Photoshigenic Translation

Jan 06, 2008 20:20

From WinkUp January 2008. Scans from :
Requested from:

I'm going from top to bottom ^^b and from the first page shown.
The [ ]  are me making notes.
This isn't my best translation :| if anything confuses you, feel free to ask ^^v

This was a picture from when I went to Shimosuwa with Koyama and Massu. They said "Do you want to go somewhere?" and somehow it became "Let's go to Shimosuwa" so we rode a fast train and went. By the way, Koyama is on the left. We were hyper so when we saw something like this, we have to go to it. After this, we went to an onsen. We had forgotten that it was Sunday. When we got there it was a children Wai Wai DAY [like a special kid program thing, I'm guessing...] While Massu and Koyama were getting a massage, I was sleeping. And then kids started to telling Massu that "Kenta Senpai is sleeping over there. lol. I was suprised that it was Wai Wai DAY, but it was fun. I've been to places with Koyama before but with Massu... it's rare. Now we're talking about going to Utsunomiya and eating gyoza.

shigeaki kato

just starting photography, but already a world obsessed in.
But at locations [as in for work, etc] after saying "Okay! I'm going to take pictures!" realizing there's no film, going to Okinawa and after saying "Okay! I'm going to take tropical pictures!" and finding out I took them all in Black and White. lol. I'm a new cameraman but I'll leave taking pretty pictures to professionals and I'll share pictures that are me-ish and write comments. Wish me luck!

"Be Careful"
I saw this during a walk. There was padding around a tree because I guess people hit their head there. And the thing is, there are marks after people hitting their heads on the padding. There must be people hitting their heads. I thought,  Everyone, how are you walking? and it was funny to me so I took a picture. Every time I go to the same places to take pictures, so a old lady shop person said "you need to get yourself more exposed to different places" and advises me. Since it's a chance, I should study photography. W what? The meaning of exposure? I - I know. It, it has to do with lighting... right? So meaning I don't have a lot of exposure means... wait cameraman-sa~~~~n! lol


"fuu shii meigwanshi"
This was a picture taken in Taiwan when I was taking a picture with fans. Looking at the buildings I really thought "I came to Taiwan!" And we all got excited and we took a picture. It was fun. And then I did [I'm not sure if he did or someone else did ugh it's confusing] an imitation of Kojima Yoshio-san. "That has nothing to do with it!" in Taiwanese is "fuu shii meigwanshi!" I think. The translator told Yamashita-kun and he told me. So, I think, it's wrong. And there was a lot of Japanese fans so it would've been okay if that was in Japanese. lol. But people laughed so it's okay.

[ I have noooo idea what Shige is talking about in the middle shigenic thing >___<;; I'm sorry. It has to do with some slang around there ]

"Right now is my popular time"
When I was filming my drama and went to Edo-Mura, I took this one picture. I'm really popular with fish. There's a saying that people are popular 3 times in their life. I've had two before, so I think this is my last time lol. But woww, that was amazing. When I glanced, they all came towards me and it scared me a bit for a moment. I really felt that they were saying to me "Give me food~" and popular Shige felt like he must give them food, so he bought food for fish by a nearby vendor person. Ah, they were happy.

That's it. ^^;
I don't know how soon I'll be able to work on the other translation I have to do ><;
I'm getting really busy lately, and requests are closed. I'm really sorry. I'll probably get to them in a few weeks. Or maybe next weekend.

Comments are great so I know people read it ^^b
and feel free to ask questions or tell me if I translated something wrong. n____n

translation, shige

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