Jan 04, 2007 22:14
Sat 30 Dec: I got piced up by Briar and her Mummy at bout 11.... we got stuck in traffic just after the tauranga/coromandel turnoff.. and we finally got to Tairua at about.. ooh 1/2 I think.. yea 2. We took a while for lunch.. it was delicious though, a chiken + salad panini YUM.
Then we got back on the road and finally got to Kuaotunu at I dont know when. we missed the turnoff for the road the original campsite was on. Finally we got back up the hill and down that road. We had been informed by ppl earlier in the day of a new campsite, but the directions given were not fully great at all so we just went there to try figure out where our friends had gone. the campsite worker was an absolute unhelpful dick to me and Briar so we went to the beach to try get reception and contact our friends.. NO ONE answered their fones.. we called all the people attending who had telecom and therefore better reception-nothing. in desperation vodafone users.. we started at about this point getting random calls tht wud hang up as their reception was lost and also i got a message full of static from anita.. I didnt know it was anita else I could have called her back.. the message machine was like "press 3 to call this person back' and im like.. well Im sure I would love to call them back.. but WHO IS IT?!?!" anyways..
We went down a road.. and found three 'sights' that were on our directions sheet and went up a hill, gravel road and then down.. as soon as we were over the hill entirely we lost all reception and hoped we were goin the right way. we got to a beach (Otama for future reference) there we saw Amanda Sewell and Anita Palacio YAY FRIENDS!!! they hopped in the car and directed us to the campsite. we saw a few other tents, a long drop and a bucket with a small pipe leading to it... THAt was the facilities :p
So we were welcomed very enthusiastically by everyone who was there.. well most of the people. I will now attempt to list them all (Verity, Graham, Jase, Tom P, Anita, Amanda S, Katy(31st), Katys cousin Gabby, Suzy, Andy, Dan, Liz, Erin, Lisa, Jenny, Alix, George, James M, Jono, James D, Chris, Amanda B, Ellie, Sue, Laura, Shane, Cameron, Ashley, Igor, Tim, Tom L, Calvin, Katie, Peter, Chloe, Patrick, Laura J, Briar, Josh, and Shira and her cronies(+ about 5ish) stayed at the original site.. on the site booked .which wouldnt have fitted us all) so about 2/3 of that crowd welcomed us two :p..
Some people *cough tom cough* were already on their way to drunkeness and other were catching up... it was 6 at this point. so i didnt unpack cus that would have taken too much space, but put my food under lisa's awning. I cant actually remember what i had for dinner that night, but Im pretty sure i fobbed off dans group... as I couldnt be bothered making my own dinner heh heh. but im sure it tasted good.. NO wait!! i didnt have dinner as I was still full from lunch :p
We had a late night and me, Liz, Dan, verity, Andy, lisa and Erin too I think went down to the beach.. no idea why.. we just did
Sun 31st Dec: WOKE UP EARLY!! gosh darn those morning people, and non-sound-proofed tents :p Tom woke up at about 6 and cleaned up the bottle n took them to the recyling bins at the entrance. then others got up (note: THEN after the work was done (we are smart)) and talked loudly...well too loudly for EIGHT AM!!!.. so i got up n had cereal for brekkie...
So at some point during the day whilst it was sunny (so in morning) people started playing 'firing squad' unfortunately one of the ends of the game were where the spectators were and so we were in eminent danger of being hit.. i dont think we did tho (get hit that is) At about 1 i think it started raining enough for us to try and attach a tarpaulin to the awning of the tent.. it wasnt a very good fit.. but kept us wet (i know this cus the pics at that time have us sitting under the awning.. But then katy and her cussy arrived.. so they had brought petanque and cricket so we started playing that.
We went for a swim at the beach (no way! she says. at a beach?!) and it was absolutely fukin freezing!!! but quite refreshing (ie: our wash for the day :p) so then we sat on the beach and talked (we do this quite well) James M had an umbrella that he took everywhere with him.. the photos are quite entertaining Jase with major shirt burn, james with shirt, big hat and umbrella, and paddy with buket hat and beige brigade shirt :p hehe.
