[RP] Dancing and stuff

Nov 01, 2009 15:52

(Co-written with hitchhiker_girl. Noah is an NPC with her. Alice is scent_ofbooks and Beth is failuretotrust.)

"He's been looking at you all night."

Anna looked over at Noah as they danced together, a little confused as to who he was talking to. "Who?"

"Tall guy," he said, before nodding over to the side of the dance floor. "Kinda good lookin', if I was int' that sort o' thing."

"Who, Randall?" she shrugged. "He's a nice guy. Alice introduced us at the rehearsal dinner last night."

"He likes you," he smirked, and she gave him a look, before shaking his head. "I didn't have to read his mind to know that one, darlin'."

"Uh-huh. Well, what are you gonna do about it?"

"Nothin'," he smirked, before going back to the dance. "Just -- commenting."

Randall had been watching her all night. He couldn't really help it, she was gorgeous. And he liked the aura she seemed to put off with his smile. He'd been watching her dance for a moment or two, after he had a dance with Alice and after she abandoned him for her new husband.

He had been meaning to ask Anna to dance, but he kept getting sidetracked. Now was his chance. As the song started to end, he made his way over towards her. He cleared his throat lightly. "Mind if I cut in?"

Noah glanced over at him, before raising an eyebrow back at Anna, and then Anna shrugged. "Sure. I don't mind."

Randall smiled and gave Noah a nod, then held out a hand to Anna. Anna took it gently, as Noah let her go and headed back towards his wife and son. "Hi."

He held her hand firmly and stepped closer, a hand moving to rest on her hip. "Hi," he said quietly with a smile still on his lips.

She placed a hand on his shoulder lightly, before looking up at him with a smirk. "Are you enjoying the wedding so far?"

He nodded. "I am. Are you?"

"Very. Especially the food," she nodded.

Randall laughed at that. "It is some great food. Me...I like the ambiance."

"Ambiance?" she asked. "How do you mean?"

"It's just a nice set up. Came together well. Pretty things to look at."

"Very true," Anna nodded as she glanced around again. "And no carnage, so that's always a plus."

"That's only because no one has screwed something up in front of Alice. Then there'd be carnage. Mayhem. Maybe even beheading."

She laughed. "Not the kind of carnage I was thinking of, but good to know."

He frowned slightly, but inside he was all smiles. He liked her laugh. "What did you mean?"

She paused for a moment, before raising an eyebrow slightly. "How much do you know about what Sam and Dean do?"

He shrugged. "Not much. Just that they're on the road a lot. Alice says it's cool so I don't question it."

"Ah," Anna nodded, pausing for a moment, not sure how much she could say. "Well, let's just say it can get kind of messy."

He nodded, his eyes locked to hers. "Maybe...but I'd much rather hear more about you."

"About me?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," he nodded. "All I really know is your name. And that you're old friends with Sam and Dean."

She paused before shrugging slightly. "Not sure there's much more to know than that."

His hand rested to the small of her back and gently pulled her closer, hoping not to make her uncomfortable. "I find that hard to believe."

"Well, do you have a specific on that, or are you just fishing to see what I'm gonna give up?" She moved in with him, not uncomfortable at all. Yes, he was extremely tall, but she was pretty sure she could handle herself if he got too handsy, which she really didn't think he would.

He shrugged, offering her a wide charming smile. "Well....we could start with..." He watched her a moment. "You've got a pretty smile."

"Thank you," she said with a nod. "I'm glad you like it."

He went quiet for a moment, thinking, but keeping his smile on her. Then his eyes widened. "Oh! Question. The most important question known to man. Especially this man..." He gave her a long, serious look. "Are you ready for it?"

"I think I'm pretty prepared, yes."

"Music. What do you like? What do you hate?"

"I don't think I can answer that question, because I can't say I feel strongly either way."

Randall frowned. "No? Not a song you love? A single one?"

She shrugged. "I like music, but I don't really pay attention that closely."

"I have a lot I could teach you."

"Oh really?"

"If you wanted," he nodded.

"Can't promise any of it will actually stick. Some people just aren't music people."

"Well...I don't have to," he shrugged.

"I wasn't saying I didn't mind," she said softly. "Just -- don't want you to get too invested."

"In the student or the subject?"

"In trying to teach the student the subject."

"Makes no difference to me. If it isn't working out, I'm sure we could come up with something to fill the time. If you were to agree, that is."

