picking at the brain

Sep 25, 2004 21:03

I've been informed that I do not post on my journal enough... so i'm just going to post whatever comes to my mind while i'm sitting here... this music is pretty wack, i'm waiting for angie to call me back... kinda bored fuck Las Vegas and fuck not having a job... why do people keep telling me i'm uber quiet?? its not like I don't talk.. I just don't always have something to say.. I guess sometimes its because I don't think the people i'm talking with will care...or that I care what they'll think.. which is retarded I know but the truth none the less... k now i'm stumped for things to say so i'll talk about last night... the movie was fun... fuck africa... like 100ft anacondas = the lose... I think me and angie are getting closer... at least I think she feels the same way... some affection shown last night... it was relieving... the last few girls i've met didn't turn out too well...oh yeah.. how could I forget our first kiss, it was nice, although it caught me by suprise to be honest... shes so sessy... ah more things to write about... school is going well, except for Mr. Mott(linux) who needs to die, but that has alread been posted... some people just don't know how to teach and unfortunately he just happens to be one of them... i'm looking for a job currently... hopefully I get something in the computer industry.. I don't like ealing with customers much... tooo many idiots in the world and I always sem to find them all.... I might end up applying at the bank of america by my house to be a part time teller. they start @ 9.50 which will be fine for what I have to pay.. 25 hours a week or something that'll give me 920 and change a month before taxes.. so i'll have my insurance out of the way with 500 or so for fun / gas... and plus they have a thing well they'll help pay for your tuition I think I read when I was there yesterday... which would be cool, less for me to have to pay in the long run... still deciding where I might want to move after I finish my degree here... i'm thinking of three places, san diego, seattle, and well unfortunately.. here.. heh maybe i'll see gloria this week so I can give her my resume she said they are hireing IT types at the new company she works for... should be good pay.. or maybe i'll get the job at the mirage, that would be uber leeto... $16 an hour to maintenance computers.... /drool... I have to go take my mom somewhere now so i'll finish when I get back wheeeee...wow... I should write more often.. its so relaxing to me its odd... I don't even know why I just feel so sound when I write...this quarter should be fun... lots of writing papers for composition class... hmm back to me being quiet... I think from now on i'll just stop caring and if people don't like what I have to say they don't need to be around me because honesty is my new favorite remody...too often do I not say something that I want to... because of what I think someone will think about it... I know i'm reiterating what I said before but from now to then it came clear to me that its true... to be honest i'm not shy but I guess I always come across as shy because I don't speak my mind, or what i'm thinking to say... I know some of you understand what I mean by that and that is all that matters...back to school as far as that goes i'm happy with what i'm learning in college and its coming easy to me.. I think that is because I have to help the others in class get through brain walls and it really helps me learn the material better... I don't know if it is just because I grasp certain concepts ona different level then some of the others inc lass or just because I understand it... period... but writing code to me is not much harder than writing... in general... it just takes a little while to make a mental image of how I want the code to work and how it will deal with the problem I need it to and then the code just flows like a novel.. its odd I know... I think I might end this post now even though I oddly have so much on my mind...i'll be doing more of this I think... its so soothing to write..
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