We went back.. and blobbed again (throughtout this 'weekend' i attempted to read about 4 books and got thru 4 pages of erins, 6 chapters of Laura's, 1/2way thru mine and a bit thru lisa's.. I just didnt have the motivation to read, I would rather have just sat there doing nothing.. weird.
We started making dinner. I made tuna + tomatoes, which ppl complained about the look, i didnt care.. My dinner, I liked it.. dont care what they think. Most ppl had started drinking by this point (about 530ish)
So the drinking began, fun and games and slowly loosing people over the course of the evening.. whilst finding a random 16yr old called Nathan from Te Puke.. weird and I dont know why. I broke out the glo stiks once it got dark.. i only had hmm 64 I think :p and george had some, as did suzy.. and jase had a weird set... anyays.. we all looked very nice multi coloured ppl tht we were :p
By the time new yrs came, we had no idea whose watch was right so we tried to count down about 4 times, with anita popping the champagne cork too early :p hehe silly billy. after that we went to beach, No idea why but we did.. i got wet socks cus I had socks n jandals on :p n holes in my sock oops. but we eventually trundled back.. I sat on the chairs n decided then that i should go to sleep cus i was tiiiired.... nighty night for caitylin
Mon 1st JANUARY 2007!!!: Another early morning.. freaky people.. and again another day of not a heck of a lot.. mostly just lazing around doing fuck all.. except for a very sudden clean up of the site as we were threatened with a thunderstorm.. we sat under cover for a bit until we realised that it wasnt actually going to rain!! so we lay down on the ground until some genius thought of bringing the chairs out from under cover.. i had celery and peanut butter for lunch teehee..Whilst and after we had lunch we were all discussing just how much we needed an icecream and whether we should bother to go over the hill n get some.. consensus=noone cud be bothered :p so we thort how cool it would be if a mr whippy could get over the hill and visit us.. pretty much a minute after this was uttered A MR WHIPPY DROVE PAST!!! so some people got their wallets n went for a walk (yes me included duuh) and tom, tom and yan drove to find him first.. we were biout 1/2 way there whn they drove bak and sed that he was a bastard just sitting there n not selling anything... so me, lisa, erin, maiko alix walked back thru the shortcut and the other went via the actualy road :p pish i say!! and had another late swim at about 5ish I think.. not so many baby jellyfish this time.
the drinking began AGAIN... it was slightly quieter than the previous nights as most of the majorly drunk ones went down to the beach.
That night we had 2 extras in the tent.. so it went *damp wall* Me, Jase, Amanda, Briar, Graham, Andy (threw up b4 gettin in), Verity (drunk as a skunk), Dan (nicely sober), Liz (threw up during night so drunk also) and Suzy(slept on grund :o) during the night the combined efforts of amanda briar and jase pushed me further to the right (ie: into the wall) so i woke up during the night absolutely frozen, slightley damp with my mattress gettin kinda wet too.. so i tried to move further to the others but not easyy wen there was a gap between me n jases beds.. eeerrrgghhh... so i grumped at them bout tht the next day :p
Tues 2nd: An even earlier morning, thanks to Liz, Dan, Suzy and Laura leaving early morning. they got off at about 9 o clok... then my olds turned up at bout 11 with ice blocks.. Alix was VERY excited by this because of the previous days events... so then we went for a swim and played with the now dubbed "jelly babys' which we are pretty sure were jellyfish eggs :p they wereso cool n looked/felt like pomegranate seeds.. then me n erin n lisa went along the beach to visit other ppl who were fishing/ playin with vortex...erin n lisa left cus of the cold.. and me n verity stole jono and james sweatshirt bcus with the clouds and wind its was (again) fukin freeezing!!) I left with briar at bout 5ish. we stopped at whitianga for dinner.. and then we slept.. soo soo soo soo soo tired!! omfg it was crazy..i actually couldnt keep my eyes open anylonger
Wed 3rd JAN: now i am home and i had one of the greatest showers ever.. then I headed down to takapuna in the hopes of buying clothes and a straightener!!1 I SUCCEEDED.. i now own shorts, a dress (yes!!), 2 shirts, hair stuff, socks cool stokings aaannnddd a straightenere!! wootys