On my 30th birthday (Aug. 4th), I made a
list of 75 things I want to accomplish before Aug. 4th, 2007 (my 31st birthday). Over the next 11 months, I plan to journal with updates. This is my first update.
Item #56 is to weigh 140 (I'm currently 156-158); Item #75 is to go an entire month without any fast food purchases. I've chosen September as the month to accomplish #75 and since I'm trying very hard to lose 15-20 lbs, I've decided September is the month to go without sweets of any kind. Given how much I love caramel popcorn, ice cream, cinnamon cake, and Green Burrito bean/cheese/rice burritos...well, let's just say I bit off A LOT.
I'm proud to say that I've gone ten days without sweets and fast food. I feel better and losing inches, the craving for sugar, and weight (2lbs so far). And, although I knew it conceptually, it has really hit home that reaching a health(ier) weight is all about choices. Every time I head to my work cafeteria, I choose NOT to buy the walnut cinnamon strudel cake that is SO good my mouth salivates just thinking about it. Every time I drive home from work, I make the conscious choice to plan my dinner from food at home instead of driving the extra mile to Green Burrito. When I hung out with my parents for Labor Day, I chose not to eat the Haagan-Daz, scrumptious lemon cake, and other goodies my mom & aunts made for the BBQ.
It feels good to make healthy, positive choices. Pants that are too big now is just a nice side effect...and incentive to continue my choices.
In other news, I am closer to 30% on #59 (Watch 80% of NYT’s Top 1000 movies), with 10 additional movies sitting in my living room.