Jun 26, 2007 22:51
This weekend as I mentioned in my last post, I went to the U.P. to see the Sawyer Experience Air Show with Len. He was so sweet to take me to it and I had a really good time. It was also special for me experience something with him that he's passionate about. I hope it's something we can continue to enjoy doing together in the future. The air show was neat though. It reminded me a lot of a car show with all the air planes grounded and on display. They had a couple large jets there from different branches of the military and a helicopter. I enjoyed seeing the stunts some of the airplanes did. The highlight for me was seeing the F-18 flying around and I didn't know I would enjoy the sound of loud jet engines. Len enjoyed seeing the B-2 Stealth Bomber, which is a craft you don't see too often. I can't believe how quiet it was.
After the air show we went over to Sugarloaf Mountain and climbed it. We decided to take the difficult trail which was a challenge, considering it was hot out and we're both out of shape. The view at the top of the small mountain was well worth the climb though. You could see Marquette as well as an old mine and a lot of shores along Lake Superior. It was so beautiful.
After leaving Sugarloaf Mountain we drove around in Len's truck for a bit with the air conditioning on full blast to cool off. For dinner we went to Applebee's and retreated to Len's apartment. Len was pretty much wiped out by then so he went to bed not too long after we got back and I went to my hotel in Marquette. Early Sunday morning I met Len at Big Boy's for breakfast and we parted ways. He's in Traverse City until Thursday and I had to work on Monday.
On my way home I purposely took my time getting back because I stopped and took pictures of different things. One of my stops was the Garlyn Zoo off of US-2. It's a very small zoo granted but I enjoyed seeing the animals and having a little alone time to process things and relax. After getting back to Alpena, I went and helped out with senior high youth group.
Well not much else to report. I'll probably be hanging out with the Word of Life college and career crowd again on Thursday so that should be fun. Laters my peeps.