Oct 04, 2004 04:38
So.. I bet you've been asking yourself.. what has mike been doing.. well I know some people have because they won't quit asking me to update my journal.. so.. allow me a moment to think of some life changing event that would warrant an update.. *think* well.. since nothing has happened really since the last time I posted..its time for another ramble session. Since i've updated I got a random email from a company called Primerica... its a financial services company.. and i'm going to train to be a representative and make massive amounts of money. woot? yes. I've been talking to angela alot on the tele since she is teh grounded currently... I checked my sprintpcs useage today to find that I have used over 1200 minutes this month.. rofl.. and still have two weeks before my payment period resets.... like 250 / 500 plan minutes... 125 offpeak minutes.. and 900 pcs to pcs minutes.. wow? yeah i'd say so.. alot of long talks... and the only people I ever talk to for length on the phone are matt, angela, megan and adam o.O... So today I find myself pinned in this fucking chair at matt's house on his faggot dial-up connection... typing his homework as he reads it to me to save him time since he types like 3 words per minute.. and I couldn't stand hearing him type so slow... doesn't look like i'll be getting any sleep tonight... or tomorrow for that matter.. I guess we're going up to the adventuredome after school to play some DDR. Should be fun...i'm going up there this weekend with angie and megan to ride teh rides for once as well.. should be fun.. and week after next i'm driving up to Phoenix for the weekend to pick up adam so he can come back to vegas.. he's been there for three months @ devry and already hates it so he is just transferring back here and going in Henderson. School is good. we're learning how to write applets now and are going to start programming interactive programs soon through java... buttons.. menus... the works.. all through code.. it should be fun, i'm kinda tired of writing console applications, gets a little rudimentary to me after 3 quarters of it. Once adam gets back i'm going to start learning C# so I can write actual windows programs with windows and stuff.. and then probably start working on a game, or the engine for our game, after I get the hang of C# and start writing in directx / opengl code. I'd also like to learn TCP/IP sockets in C++ / java so I can learn some network programming to tie down servers and stuff.. but yeah after this quarter I plan on starting to learn stuff outside of class more... learn to hack with my uber cool book I bought, C#, maybe even PHP / ASP, dunno yet. I'd like to learn every applicable programming language by the time I graduate. I could write for days probably but matt wants to do his flash homework so I am going to let him and free up his computer.. more writing soon.. wheeee~