Be a Writer

Jun 10, 2006 10:01

I was told once by my eleventh grade Englsih teach that I should be be be a writer. But what does that entail? Why is my mind more susceptible to these written scribbles, the urgent napkin poems, thanks to Ani DiFranco, and I'm trapped in my own head, spilling words and writing frantically, fanatically, like I've got something to share with a world that doesn't care and wouldn't give a damn anyway, what's the point in sharing this little piece of writing, such a large part of me, with a world that doesn't care, what impact does this little piece of writing have to do with anything at all, except my immediate surroundings and the brainwaves of my friends, I've grown complacent with my poetry, and I've been told that people like it, and I've been told that what I think is just okay is really quite fabulous, not to give you an ego or anything, but, you should be a writer, said my sister yesterday after I had gone through old journals and read that same phrase written by my eleventh grade english teacher, and you know, english was that one subject I never had a problem with, and it was that one subject I enjoyed, it was that one subject I never had to struggle with, but now, as I've grown older, I just got a B in my English class and it makes me doubt how much of this English literature mumbo jumbo I actually understand, or perhaps I've just become complacent, I think about taking a creative writing course because that would be a lot of fun, but the question really boils down to, What kind of writer should I become?! Technical would fit me, Poetic would suit my artistic sensibilities, but I don’t think I could be a novelist because I just don't naturally write stories, but it isn't something I have totally discarded, I just don't fucking know, but really, when have I ever known? not often, not often. I want to be a writer, and in some sense I already am, but I don't know where to go from there

writing, stream of conciousness, ponderings

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