"Well, I haven't said no so far."

"So maybe we should keep dancing and I'll return to the question later?"

"I think that might be the best plan." He smiled softly, his thumb brushing her back softly as he stepped closer and continued dancing with her. "I take it you're a pretty big music person?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "I DJ for a radio station up in D.C."

"Oh, nice," she nodded. "That sounds like a fun job."

"I love it," he nodded. "I get paid for...being me." He grinned. He also glanced over to the music booth when the DJ started "Anything You Want" by Roy Orbison. He chuckled slightly. "Now this...this is a good song."

"Man, I haven't heard this one in a while," she sighed, shaking her head.

"It's a classic," he said, giving her a light spin. "I'm tempted to sing along, but you'd run off and never look back."

"Ahhh -- so you're musicalness lies mostly in listening and not so much in the singing?"

"Listening and knowing facts, lyrics...but no, not singing. I can't play an instrument either. My mother was in mourning for a long time."

"Have you tried? Playing an instrument, I mean."

"When I was a kid. My mom tried to get me piano lessons, guitar...when I was older I tried again with piano, I tried drums...I lack the talent."

"Ahh -- well, at least you can appreciate the results?"

He shrugged. "I'm happy with what I've got. A job I love, a life I try to enjoy as much as possible."

"Always good things," she said with a nod.

Alice appeared at their sides when the song was over. She ws grinning ear to ear. "Mind if I steal him away for a song?" Randall flashed Alice a grin right back.

"Go for it," Anna nodded, before taking a step back. "I'm in need of a drink anyway."

"You can have him back later if you want," Alice teased, more so teasing Randall than Anna. Then she took Randall and whisked him off.

Anna smirked slightly, before heading over to the bar area to get herself something to drink. Beth was already there, sipping a glass of red wine and watching Dean dance with Maddie. Or, Dean standing there while Maddie bounced around at his feet.

She smiled at Anna. "Having a good time?"

"Yeah," she said with a sigh. "I always love coming to stuff with you guys involved. It's definitely never boring."

"We love having you." Beth gave her a slight nudge. "You should come around more often you know. Maddie loves when you visit."

"I'll see what I can do," Anna sighed. "I always try and stop by when I'm on the east coast but sometimes I can't quite make it."

"I know, but it still had to be said. Again. And...you know..." She nodded towards Alice and Randall. "Randall lives just across the river in D.C. One new friend locally."

"Oh yeah?" Anna raised an eyebrow. "Huh."

Beth nodded. "Tall, dark, gorgeous guy like that...who needs any other friends?" She had no issues watching Randall with appreciative eyes. She never did.

"He's really tall," Anna sighed, making a little bit of a face. "That could be an issue."

Beth nodded. "I saw him at his mom's house last summer, washing her car. No shirt. More than makes up for the strained neck. I never knew a man could have arms that large."

Anna raised an eyebrow. "Beth, you're married to Dean Winchester and you're looking at other guys?"

She smirked. "Look yes, touch no. Besides, he's a bit young for me. I'm just saying...he's pretty and single."

"He is. But that doesn't exactly promise anything."

"And that's nothing compared to how he looks with his kid around."

She raised an eyebrow. "He's got a kid?"

Beth nodded. "I don't know the details, but yes. A little boy. Alice says he's crazy about Frankie."

"Ahh," Anna sighed. "Another reason why it probably wouldn't be a be a good idea."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, I probably wouldn't be around a lot. So this wouldn't really go anywhere."

Beth sighed and turned to Anna, giving her a look. "Honey, I'm not telling you to marry the man. I'm just saying...enjoy some time with the very pretty, very nice man at this lovely reception, without worrying that he's some crazy creep."

"I didn't think he was some crazy creep."

"No? So you enjoyed the company?"

"I did. He's nice. Never said he wasn't."

"I know, just reiterating." Beth offered Anna a glass of wine, then pointed to the dance floor. Dean had retreated completely and now little Blake Walker was dancing with Maddie. It was pretty damn adorable, and Beth couldn't help but grin.

Anna grinned slightly. "Now, that is too damn cute."

"Another ten years and Dean'll be breathing down their necks, he'd be so close watching. If he even let Blake come within a foot of his daughter."

"Which he won't. This is Dean, we're talking about. He knows how boys can be."

"Exactly," Beth nodded, her eyes on the kids.

"That's what makes him a good father, though. Those kids are lucky."

