLY, the trio came out of the theatre and everyone, of course, went INSANE.
In the position I was in, I couldn't directly see what was going on (a bunch of raised seats were blocking us) but I saw everything that was going on on two huge screens next to the theatre.
At first I thought Dan wasn't wearing a shirt because from far away it blended into his skin! Anybody else when they were seeing some of the photos?
Anyway, I yelled at Rupert when he was starting to talk, "YOU WORE THAT SHIRT A FEW DAYS AGO!" only to be shushed by a few people (It had to be said. It was trufax). They were all so cute when they were like, "I can't believe this. It's all so ~*~real~*~ now, yada yada yada." and we all went wild when they put their hands and feet and wands into the cement (it was sort of lengthy but oh well. Rupert has nice hands). We also went crazy whenever they would wave and such. Random but I think that Emma was reluctant to give away her shoes that were used though...just a feeling. Oh, and Dan and Emma were so cute together, especially when he whispered in her ear. I don't know if that was photgraphed or not but...yeah, it was really cute :3
This was taken when a particularly loud group of girls screamed Rupert's name (lawl at me knowing the story between each photographedtrio to crowd reaction):
SO ANYWAY, they took more photo ops and talked again (only Emma and Dan did later; Berlin and I yelled, "LET RUPERT TALK!") but then, to our horror, they went back inside. Lots of moans and groans scattered through the audience (many getting ready to leave) and I yelled, "AUTOGRAPHS!" but I wasn't really worried. I told Berlin, "They need to get their shoes! They're coming back out!" In that crowd, word spreads fast, so despite some people giving up and leaving, lots at the barricade stuck around. And then, after a minute or so, they finally came out one by one (Emma first) and she made her way really quickly down the very far right of the barricade. A little bit after, before Emma reached us, Rupert came out and started in the opposite direction.
I got Emma's autograph really quickly but didn't get a chance to talk to her or anything (I just complimented her dress and I think she said "thank you" but I'm not sure/don't really care so much. But you know who DID care? THE FUCKING AUTOGRAPH HUNTERS WHO WERE PUSHING PEOPLE ALL OVER THE PLACE. So many of them were like, "Marry me Emma!" and shite like that and after getting like a bunch of autographs from her at different parts of the line, Emma finally noticed and apparently made security tell him off.
And then...
THEN Dan got to us, and I noticed that his chest hair was showing from the top of his ZOMG FLESH?!shirt. I almost cracked up but I didn't but still thought O Y HALO THAR! ;D He finally got near me and I said, "I love your shirt, Dan!" and he said, "Oh, thank you!" but he thought that someone else said it. I urgently said, "That was me Dan! D:" He then signed my Teen Vogue (on the page featuring himself) and I said, "I'm excited for Se-December Boys!" and he looked up at me and said something along the lines of, "Really? Oh I'm so glad you want to see it!" I probably said something incoherent because I was looking right into his eyes which are ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL up close. I couldn't look away from them. Yeah, I know, it sounds so like...novel but they were so beautifully piercing.
AND THEN...!!!
Rupert came down soon after and people were seriously going batshit insane. He moved the slowest of everyone and, unfortunately, right where I was, people were a bit too wild. Berlin's mom kept shouting, "Mr. Grint! Mr. Grint!" and that was pretty funny, but what wasn't funny was when he skipped over my TeenVogue when he came up to me. I was like, "RUPERT! I LOVE YOU. I WANNA SEE DRIVING LESSONS!" as he passed but he kept going and the security people were really strict about him continuing.
But I was desperate. No, determined. No, driven. YES, 3 D'S: DESPERATE, DETERMINED, AND DRIVEN. And in a brilliantly stupid moment, I just shouted to anyone in particular to watch my purse (which was on the floor) and RAN further down the barricade line. Desperate to find a pocket of space in the crowd of hundreds of people. The line between myself and the front of the barricade were thick: about 5 people thick really. Luckily, I found a space surrounded by a few younger kids, a couple of women standing in a tiny fold up chair of sorts to see all the action, a few people speaking rapidly in Spanish, and some other interesting people. The key was to be polite to the people you were going to make your way through. I was like, "Haha, I only need Rupert's autograph now. So...yeah...I'm going to get through here."
