(no subject)

Oct 23, 2007 18:59

Work is going to be crazy yet again beginning in two weeks.

I found out today my coworkers Adam and Amy are both moving out to Nevada at the beginning of November. Adam has another page design job lined up at a newspaper and Amy might get into an open photo position at the same paper. Another coworker will also be out recovering from surgery  around the same time those two be gone. She'll be out between three to six weeks.  I have enjoyed working with both of them and I'm sad to see them go. I've worked with them both my whole time at the News. After they leave we will all be working a lot of Saturdays. I feel bad for my boss. He'll have to start working six days a week soon because he'll be the only one around to lay out the newspaper pages.

One of the local T.V. news anchors, Kristen Rath, was killed Friday in a car crash in Ogemaw County. It was a huge shock to me when I read it in the paper on Monday.

She was only 24 years old when she died. I didn't know her very well, but she seemed pretty good at what she did and seemed to enjoy it. She had a lot of potential.  It's always hard for me to understand why God sometimes chooses to take people as young as her, especially when they seem to have so much ahead of them. I just know that God is in control and knew about it way before I existed. My prayers are with this girl's family and her coworkers. It really kind of hit home for me because she was only a year younger than me and she's my sister's age.

Len said he plans to be in Alpena this weekend for a visit. We plan on attending the fall party that's being planned for the college and career group. I'm looking forward to my friends getting to meet Len and spend some time with him, so they know who I'm talking about when I do.

That's about all for now. Let's just say I'm feeling a bit somber today
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