Title: Everything Ventured
Pairing: Orlijah
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: No I don't own them, yes this is made up.
Feedback: As always, any feedback (inc. CC) is very welcome.
Notes: A proper drabble - I've never actually written one with exactly 100 words before! For
be_my_precious who asked for a drabble prompt, and I asked for one back. She replied with either orlijah or domlijah and.. um... a nightclub' so here it is! (I'm sure it's been done before, but never mind, surely there can never be too many Orlijahs?) :)
Lights glitter, out of focus, casting a halo around Elijah’s head of artfully tousled hair.
Orlando takes a deep breath before summoning his courage from his very core, then reaches out a hand to brush Elijah’s bony elbow.
Elijah jerks, but only a sultry flash of cornflower blue convinces Orlando that it’s a result of his touch rather than just his erratic dancing.
The lights reflect in Elijah’s pupils, tingeing them with the rainbow, as he stares right at Orlando.
Orlando leans closer and brushes his lips over the inch of exposed neck above Elijah’s collar.
Everything ventured, everything gained.