charloft - Thursday - My birth

Mar 26, 2009 17:07

Right. Well I don't remember my birth, but I remember the story. See, growing up my family was really close. My mom, my sisters and I lived in this nice country house. Spread throughout the town we had my mom's parents, my aunts, uncles, cousins...

So birthdays and holidays were always a big deal. We'd usually gather at my grandparents house (they had this huge sprawling yard), and cookout or whatever. And tradition was hearing stories about the day you were born.

I always liked my Uncle James' story best.

"Now y'see, Randy, your Mama doesn't know what she's talkin' about."

Then Mom always cuts in with, "Oh shut up James, you weren't there."

"So you think," Uncle James replies. "Your Mama was the other side of the moon. I got a call from her, she was screamin' in my ear 'James! Where the bleepin' bleep is my husband? This boy is comin' now!"

"I did not curse," Mom always adds in. Because my mom is a lady. Obviously.

"Oh you did, little sister, like a sailor. And I could hear little Erin in the background just shriekin' away. So I jumped into my boots and ran off to the bar to find your Daddy." Insert all the dirty looks and spits on the ground by my relatives, at the mention of my father. "Your Aunt Patty went to see your Mama and rushed her to the hospital-"

"Leaving me behind," Erin puts in dryly.

Aunt Patty will laugh and wave Erin away. "Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry. You know that. You shoulda made more noise." Then Erin will snort and my uncle will go on.

"-dragged your old man outta the bar and to the hospital. 'Course the nurses wouldn't let him past the waiting room, and I had no interest in seein' my baby sister like that, so Patty went in with her."

"Meanwhile," Grandpa cuts in. "We hear the news from little Erin who gets on the phone and calls us to take her to the hospital."

Everyone laughs then and makes the 'aww cute' comments in my sister's direction. She glares and reminds them she was just four and what else was she supposed to do.

"And when you came into the world," Aunt Patty continues the story, "I looked at Katie and I said, "You've got one handsome boy there. And he's gonna be a big one, just you watch."

Then I usually hide my head and blush, because Aunt Patty makes a certain comment about baby boy me' shall we say - and my sisters and I all shout at her to shut up.

"And I got my baby boy," Mom always ends it, patting my cheek. And that makes sitting through the story worth it. So I bend over and give her a hug and kiss her cheek.

Then we go eat. Have cake. Birthdays are always a lot of fun in my family.

[comm] charloft, [family]

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