Might As Well Do This

Dec 17, 2003 18:27

I need my hair done so bad it's not even funny and my brother's HEFFA is braiding somebody else's shit when she was suppose to be doing mine. Oh she really ain't getting paid now..lol. I was suppose to go to the shop and get my very first wrap on Saturday but I wouldn't make it to the meeting in time and I have no choice but to be there. I'm not getting a perm, just a really good flat iron and a style cuz I want a change. I'm starting with my hair.

So Isiah got dissed yesterday. He met this girl and I guess they are trying to be together or work on something (Thank You cuz if it works, that means I'm free!). So he kickin it with her and his best friend at the movies and he wants to buy Charles (his friend) a gift so he walks away and comes back and this girl is all up on Charles. He feels dissed and his feelings are hurt. I didn't laugh but it was funny cuz I'm like damn, don't feel too nice huh homie? Charles and his cousin Joey are some HOES. Charles tells him he could see my "big pussy" thru my pants. I hate that word but I have to use it to emphasize what this man told his best friend about his ex's vagina! Why was he even looking? That's not something you just look at. And his cousin Joey is always up in my face (even when Isiah is standing right there) trying to talk to me. I'm not having it. Why are u even gonna bring females around those two knowing what happens? The world may never know.

I haven't talked about Anthony lately and that's because that was all just a waste of energy and time. I seem to waste alot of time and energy on folks though. So first he kisses me, doesn't call me for a week and when he does, it's on Thursday, two days before he's to leave. If that's not shouting "I'm not feeling you Ranata!" shut me the hell up. So I get a male opinion, granted it's my ex, but he's a man and he's done tons of stupid shit. He told me it sounded like he liked me but when he saw me he didn't. Then why was he up on me for? WTF was that about? I asked Resa on my bday did he like me and she's all "i plead the 5th". Don't that mean NO in plain english? I didn't need to know that. I took the hint when he didn't even call to say bye. I don't know where we stand friendwise though.

I just really truly don't want to go to this meeting on Saturday at my punk ass father's house. Nobody (but my mother and I can't figure out why) is talking to him. He sent a christmas card and he's never done that before. Like that's gonna make things alll better. He told me Happy Bday on the answering machine. I didn't want that shit from him. I can't wait to ask this nigga (my "brother") if his punk ass mother is named Jan cuz I bet it is and if it is, THAT'S A WRAP, HOMIE! I have no father if it is. Jan was the "roommate" he had back in the day for hella years.

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