Beth smiled. "So am I," she said quietly, before excusing herself and moving to Dean's side to wrap an arm around his waist and lean into him.

Anna watched with a smile as he slid his arms around her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head lightly, while Anna leaned back with a drink and watched the rest of the people around her.

Randall kept trying to get back to Anna the rest of the night, but he kept getting pulled in one direction or another, or he'd lose sight of her. As the evening was finally slowing down, after Sam and Alice had left, Randall was sitting at an empty table. He was watching some people still milling around talking, some cleaning, and the like. His tie was loose around his neck, one of his buttons undone, and his jacket was on the chair beside him. He just leaned back and relaxed, picking up his water for a long drink.

Anna took a breath as she made her way into the room, holding her heels in her hand and digging her toes into the grass of the backyard. Her feet hurt from the shoes and from being on them all day but now that the shoes were off she was feeling a little bit better, even if she was a whole lot shorter.

When Randall spotted her he smiled. "Hi." He kicked out a chair beside himself.

She turned at the sound and returned the smile, before starting to make her way forward, but not sitting right away. "Hi."

His head tilted as he looked up at her. "Have a good night?"

"Pretty good, yeah," she nodded. "You?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I did." He watched her a moment longer. "Wanna sit? Get off your feet for a minute?"

She shrugged. "I'm used to being on my feet. It happens a lot."

"Okay. So sit with me just because." He turned on his grin.

She snorted slightly, before nodding and moving to take a seat. "Okay."

He leaned back in his chair with a slight tired yawn.

"Boring you already?" she smirked, leaning back in her chair. "That can't be a good sign."

He laughed slightly. "No, not at all. Just a long day."

"Ah," she nodded. "I see."

He nodded. "So how long are you in town for?"

"Don't know yet," she shrugged. "Depends when my ride is leaving."

"Cool," he nodded. "Have you gotten to see much of our little town?"

"Bits here and there," she nodded. "And this isn't my first time here. I was here for Dean and Beth's wedding."

He smiled, his head tilting slightly. "No better way to see it than a walk."

"True," she nodded. "Walking is always a good way to see things."

Randall leaned in a bit. "Want to take a walk with me?"


"Now," he nodded. "No shoes required. You can borrow my jacket if you want."

She frowned before shaking her head. "As tempting as that is, my feet really are killing me."

"Okay...so how do I get you to spend time with me before you leave?" His smile was soft.

"I dunno," she shrugged. "This is kinda nice."

The turned his smile into a grin. "So I'm not boring you?"

"Not at all. Did you think you were?"

"I..didn't know. You could have just been being polite, meanwhile thinking 'Will this dorky guy ever shut up and let me go soak my aching feet?'."

"Well, no I was thinking the last part," she teased with a bit of a grin. "But I happen to like dorky guys."

He faked exasperation a moment, then leaned back in his chair a bit. "Well, the dorky guy could find a happy medium and give you a foot rub. No kink, I swear. I've just had a lot of practice." He grinned.

"That so?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "My...an old friend demanded a lot of them." He blatantly avoided any sentence involving the word "ex". Not a good thing to mention when first meeting a girl.

"Well, then," she said with a smirk, inching her chair forward and kicking her feet into his lap. "Rub away."

He chuckled and gently picked up a foot, starting to kneed at it. "You know what they say about girls with little feet, right?"

"That we're short?" she asked, leaning back against her chair.

"Exactly! You must be real smart."

"Well, I do have a college degree. It pays to have a smart thought on occasion."

"Gorgeous and smart, huh? Can you cook, too?"

"No. That I can't do. I prefer when people cook for me."

"Hmmm...cooking isn't that important." He shrugged and continued rubbing her foot. "There's a reason God invented frozen pizzas."

"Exactly," she said with a nod. "And Hot Pockets."

"And Bagel Bites."

"And Lean Cuisine."

His nose wrinkled slightly. "Not a big fan of them. Now..ice cream for dinner...I'm a big fan of."

She groaned slightly. "I love ice cream. At any hour of the day."

He smiled, leaning in again. "Rocky road, Mint chocolate chip...chocolate fudge brownie.." He said in an overdone seductive tone.

She laughed. "I have to admit, I'm a fan of the last one."

"Yeah..especially when it's from Ben and Jerry." He shrugged slightly. "I happen to like sundaes."

