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Feb 26, 2007 21:31

How music benefits teens.

Criticism welcome. Considering the speakoff is wednesday.

The life of a teenager is never easy. The near intolerable pressures of school, - meaning assignments, test, quizzes and more, compounded with the responsibilities at home and fickle relationships can make for a stressful life. Who wouldn’t turn to a simple, yet powerful outlet that can help relieve these problems, and do so much more? Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, tonight I will be speaking on the topic of How music benefits Teenagers.
Music. A universal language that reaches across the world, can entertain, relax, and excite you. A method of influencing religion, beliefs, values, and so much more. A way to connect, to have a sense of belonging, and something to relate to. Who can benefit from this more than Teenagers?
One of the first things that comes to mind when the word Teenager is thought of is school. How can music benefit teenagers as students, you ask? Studies have shown that through the use of classical music, the body and mind can relax, yet become more alert. Through this relaxation and alertness, the mind is able to concentrate much more easily. This allows the listener to study more efficiently, a major benefit to any teen in the school system of today. According to The Center of New Discoveries in Learning, learning potential may be increased by a minimum of 5 times by listening to music with a beat of 60 beats per minute, such as many of the musical workings of Mozart. If a student should take advantage of this, his or her school life could become that much easier.
But what about when 3:00 rolls around? When school’s just finished, but the stresses of a full 5 to 6 hours of studies is still fresh in your mind? When you need an enjoyable way of relaxing, and even feeling re-energized, what can fill the void? Music is an amazing relaxation method. Calm, soothing music can relax your body and mind. Soothing music has been shown to reduce heart rate, creating a relaxing effect. But what if you’re not a relaxing kind of person? What if you’re a Get-Up-And-Go type person? Fast paced, drum and guitar filled music is a motivational tool. Professional snowboarders, skateboarders, and runners all use motivating music to increase their performance, endurance, and overall pump them up for some of the most physically exhausting activities around. This may be a key in influencing teens to engage in physical activities, and keep them from sitting in front of the TV or Computer screen hour after hour.
But let’s step away from the school and physical aspects of the benefits. What about the possibly more important factors, the emotional and spiritual values. A teenager is someone who is just starting to really think for themselves. Perhaps they question the beliefs and methods under which they were raised. They may be confused as to what to believe in. They may be searching for their Voice. Music most definitely helps. With the many different varieties of music out there, there’s so many to choose from. Perhaps one really speaks to the Teen. Represents what he or she feels on the inside. The music a teen listens to may be a looking glass into what they feel on the inside. Someone who would listen to popular music may feel the need to belong, to fit in with friends. Someone who listens to Punk music may feel teenage angst, a rebel. The music teens listen to can help them to express themselves, a crucial part of growing up, and getting in touch with themselves. Maybe the teen has troubles with relationships. They have these bottled up feelings, and don’t know what to do with them. Music may be the exact vent they need. Lyrics from popular music may appeal to them and their situation, and give them something to relate to, easing their troubles. Music may even influence religious beliefs. Teens are at a very influential time in their life, and may be questioning the religion they grew up with. Religious music, or even the religions of their favorite musicians may influence a new set of beliefs.
In conclusion, I hope this speech as enlightened you, even a little, as to why music can benefit teenagers, and just why its so important to them. Maybe you’ll even think of this the next time you see a teen listening to music from their iPod, as it seems to be such a common thing these days. But most importantly, remember this: If you deprive yourself of food, you starve the body. If you deprive yourself of Music, you starve the Soul.
Thank you.

Keep in mind I haven't timed myself reading it yet. Some may be removed, more may be added. Don't know yet.
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