New look for the layout. Yes, it's only a change in colors. Still.
Anyway, Supernatural was good.
Yay, returning characters that haven't been seen for at least a season! Moreover, returning characters that survived their return! I was sort of expecting at least one of them to get killed off because, frankly, this is Supernatural and no one is safe, not even the leads. I wish there had been more character moments for the returning people, but hopefully their survival means they'll be back. Bobby is in a foul mood (understandably so), and Castiel is on a quest. Yay for LotR references. Not so much yay for the boys splitting up. I mean, it's good drama, but sad (though they'll be back soon enough, I'm sure). Also, pretty cars. Really, really pretty cars. Why don't the cars on this show get more attention in the promotional stuff? The Impala needs love, too!