As I waited, I sort of harassed Rupert's hot brother James (again) who is my age or so and looks nearly exactly like Rupert. I was basically yelling that he was hot but I didn't think of getting his autograph
He FINALLY came around and, to my utter JOY, he signed the page with him all over it (It doesn't look like it says Rupert though but I DON'T GIVE A DAMN: HE TOUCHED MY MAGAZINE) and, out of the blue, since he was earlier taking photos with people and such, I asked, "Rupert, can I have a hug?"
Now THIS is when my memory gets fuzzy and everything was moving too fast because I was just too awesome to even...comprehend.
I think he smiled and said, "alright" and lifted his arms but there was a row of people in front of us. Thank God for being tall like he was and having long arms because I reached over them awkwardly and said, "Okay, let's see how this is going to work XD" and...
As I think REALLY hard, I could remember the feel of his sort of rough, deep red blazer which had a plaid pattern which you can only see up close and vaguely comprehending his hands on my back. And...I'll admit: I forgot to smell him or ask someone to take a photo. Honestly, my mind was absolute MUSH. I should have at least acknowledged the feel of his hair touching the side of my head and the top of my ear but I was just amazed to be touching his fucking jacket. And then, in a muffle of excited chatter, we pulled away at the same time and I probably had the biggest smile on my face I've ever had. As he continued down the line, people who got their stuff signed ran away in haste and I think the woman on the chair fell over but I didn't care enough to stop because I JUST HUGGED RUPERT GRINT.
I ran around, trying to find Berlin or ANYONE really and pretty much told everyone who I ran into that Rupert hugged me XD
I ran into one woman who said, "Oh, did you see the girl who kissed him?"
Me: ...WHAT?
Her: Oh yeah, a girl got a kiss from him
Then that very girl ran up towards us out of nowhere. She was a really pretty girl around my age and I went, "WHAT?!" She said, "Yeah, he kissed me on the lips! :D" I was just going, "OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO LUCKY!" and fantasized about what it might be like to say that my first kiss came from RUPERT GRINT. I'd never be unhappy again! I think she may have been the one who had a sign that said, "Be my first kiss, Rupert Grint"...
I'm wondering how she just happened to appear! Maybe I misheard the woman and she said "my daughter kissed him". I don't know, I was still too excited to comprehend anything. Apparently she was on the news too...
I finally found Berlin and I was SHAKING. She said she didn't get Rupert's autograph (I think...) and I just blurted out, "I HUGGED RUPERT! I HUGGED RUPERT!" and she went, "WHAT? WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? OH MY GOD!" and we squee'd for a good minute straight and...oh God. I was so pleased.
She seemed distracted to get something else to happen but I quickly exchanged email addresses because after this day I couldn't just not see her ever again and she didn't have an LJ or Myspace or anything. As I roamed the street full of fans in a daze, I happened to run into Jane and her guy friend again thank goodness and exchanged email addresses and cell phone numbers. I was determined to sit down to stop myself from collapsing from the awesomeness and after sitting and calling my mom to tell her the news and I even talked to her co-worker Pam and then I called
As I was sitting, waiting for my dad to pick me up, Caroline appeared and we just sort of shouted together and she sat down with me to tell me her side of the experience. She was so lucky and was standing at the barricade AT the theater so she got to see the ceremony up close and got to spend a little more time with the stars when they past. She even took a photo with Rupert and it was ADOREABLE. We were both talking about how shocked we were that it even happened and she thinks she saw him hugging me. She described it as a "tight" hug which pretty much made me squirm in my seat. I mean, a TIGHT hug? I didn't even realize THAT.
Then a woman who was at the premiere yesterday who Caroline met there came by and talked about her horrible experience at the premiere (she didn't get a bleacher seat and there autograph hunters nearly trampled her) and how unorganized it was. She also talked about how she got a chance to talk to Rupert for a second and said, "How’s the ice cream business?" Apparently he beamed at her XD She then showed us some photos of Dan Rad when she waited outside the theatre for him for Equis (yeah, she went all the way to London for it!) and we all exchanged numbers as well.
I never want to wash the outfit I wore that way again. I mean, my dress strap broke when Rupert came around but it was worth it. EVERYTHING was worth it. This may never ever happen again and I'm just so fucking grateful that I had the opportunity. I keep getting nervous chills whenever I think about it...
Seriously, the best day of my life :)