Jun 20, 2006 19:38
So here I am again and its been a while. I came home the 5th of June. I had surgery so that is the reason I am home. I went in Monday morning into surgery to remove a tumor. I woke up to my fiance, mom, and sister sitting there waiting for me. It was suppose to be a 4 day off work thing. Then it turned into a 10 day thing. Then it stood at 18 days. The doc said I was going home due to my battery being in the field and no one to watch over me. So they pumped me full of magic drugs and sent me on my way. The drive home was pretty long. Its weird not driving the route I take to go home. But I guess I was three sheets to the wind. I remember playing the name game though. That was a fun 2 hours. lol. We got home really early in the morning so M stayed with me. Shes been with me most of my nights as I recover. But I was going crazy not being able to do anything. I mostly sat on my porch and counted blue cars while I was high as a mother fucker on meds.
I didnt do anything really the whole time I was home. But one night me and my dad sat up drinking and just talking like we never talked before. We got a lot of stuffed ironed out. He said a lot of things I never really thought he was thinking. I guess we both opened each others eyes to some things. It was the first heart to heart/ talk me and my dad ever had our whole lives. IT made me feel a little better about some things but others IM kinda blah about.
I also took a few days to go to indiana to "recover". It was nice being in a place I havent been in 2 years. Things have changed a lot. We stayed up one night drinking with the imfamous uncle steve. We then went on a quest for donuts. We stole a cart and just went drunk driving around. It was like 6 am. No one was up anyways. I dont think anyone cared. But he passed out on our quest so it was down to me and Justin. We got our donuts and things were peachy. I started getting annoyed though the whole time I was down there and some times here. Girls would not leave me alone. Maybe it was the tat = bad boy thing I have no idea. But it came down to just plain ole stalking. We couldnt even go to the movies without some girl harassing me. We also went to dennys a night before and this girl was like omg I love you come here. I was like what. Shes like what are you doing im like um nothing. Shes like well you can be doing me later if youd like heres my number. I also chilled with my bro and some friends one night and these girls asked what grade I was in. Then this other girl stuck on me like glue no matter where I went. I seriously dont know what it is. Justin thinks its the fresh meath theory. But I dont know. Its kinda funny though. I went to a pizza place and this girl I use to be interested in was like damn you look diff. I was like yeah you look the same. Shes like lets go hang out and it kinda pissed me off. Back in the day I wasnt good enough to give the time of day to. Now she wants to go out. Thanks kinda fucked up. Girls are scantless. They are always out looking for something better. They dont give a fuck about shit most of the time. So fuck that shit.
Which brings me to me next point. I picked up my marriage certificate today. Its weird seeing that Im just about married. Everyones all about giving you congradulations and shit. Everywhere you go in that building people are like congrads. IM like how can you tell. They just say they see it everyday you just learn to tell the diff. Its kinda funny. In a way I do miss being at home. But at the same time I miss my friends back at base. I even been talking to friends that are gone out of the military but still call to check up on me. You want a brotherhood. Its not this gay bullshit hangin out in a garage and then stabbing people in the back. People dont really know what a brother hood is until they been through shit. So then people are like O well im joining the military in like blah many months. IM sick of all these people saying they are gonna join when you know they arnt. Im sick of seeing people and they are like hey man im joining up too. Its the same people saying the same shit each time your home but most are just to pussy to do anything. Then you got the people that say O yeah I joined and went here here and here. But really its all just a bunch of made up bullshit. Fuckin wanna b's.
Which brings me to my next point. The drama. Yes when you think its done and over with. Yet it still comes back. And to hear someones coming to my house to kick my ass. I laugh. Tell my friends. They laugh. Its pretty funny. O im gonna tell this person cause they have a right to know bullshit. I love how so many people love to be involved with my life these days. Well hey you wanna be in it so back come join up and go to Iraq with me. O you cant to do that. You all just rather run your mouths and talk the talk but not walk the walk. For anyone out there involved with the drama....you know who you are. I laugh at you. Just goes to show how you have no life and are all just jealous mother fuckers. Lets all just still live in the high school days. O wait I graduated years ago. Shit. O well. None of you scare me and none of you can harm me. Im still gonna be with Miranda. Im still gonna be waking up everyday looking back and laugh at most of you people. Im still me. And your all still living the 9-5 bullshit dead end jobs.
BUt anyways Im gonna go do some other shit than sit here anymore.
Later days yo
Millah in a box out