(no subject)

Jun 29, 2006 21:58

There is a screaming/crying child across the street, so this writing will probably not be nearly as coherent as I was hoping to write. Oh well.

Went to Amoeba a few days ago with Alana. Bought three new cds. One I had already listened to, the other two are new. I also checked out some Copland which is really really good.
Already had but needed to buy Garbage's Version 2.0.
New to me:
Charge!! by the Aquabats
Float by Aesop Rock
Symphony No.3 and Quiet City by Aaron Copland with Lenoard Bernstein conducting
Version 2.0 wouldn't burn on my computer so I decided to buy it. The Aquabats were introduced to me in high school. I have contemplated buying a cd of theirs for ages and finally got around to it. Charge!! is a bit more punk than ska but I still really like it. Aesop Rock is a favorite of smokeyourgender and I liked what she played in the car on the way to the airport so I thought I would give Aesop Rock a shot and I'm very happy with the cd. Wise and poignant lyrics with interesting and captivating beats. Aaron Copland is one of my favorite composers and I checked out the cd on a whim at work. I really like all four of these artists/bands and hope to get more of their music in the future.

Creativity has struck me over the head. It's a feeling, this supremely deep urge to express and feel my existence in harmony with the world. I walked to Portfolio because I left a cd in my car that I needed to pick up and I needed coffee to wake me up. As I was walking home my mind kept blurting out obscenely poetic comments about the twilight night and I couldn't help but feel in touch, in tune, and on the edge of my toes. I wanted to sit and write at Portfolio, but its open mic night tonight and there weren't any seats left. I then felt the urge to find some random park bench to sit, sip my iced vanilla latte and write, but it was nearing darkness and the unfortunate truth of my existence as a woman means that doing something like that wouldn't necessarily be the best idea. So I walked home and sat down on my porch and wrote a disjointed poem which is below. As I was writing it I felt that it was probably going to be the beginning of several different poems which I would separate out later, but which needed to start out together.

An update on my life in bullet format because I don't feel like a complete sentence right now and don't feel like writing any more complete sentences.
- another boring, rambling day in class. teacher had a wisdom tooth out yesterday. he still managed to talk for an hour and a half. he let out early though. fabulousness.
- Alana and I can talk, laugh, share and be together. we are planning on spending tomorrow together. this is me really really really excited.
- Believe in me as I believe in you.
- Last night both beds in this apartment saw a lot of action. i went to rite aid yesterday to get earplugs. we're sharing. :)
- the dishes are mating and having copious amounts of babies. its obscene. don't look! the spoon is forking the whisk

"We are the universe contemplating itself"
she said
speaking silent songs of serendipitous
in eloquence unmatched
with figurative florescence
There is so much here tonight
in this city
in this crowded sector
four blocks from an ocean view
delegated to the poor
and studious
because it has too much history
Finding my demons
as I down freezing cold coffee
flavored, trying to forget
that bitter taste
lingering beneath my tongue
Tonight is one of those nights that makes me wish I smoked
I could just chill on the porch
smoking a fag
and relaxing
Instead I find myself frantically scribbling
attempting to do poetic justice
to my experience of this
hot summer night
There are so many open doors
glimpses into lives
and rooms painted red long ago
I prefer the cool of blue
to the rage of red
To each their own
I suppose
Red reminds me too much of my mother
And the firey rage that went with red
Although the sun has departed
the sky still glows
As if not quite willing to believe
the sun has left it
The wind whispers reassurance
Says, "Don't worry"
And the moon
In her sliver of white chiffon
consoles the sky
with hope
promises of finding
something in his darkness
Did you hear the city today?
The gallivanting snippets
of Mariachi
or the multitude of bike wheels
new for summer
out on their first ride
or the pregnant woman
softly speaking Spanish a su mama
or the Hydrangeas
in such loud bloom as to compete
with the bougonvillea
or the plink of tree seeds
letting go only to fall on sheet metal
or the helicopter
practicing figure eights
finding in the multitude
a symphony of life
colliding together
in this city of ours
I didn't mean to overhear
you crying
I didn't mean to overhear
more television that I've watched in the last three moths
I didn't mean to hear the miscarriage
or that breakup next door
But together
the beauty
is overwhelming
These stars poking through
singing against a haze of
what next?
what does it mean?
Why does it matter
that this is the universe
contemplating its own existence?

poem, creative, music

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