Crump Christmas 2003

Dec 12, 2003 15:57

Last night was my second Crump E&S of San Francisco Christmas Party and this one by far surpasses last year's. The place was hella nice. I had never been there before because, well, I'm not rich enough, bottom line but I was glad I got the chance to see this place.

We went to this restaurant called Town Hall and we had a private room, free drinks all night and a 4 course meal plus appetizers. The veal meatballs were to die for.

I kicked major ass at the Golf and Charades games we played. You basically had to make best of 5 holes and I got 3 (this was the golf game). I beat the president and he's like THE man at golf. I'm like now what, the little black girl beat the boss man! I'm now dubbed Tiger. LOL.

Everybody was on this one woman we work with. She's a chunky gal and she has on this short ass skirt with a HUGE and I mean HUGE slit up the side. You could see where the pantyhose reached the control top. Wasn't pretty. I didn't even notice until Christie tapped me and pointed it out. I don't notice things like that. I just do my own thing.

Before the party Christie asked me and Vanessa to go with her to pick up this girl she's in love with, Heather, and then go to the party. I ended up going with her by myself cuz Vanessa ditched me to go play virtual bowling with the 2 people I can't stand being around when they are around each other: Sheryl and Joanna. I mean, I like Joanna but she gets her head up her ass when she's with Sheryl. Christie was better company. I really like her friend Heather. She's cooler than I thought she'd be. Drives like a maniac but she's alright.

The limo (yes limo, my job is bomb!) dropped me off at around 11:30p. I knew Isiah would be in his car outside my house cuz his shit had started smoking but that's what you get when you keep fucking with your car all the time. Adding all kinda shit to this little car but that's his stuff so whatever. I invited him in, why cuz I figured he's out in the cold car waiting for the tow truck, it shouldn't be a problem. WRONG. I'm trying to talk to Anthony (yes he called me back, I was shocked. I was pretty much ready to just forget his ass) and he's talking about he wants to talk. I was mean to him and I hate being mean but I'ma do what I have to do. I told him to get out, go sit in his broke ass car cuz I'm not dealing with him. It's really not my fault he feels how he feels and I don't feel him anymore. He had his chance. He said I never gave him a 2nd chance. WHAT?!?! He definitely had to go then.

After he left I called Anthony back and he told me he liked me and if I wanted to when he got back in 6 months and I wasn't messing with anyone, we'd talk about if we should be more than just friends and I said cool. That's fine with me. I don't need a man right now anyway. Too much stress and lord knows I got enough of that. And definitely not one who will be in and out my life for another 3 years. I told him to play gay since I found out you couldn't be gay in the army. I thought they had gotten over that shit by now. Guess not, according to Heather. She was in for 3 years and told them she was gay I guess and they let her go. Like it's an illness or something. People, I tell ya.

I got a 3 day weekend and I don't have the foggiest idea what I'll be doing with NO MONEY for my 24th. Suggestions are gladly accepted.

Alright, time to clean up and move on out.

Two Fingers.
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