And it feels like OoOoOooOOOohhh..

Dec 16, 2003 12:07

I just really don't like Alicia Keys for some reason. She's too pretty and it's like she doesn't even know it. When she sings, it's cool but then she starts talking and I look at her like "If she's not a lesbian, I don't know who is" and that's fine if she is. She's good at what she does, I just don't like her.

Anywayz, yesterday was my 24th birthday. I didn't do anything, mainly just kicked it with April and Isiah even though he wasn't invited, he just happened to come over to bring me something Andrea left in his car. My brother and him are doing "business", something to do with video games. I don't even want to know.

The whole weekend I was pretty much effed up, not to the point where I can't remember anything though. I did something but I really didn't do anything and that was alright. One of the guys who hangs out in front of my house (there's a dozen of them)asked me what I wanted to drink when he found out it was my bday. I didn't know since I'm not a real big drinker so I said wine coolers are what I drink so he bought me one. I told my co-worker and he's all "what, are you 15?". I have the alcohol tolerance of a 15 year old yes. I don't know anybody who was drinking at 15 though. Started young huh

So I didn't get anything. No ass, no cash, NOTHING. Well, except some happy birthdays (and thank you those who remembered) but that's about it. I told April I wanted some new booty for my bday. She knows tons of guys so I just told her but why did this girl ask me did I want to do it to DJ (this guy she did it to recently and that she likes alot though she won't admit it) because she could tell I was feeling him the other night when we kicked it with him. We were arguing or whatever but it in a playful sort of way and she's all in the car laughing her ass off at us. He's cute, he's hot and he's sexy but I mean, eww. That's not right at all for me to hump somebody my friend intends to keep on humping. If she hadn't have humped him and didn't like him and he was just a suggestion AND he said yea, then it might have been on though I know I'd have chickened out though. One thing I've noticed I like doing alot though is flirting. I swear I'm too old to be "spreading my wings" but what are you gonna do when you were sheltered all your life and never had the balls to do anything? Better late than never right? I agree.

The Saddam captured news is crackin me up! They just happened to find this fool in a hole/cave? My supervisor said that she thinks Bush just found a homeless man, did some plastic surgery and said "Hey, look, it's Saddam everybody!". After 25 years they just find this man in a cave/hole?? And he's just gonna tell us everything cuz he's captured? Riiiiight. I wouldn't put it past America and yalls' punk ass President to do something like that. We're almost free though and this time I intend to vote. Voting made me feel all good inside. I voted for the mayor and new D.A. of our city and they both won so go me! Yeah!

Alright, it's lunch and I'm all typed out. Oh yea, thanks hoebag Tana for the card! I love you even though you look like an ostrich on crack girlfriend! :ox
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