(no subject)

Dec 18, 2003 11:59

1) What's Your Favorite Movie/TV Show/Book? Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (movie) Charmed (tv show) Kindred by Octavia Butler(book

2) What's The Best Part of Your Body? lips

3) Which "reality show" would be best on? Supermarket Sweep..lol

4) Define the term "brotha"(or "sista"). uh..black male (female)?

5) What's your fetish? don't think I have one, it used to be eating ice though

6) Which celebrity do you most closely resemble? I've been told Diana Ross but I beg to differ. When I was younger I looked exactly like Rudy from the Cosby Show except lighter

7) Wendy Williams: "evil bitch" or "just doing her thang"? just doing her thing

8) How "long distanced" is too long distanced for a relationship? another country and they aren't returning for years

9) Which "celebrity" could you most do without hearing about ever again? Robert Downey Jr.

10) Choose one from each line: a) Wonder Woman vs Bionic Woman

b) Tyra Banks vs Naomi Campbell

c) Roy Jones Jr. vs Lennox Lewis

d) Bugs Bunny vs Woody Woodpecker

e) "Sense of Humor" vs "Sense of Style"

11) What is your "fantasy threesome"? Justin Timberlake & Orlando Bloom...woooo

12) What is your biggest fear/phobia? roaches and losing my mother

Things That Make Me(or You) Go "Hmmmmm?"(these are just thoughts that have occurred to me.They don't require a response or answer)

13. Are most people online a) horny b) lonely c)horny & lonely d) just don't have sh!t to do?

14. Why does it seem like the ones who claim to be "VGL","beautiful","great bodied","sexy",etc, seem to be the same ones online all the time? they are full of shit that's why.  U can be Britney Spears online if you wanted

15. Does it seem like every fair-skinned guy with curly hair describes himself as a "pretty boy"? no, my ex didn't. He hated his hair

16. Is it a "good thing" when a man considers himself "pretty" anyway? no 15. Why is it considered "openminded" if i date exclusively outside my race, but considered "limiting" if i date exclusively within my race? good question. I think only dating one race is stupid personally

16.Why do folks who claim to not be defined by race always seem to define everyone else by theirs? they are hypocrites

17) Does absence really "make the heart grow fonder" or just makes you forget a person's name? it depends on how much that person means to you

18) Why, in this day and age, do so many people refer to the word "black" in the pejorative? hasn't being black anyway been a bad thing in this country? Or do you mean in the sense that bad things always begin with black? lol

19) Why do so many white people seem to have a problem with black sexuality? Even worst, why do so many black people have a problem with black sexuality? Umm..making me go hmmm

20) Why do biracial folks always say they "have the best of both worlds"? And do they really? And another thing...why do they often say they are "special"? at one time they probably were but nowadays it's like whatever about the whole thing. It's natural. They are so NOT special. I've been told they actually don't have the best of both worlds. It's like they have to choose or something.

21) Would we really be rid of "racism" if we all were "mixed"?NO

22a) Who's Your Favorite Porn Star? I don't watch them often enough to know names lol b) And does having a "favorite porn star" say anything about a person? They need a new hobby is what it's saying to me

What Would You Do?

I) You run into the spouse/significant other of your best friend in compromising position. It's obvious they're cheating. Do you: a) act like you didn't see them and say nothing. b) let them know you saw them, but keep your mouth shut anyway c) make a scene, and let them know that you will be exposing them. d) another answer- I'm telling my homie, right there in his/her face on my cell

II) Your best friends great looking child returns home all grown up. They confess that they've always found you "hot" and come on to you. Do you: a) Tell them how much you appreciate their interest but you're old enough to be their parent so it's out of the question. b) Laugh it off and quickly dismiss it. c) Leave the attraction as "a little harmless flirting" and nothing more. d) Say "fuck it, they're grown" and go for yours?

III) You unwittingly rent the porn movie that the spouse/lover of your best friend made a long time ago. Your best friend knows nothing about such movie existing. Do you: a) Quickly turn off the movie without watching it further? b) Watch the movie anyway and take it back without any comment to your friend or their spouse/lover? c) Watch the movie and then confess to your friend's spouse/lover that you saw the movie and them in it? d) Somehow make it where your friend finds out about the movie without them knowing it was you who let the cat out of the bag?
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