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Aug 24, 2009 10:28

 So that's revue done for another year, and in fact FOR THE LAST TIME (weep weep).

What I hated was interminable dance rehearsals, far too little sleep, manufactured stress where natural stress would have done, and being the least attractive person in a cast of 45.

What I have loved has been working in a collaborative environment on something that I love (comedy) among a cast of intelligent, talented, brilliant people. Being in my element. The excitement of performing (yes, even the dances), and having a new bunch of awesome people who I know and (in varying degrees) like or love. Starting traditions, ending others, carrying others forward. Performing to thousands of people.

The other thing that is so amazing is the calibre of the cast. The kids in the Law Revue are all such dynamic high achievers. Some got 100% in their final exams, topped the state in music, or languages or maths, or in one case, all three. They can sing, they can dance. They are beautiful and brilliant. Some of them are even funny... :)

It's extremely rare in adult life to have this many brilliant extroverted people genuinely working together in a non-competitive way. Undermining or one-up-manship is limited to the most absolutely minor scrabbling for roles on the thursday that they get handed out. In a month of 12-hours-a-week rehearsal, followed by a 10 day 9am-8pm productivity-splosion, that is a truly lovely and impressive thing. 
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