"Sundaes are good. Hot fudge, whipped cream -- a cherry on top." He nodded and looked down, a slight blush forming on his cheeks at his idea of a good sundae. She raised an eyebrow slightly at the blush, before smirking her tone turning a bit flirty. "Do you like other things with your sundae?"

He lifted his head slightly, chuckling as the blush spread a bit. "You won't slap me if I say?"

She shook her head. "Color me curious."

Knowing now that he was safe to speak his mind, he nodded. His fingers drifted up her ankle slightly, but no further. "A gorgeous girl. A table," he said quietly, his eyes locked on hers.

She bit her lip slightly, trying not to shiver as his hand moved higher. "No bowl?"

He let his hand move once more, brushing the underside of her calve. "For what?"

"The ice cream." Her eyes fluttered closed, briefly, at the motion, before she continued. "Otherwise things get kinda sticky."

He leaned in more, so just his thumb could ever so slightly touch the back of her knee, before returning to where it was. He licked his lip. "I don't mind sticky."

"I guess you wouldn't, if that's how you like your ice cream." It took everything she had at the moment not to moan at that brush from his thumb. This really wasn't the place for that.

He really wanted to keep touching her, but he didn't want wandering eyes to spot him. His hand left her leg and he leaned it to her chair, leaning the rest of the way to her ear. "I have ways of cleaning it up," he whispered.

Her eyes closed at the suggestion. "You're teasing."

He brushed her hair behind her ear. "It's not teasing when I'm willing."

"It's teasing when we aren't exactly in a position for you to show me."

His thumb brushed along her neck. He really didn't want her to leave town without spending more time with her. "Everyone's cleaning up...probably wouldn't notice if we disappeared."

"You don't think so?"

He pulled back more to look at her. "I think we could manage it...if you want." He hesitated. "I don't want you to think I'm...I mean..rushing into things isn't my thing usually...it's just.." He trailed off, not sure what to say.

"No," she said, shaking her head. "I was the one who brought it up. Besides." She paused for a moment with a bit of a smirk. "I'm gonna need help out of this dress anyway."

His eyes glanced down her body, then met her eyes again. "Are you staying with Dean and Beth or..."

"No. Hotel room."

He nodded. "Good. I'm staying with my mom...I don't think she'd appreciate us messing up her table." He smirked and glanced around. "C'mon. If anyone asks, I'm just giving you a ride back to your room."

"Works for me," she smirked back, before taking his hand and getting up, moving to reach for her shoes.

He got up with her and grabbed his jacket from the chair, before starting the way around to the front of the house where his car was. She followed his lead, leaving her hand in his as they went. When they got to the car without a hitch, he opened the passenger side door for her. She slid into the seat, leaning back and getting comfortable while she waited for him to join her.

He got in the car as well, and started out the driveway, taking her hand again. It didn't take long for them to get to her hotel, small town and all. When he parked, he got out and opened her door for her. "You know, there's a good chance other guests are staying here. We only have a couple hotels in town. Maybe we should hurry." He grinned.

She got up for a minute, looking up at him before smirking slightly. "One thing though."

His heart was already pounding with anticipation. "What's that?"

"You still haven't kissed me yet."

He nodded. He knew that. Boy, did he know that. "I was thinking I'd wait until we were in private."

She made a bit of a face before shaking her head. "See, I have this problem. I don't let boys in my room unless they're really good kissers."

He smiled. "I see.." His hand came up to her cheek, holding it a moment, before he leaned down and gently kissed her. She closed her eyes at the touch, pushing up on her toes so that she could get a bit closer, leaning in to the kiss. He sighed and lifted her slightly, pressing her between himself and the side of the car, as he deepened the kiss. He couldn't really stop himself.

She moaned softly into the kiss, sliding her arms around her neck and moving in closer. He pressed closer, his arms circling her. She didn't want to, but she eventually had to break the kiss, breathing heavy as she looked back at him.

He was trying to catch his breath as well, and he looked back. "I've been thinking about doing that all night," he murmured.

"Should have said something sooner," she said breathlessly.

"Was trying to be a gentleman...and I couldn't seem to catch you half the night."

"Well, now you've got me. What do you want to do with me?"

Randall smirked, then leaned in and whispered in her ear exactly what he wanted to do with her. She listened, her fingers tightening against her shoulders as he spoke. "Do I get to come up now?"

"Yes. I think I would seriously regret it if you didn't."

He grinned and let her down. "Lead the way, gorgeous."

