proud of my bro.

Aug 27, 2009 20:02

My twinbro is on his grand tour at the moment with his best friend. He just left russia - intense stuff all
around by all accounts. One major event went as follows (this from his email)

I didn't tell you about our visit to the Moscow circus. It was good 
until they brought out apes dressed as Jews and staged a wedding. At 
that point I walked out. [bestfriend] emailed his parents, and they forwarded 
it on to a friend on the Australian Jewish council. He asked us to 
write to him and describe the show, and asked whether we would be 
willing to have our names used in connection with any international or 
australian newspaper releases or letters to the Israeli government. We 
decided to give first names. We thought about it for a while - whether 
it would be dangerous etc. We felt in the end that we should do 
something at least, and that the danger if there is any shouldn't 
prevent us from saying something, especially since we're not 
criticising the government specifically. Anyway that was an eye opener. 
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