More stuff

Nov 23, 2006 10:15

I know that I'm posting things rather close together, but the one previous to this one had a specific theme of two nights previous. This post will be in my usual tangential rambling manner.

Yesterday I called my sister to go out to ice cream. I had a few hours before I thought I would be baking with Briana at her house. Since she didn't call, I just kept playing Kingdom Hearts. I played for a good five or six hours. I now have eleven hours logged on the game. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed myself. I enjoy spending time with my sister. She's so cute! :) We definetly have an overabundance of the cuteness gene from our father. :)

I am super happy with my short hair and I thought I would just comment on my thoughts for a bit about it. My short hair is definetly different. I feel different with a bob of bouncy hair on my head. And I feel different in a good way. This me with the short hair feels right, it feels more me than the long hair was feeling. I know it's going to take some getting used to, but I don't mind it at all really. When it gets in my face in an annoying way I just put on my headkerchief. I'm trying to get used to it down though, because it is cuter that way (and Justin karatestereo thinks women look better with their hair down, and I agree). It is definetly bigger hair than I'm used to. The last time I cut my hair this short I remember not really feeling like myself. This time around I feel more myself with short hair. It is very good.

I really want to start working on the blanket for Diana and Justin! It is seriously going to be so much fun. The blanket is all complicated and has a bunch of different pieces and I'm just so excited about making it! I think I may have to design some different blanket and make one for myself! I've always wanted to make myself a blanket, I just never found a pattern and yarn that I really liked. Hmm... That and I still have X-mas presents to knit.
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