She took his hand and started to lead the way into the hotel, making her way up to her room. He went with, waiting as patiently outside her door as he could. Which wasn't much, because his hand was on her hip and he was starting to step in behind her. Close. She closed her eyes at the contact as she fumbled for her card key. A few minutes later she shoved the card in the door and pushed the door open to the room.

He gently guided her inside, then shut the door. He took the key and her purse from her and dropped them to the side. Then he stepped close to her again, smiling down at her as his hands settled on her hips. She looked up at him, sliding her arms around his shoulders as she waited. His hands rubbed her sides a bit, then moved around to her back, and up to find the zipper. Once he found it, he tugged at it slowly. She pushed against him a bit, giving him a better angle on the zipper, before letting the dress fall to the floor.

He let his eyes wander down her body, then he took hold of her and moved to sit on the bed, pulling her closer. She moved with him, straddling his lap slightly when she got close enough, and starting to move for the buttons on his shirt. He helped her and shook out of it, before leaning in to kiss her again. She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning in closer.

His hands explored her skin, wanting to just feel everything about her. She moaned softly at the touch, tightening her arms around his neck as she pushed closer. He leaned back, rolling slightly, so that he was halfway leaning over her on the bed. She let her back hit the bed with a soft moan, letting her hands wander over his back. His lips trailed down against her neck and chest, taking his time to taste her. She leaned back against the bed, arching up against his lips as he moved over her.

His hand glided down her hip, over the curve of pubic bone, and started pushing her panties down her legs. She lifted her hips enough to help him get them off, leaning in to the touch. Randall let his hand rest on her thigh as he moved his lips down, gently kissing her stomach. She closed her eyes, reaching over and gripping the sheets slightly. And he moved lower. She arched up with a slight moan against the bed, fingers gripping tighter. He took his time, his hand running down her leg.

Eventually she collapsed back against the bed, letting her fingers relax slowly as she tried to catch her breath. He moved back up against her, resting close and touching her face lightly. She turned to him, snaking her arm around his neck to pull her in closer for a kiss. He met her and kissed her back, pressing his body close to hers. She slid her hands over his back, pulling him closer as she got comfortable under him, hooking one leg over his hip. He groaned softly, reaching between them to loosen his pants. Her hands moved down to help him, loosening them quickly and pushing them off his hips.

When he was free of his clothes, he leaned in closer, his hand wrapping against her thigh to pull her closer. She pushed up against him, hooking her leg over his hip again to get him as close as possible.

After awhile, Randall fell against her, his breath hard as he kept close. He moved just enough to shift his body weight, but otherwise didn't want to get any further. She closed her eyes as she tried to catch her breath as well, letting her body relax against his.

He curled into her, a smile on his lips. "Wow," he whispered.

"Yeah," she said softly.

He brought his head up a bit to look at her. "Was that a good yeah?"

"Yeah," she said with a bit of a grin. "It was very good."

"Good," he grinned back, before leaning in to kiss her lightly. She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck and sliding in closer again. "I don't think you're getting rid of me anytime soon."

"That might be a problem," she said softly. "I'm leaving in the morning."

He frowned. "I thought you weren't sure when your ride was leaving."

"Well, I know it's sometime tomorrow," she shrugged. "Just don't know when."

He sighed and moved closer. "Well...then you won't get rid of me until then."

"Sounds good to me," she nodded.

His thumb brushed her cheek. "And I'm tired, but I don't want to sleep."

"Probably should," she sighed softly. "It's been a long day."

"Yeah...I just...want to spend more time with you."

"Sleeping next to each other is spending time together."

"True...just don't leave without waking me up."

"I won't," she nodded. "Promise."

"Okay then." He wrapped his arm around her waist. "Get some sleep."

"You too," she nodded, starting to drop off. He fell asleep not long after, exhausted from the events of the day. She fell asleep quickly as well, dropping off heavily to sleep through the night. He did as well, only starting to stir when he felt the warm beams of the sun against him. She curled in to him closer, burying her face in his shoulder to hide it from the sun.

His fingers ran through her hair and he sighed. "Mmm. Morning."

"Morning," she sighed softly. He turned slightly to find her lips. She kissed him back, bringing one hand up to brush against his face.

"Feeling better?"

"Much," she nodded.

"Good." His lips pulled on hers slightly. She sighed softly into the kiss, staying close. "Mmm," his lips brushed her neck. "This is a good bed," he murmured.

"Most hotel beds are," she nodded. "And I would know. I've slept on a lot of them."

