Tekkoshocon V - Saturday

Apr 14, 2007 13:45

Saturday April 14, 2007
The morning came really early when the sun was streaming in through the window which had its shades opened up. Nick and Zack were already up, Nick was just walkign around while Zack was at the table working on his Hellsing costume. It was only once I got dressed that Nick and I decided to hit up K-Mart to try and get spraypaint for Zack which ended in us finding a McDonald's down the street. We ended up grabbing breakfast for people in the room and it was after this that I remembered all the pilgrimages that we had for food and just how entertaining they always were. Nick and I got to talking a lot too which was awesome! Nick's a really cool kid ^_^ Once back to the room we found that Mike and Rachel had woken up to and we started to get ready for our day as the Hellsing group. Nick was Anderson which was freaky because he looked oddly like the priest while Mike went as Walter. Zack had slicked his hair back, given him a monocle and BAM! He looked rediculously like him. The coat that Sarah had made Zack looked awesome as did Zack as Alucard which is hard for me to say because I absolutely adore Alucard and not many can actually pull him off. I had to somehow do my hair which was hilarious, by the end of it my hair was orange, out to the sides, and moved in one large mass. But we were finished, Nick had his two knives, Zack had his gun, and we were off for our day of Tekko as the Hellsing group. We watched AMVs which were amazing, were stopped numerous times for pictures, found an Integra and a Dark Walter along the way, had Rachel jump in line to get Travis (Zack's manager) the voice actor for Edward Elric's autograph, and I ran into Shawn and Zeina along with everyone else.

Today was the day that Nick, Zack, and I decided to attempt RBG as the Hellsing group. Luckily we got it so that Zack and I were on a team against Nick and originally I was handed a Darth Vader helmet and lightsaber, but they had me trade them in for my big gun ^_^ I got a picture or two taken with that. We did it and I believe that the 'Good Guys' aka Seras and Alucard team won, not sure, but it was so much fun. I love roleplaying and to fight someone else was amazing, Nick and I mostly dueled though since we were on the same side. We even did the whole he stabs me in the neck thing just like the anime, I believe that people liked that one.

We attempted to travel over to the mall in the rain which was not the best idea for me being that my hair color was wash out >.< So I was kind of running the entire time. We had also picked up another person which we referred to as crazy fanboy by this point so we had whore-bitch and fanboy. Thing 2 was going to be spending the night this night and I was praying to God that Thing 1 wasn't spending another night because with 2 girls, myself, and Zack in one room . . .I don't know if I could take it. Luckily Jake offered to let me stay in his room if things got bad.

We retired back to the room for food, Shawn and Zeina (as well as Derek for a little bit) came up to the room. Shawn eventually left, Zeina gave me her Sakura outfit for Sunday, and I decided that I needed some tea . . .badly. So Mike, Zeina, and I left for Border's to get some tea where we sat and just talked for a good hour or more which was awesome because it was still raining pretty badly outside. Again, I told Zeina that it's the treks we make for food that are more of the experience then the actual convention itself. We went back to the room, changed and got ready for the rave. We ran into Jake who had covered himself in glow-sticks and picked up Sarah and her friend (they had brought her things up to the room when we were gone).

The rave was amazing! I loved the DJ and they actually played decent music, they allowed people to rave on the little substage that they had and there were some awesome rave outfits that I saw. Sarah danced up on Zack for a little bit, then her and I danced, Zack and Nick made it up to dance on the substage while Mike, Jake, Sarah, Rachel, and I all jumped around and danced all crazylike. During Eye of the Tiger, Nick and I sparred which was hilarious, Techno Speed racer certainly was interesting, and Zack and I went insane to the techno version of Shut Me Up in which there was lots of head-banging, ass-slapping, and all around insanity.

Being a girl, I got jealous and emotional near the end and had to go sit by myself. I saw Mike, Sarah, and Rachel leave to the room, Nick found me and we were on our way to the room when we got really thirsty. I clawed at the soda machine and then we heard someone talk of Sheetz . . .*Lightbulb* Nick and I decided that at around 1 AM we would try and find this Sheetz so we venured out into th rain after I pirated Zack's Hellsing hoodie. We literally walked around the entire Mall and then across a bridge type thing, we picked up someone else trying to find said Sheetz, and eventually gave up . . .we couldn't find it anywhere, but by this time we were soaked from head to toe. We even came up with this plan on how we were going to con a mall cop into helping us find it by pretending that there was a zombie attack, but we never actually did that. I got a call from Zack asking where we were so we decided to head back.

That night Nick got the bed all to himself because Zack was not feeling well, his head was hurting, his throat was annoying him, and he basically lost his voice. So I tried to help him as best I could while Sarah straddled him . . .yeah that bothered me too >.< I hate being a girl! Anyway, it ended up with 4 people to one bed (Rachel didn't spend the night this night) and Nick with his own bed. The way the four person bed worked was literally in this order from inside out: Me, Zack, Sarah, and Mike. Mike and Sarah cuddled, Zack had his arm under my pillow while I curled up. We attempted to talk to Nick who eventually started speaking German (or so we think) and that's when we gave up. All the guys started snoring too which was hilarious in itself. Mike kept stealing the covers so Zack kept trying to give me covers which was really nice of him. I slept really well that night . . .not sure why.


sleeping arrangements, anime

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