Mar 22, 2006 21:24
I, like most of America, am obsessed with blogs. I will read almost any blog one time but tend to read many daily and many more any time I am avoiding work (which is almost daily). I find blogs through other's friend pages or when they are linked to blogs I already read. Kristen also helps with this obsession by telling me the ones SHE is obsessed with. How far is TOO far when it comes to blog stalking? I have a blog I read every couple of days that I love. It is just funny almost all the time and the owner seems like a really great person. I have been reading it so long now that I am familiar with a lot of the commenters. Meaning, I remember their names from commenting before, but keep in mind I do not know this person nor any of the commenters. I have found myself getting protective of said writer. I knew that the relationship he was in ended rather unexpectedly a while back. When his ex will comment, I know who she is from posts of his, I find my self saying "Why is she commenting? Hasn't she done enough?" Keep in mind I know little about why they broke up or if they are currently friends, I only know what is printed. I also find myself jealous of thos that comment. I love mine and the comments they leave, (well not always Kristen and MH when they take their commenting hiatus for weeks on end but expect such great things out of me :)and would not want to trade my commenters. However, he has such a wider fan base that tend to read the blog HOURLY and there are always comments to the entries. I know what you are thinking, Russ, "write better entries and we will comment" But that misses the point. Has this blog reading gone too far?