Jul 17, 2007 17:33
i ran for ten solid minutes today, full out. it was awesome. I felt really strong. and then i alternated running and walking for another 35 minutes. Overall, i ran exactly 2.01 miles. I love running hard. It can be difficult to get through it, except when i hit my stride, but the way i feel afterwards is amazing. Heh, and i did my hardest running to Eminem. There's something about the rhythym of his words and music that makes me run faster and stronger. I need to get some cd's from that fool and load it on to the shuffle of shame.
Later, i was sitting on the couch, icing my knee and watching GREEK again (im obessesed i tell ya!) when a friend from my stat class called. she was all upset cuz she got a D. I immediately panicked cuz she understood it more than i did. The class kicked my ASS. I had to study sooo hard to get through it. But i was certain that if she got a D, then i failed. Howevah, i just checked my grades...and I got a C+! not good, but not a fail! and honestly, the class was so hard, that i'll take it. i am slightly bitter that, gpa wise, a B- and C+ is exactly the same, but a B- looks better. So i kinda wish he'd just given me the B. But whatever. Its not a D or a fail!!!
But from now on, i have to fight for A's. Cuz my gpa is 2.475 and thats not acceptable for grad school. Let the studying continue!
running log