"But I think this is an exceptionally better one. Not that I've slept on a lot."

"It's possible," she said with a shrug.

He rubbed her back. "Might not just be the bed..."

She smirked as she raised an eyebrow. "Oh no?" His eyes opened to look at her and he shook his head. "So what else is it then?"

"Maybe the amazing girl in the bed with me?"

She grinned. "Good answer."

"Do I get a gold star?"

"I think you do," she nodded.

"I'll take any substitutions," he said, getting closer.

"What do you have in mind for that, exactly?"

"You're a smart girl. Surprise me."

"Hmmmmm," she murmured as she leaned in to kiss him gently.

He kissed her back slowly. She slid an arm around his neck, leaning back against the bed to pull him on top of her. He gave an approving hum as he moved over her, his hand sliding up her arm to pull it above her head where he linked his fingers with hers. She pressed back against her, arching her back as her hand went with him.

Randall later dropped to her side again, letting out a long, content sigh. She stretched out, relaxing against the bed as she did. "Now, that's a way to wake up in the morning."

"You're welcome to do it again sometime."

"Good to know."

He raised a brow. "Good to know?"

"Well, I am leaving sometime today." There was a bit of a squwak! as her phone went off in her bag. "Possibly sooner than that."

"I know," he said quietly. She watched him for a moment, before leaning over to kiss him gently, then getting up to get her phone. He leaned on his side, his head tilted slightly, and watched her.

She talked to the person on the other end for a few minutes, before glancing over at the clock. After she hung up, she made her way back to bed. "I have to be ready to go at noon." He glanced over at the clock as well and nodded, his face a little crestfallen. "I have to," she said gently. "There are people expecting me."

"I know," he nodded. "It just...sucks."

"I know," she sighed.

He shifted in the bed a bit. "C'mere."

She went, shifting closer to him on the sheets. He was sitting up a bit, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in close so he could kiss the top of her head. She settled in close, just letting her body relax against his. He sighed and rubbed her arm slowly, his lips moving to kiss the side of her forehead. She stayed where she was, just closing her eyes and enjoying the moment.

Randall was so relaxed, he could almost fall asleep again, but he was trying hard not to. "Think you might want to call me sometime along the road?"

"I could," she replied. "If you wanted me to."

"Only if you want to."

"I think I will," she nodded.

This brought on a grin. "Cool."

"Good," she grinned back, before glancing over at the clock again. "I should get up and get showered."

"Maybe I should help you."

"If you help me, I will wind up running late, and my ride won't be too happy with me."

He sighed. "Okay."

She started to push away from him and make her way towards the bathroom slowly. He watched her go reluctantly. About twenty minutes later she reappeared from the bathroom, one towel wrapped around her middle as she used the other to dry her hair.

He was sitting up with his pants and shirt on, though the shirt was yet to be buttoned. He looked up at her. "Now here's an image to leave me with."

She smirked back at him. "I'm happy to oblige."

He shook his head and started buttoning his shirt. She started to pull on her clothes quickly, before wandering around the room and making sure she had everything packed. Randall just waited and watched her.

Once that was all done, she turned back to him with a sigh and a shrug. "I gotta go check out."

He got to his feet. "Cue for me to say goodbye..."

"'Fraid so," she said with a nod. He moved closer and dropped his arms around her waist. She looked up at him, placing her hands against his chest.

"I'm glad I got to meet you," he said quietly, leaning in to kiss her.

She kissed him back, her hands moving up to rest on his shoulders while she pushed herself up on her toes. "I'm glad I got the chance to meet you too."

He smiled. "Be safe, gorgeous."

"I will," she nodded. "You too."

"Of course," he nodded and let go long enough to hand her a piece of hotel paper, where he'd jotted his phone numbers. "I really would be happy to hear from you again, and to see you."

She took the phone numbers from him, sliding them in her pocket before nodding. "I'll see what I can do. About seeing me, I mean."

"I understand." He started to make a move for the door, but stood there watching her instead.

"You should go," she said gently. "I'll call you."

He nodded again. "Bye, Anna," he said softly, forcing himself to turn for the door.

"Bye, Randall," she nodded, watching him go. Randall left and made his way to his car, then started the drive home. There was a smile on his lips that he just couldn't shake.

[rp] scent_ofbooks, [rp], [rp] failuretotrust, [rp] hitchhiker_girl, [verse] when it's a dream

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