For England! Kinda, sorta.

Nov 10, 2007 23:44

First off- I heart Guy with all my heart. Seriously, how freaking adorable is he? That scene where he was trying to get Marian out of the castle made my heart go squish. Marian needs to dump Robin's ass seriously like woah.

Secondly- alright, could this episode be any slashier? Really? Between Guy getting shirtless in front of Allan, the Sheriff being all cheek-strokey with Guy and Much professing his love for Robin... Well, the fangirls, they will be a-squeeing.

Will is brilliant with awesome brilliant instruments. Seriously, that was pretty cool.

Allan's a prick and I was kinda hoping he was going to hang, a little bit. Not really, but you know. I'm kinda over it. Plus he's gotten very strange-looking recently, almost like his teeth are too big for his mouth or something.

I love John and his bells. And I love Djaq cause she's Djaq and therefore awesome. And Much had some moments, but he really needs to learn when he's just not helping. Really.

Winchester was creepy and I'm glad he's dead, although I don't know why Guy couldn't have thought of that plan to begin with. I mean, honestly. But it was cute the Sheriff coming up with it and them saving Marian. Who needs to get with Guy, did I mention? Waaayyy more chemistry there.

Gladiator-fight was pretty awesome in the fact that it was just so Gladiators.

Okay, the whole scene where Robin sneaks into the Black Knights? I mean, first off, duh, who wouldn't think he was going to do that, really? I was sitting there thinking, man the security's pretty lax on this big secret meeting of huge giant importance that they absolutely don't want anyone getting into. Also, the knives under the cloak were damn obvious. And then he jumps on the table and chucks knives at people and hits every single one of them. And this chucks them at Guy and the Sheriff, at which point I go, "Dream sequence? Really? On this show?" But then it wasn't a dream sequence, but still no one was dead. Anyway, point being, totally lame scene. And if he had gotten away with it, his lovely suicide note would've been all for naught, so I'm not sure what was up with that, except to be pretty and sad and tip off the lads to what he was up to.

Oh and the England-shaped cake was made of win. I don't care how historically inaccurate it was.

Oh and not this episode, but earlier why the hell did Allan always write a P on the post when he wanted to meet Guy? P is for traitor? Seriously, why P? I don't get it.

tv, tv: robin hood

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