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Jan 29, 2007 15:32

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1) Is nooneinmytree friends with camerastealsoul? Not that I know of.
2) Is savagelystill athletic? Sort of? Kind of. A little.
3) If nooneinmytree and angelictango were siamese twins, where would they be joined? ...the hip?
4) Does camerastealsoul smoke? I don't know. He sort of seems the type.
5) Do you have a crush on therainbowsheep? ...April would kill me in my sleep if I did.
6) What flavor of jello would acrossandasong be? Sugar cookie-flavoured.
7) Is asombertone dead sexy? ...he'd be more attractive if he weren't stupid.
8) Does trueavenger have a dog? No, but she has -- a rat and a skunk, I think.
9) What mental disorder does firefromwater remind you of? Hmm. Refusing to flirt with a taken girl isn't a mental disorder, unless you want to count sanity as one, too.
10) What is terrorordelight's favorite food? I actually don't know. I'm a bad cousin.
11) Where was fromwayback born? No clue. England?
12) Would you set up messofinnocence and fromwayback? ...of course not. The age difference is gross and I wouldn't do that to Tristan.
13) What song/movie would you recommend to firefromwater? Hm. Don't know. But we should go see one in a strictly platonic
14) Does go_the_spoils drink? Probably.
15) What rank would waragainstfaith have in a giant robot army? He wouldn't care.
16) Would you make out with hadeslament? ...no. Never. Ew.
17) What would you do if vacantheaven died? ...be sad.
18) Is screwierthanyou 1337? ...sure.
19) Is verseslikeroses a nerd? Um. Not really.
20) Would whichsideamion go out with toacoldmirror? Ewwww. He has a girlfriend, too, last I checked.
21) What do you disagree with asombertone about? How to flirt tastefully.
22) Is umbrapervusviri related to you? Nope.
23) Has solvetsaeclum been to your house/dorm? Um -- in a manner of speaking.
24) What languages does mutteredinhell speak? I should know this. A few, I think.
25) Is asombertone related to terrorordelight? Don't think so.
26) Is jump_thegun single? ...he better be, for the sake of -- everyone's sanity.
27) How long would takethatchance dating notahades last? Presumably as long as it took Seraphina to shoot Elizabeth.
28) Where was whichsideamion born? No idea.
29) Which president would savagelystill be likely to idolize? What?
30) Is angel_afire an emo? Don't think so.
31) Does savagelystill go to your school? Neither of us went to school.
32) Is pearatherlip popular? Sort of.
33) Are messofinnocence and acrossandasong married? *...* ...I think that was my brain.
34) If umbrapervusviri and verseslikeroses were spliced together, what would be its name? ...Leoace? Greo? I don't know.
35) Do trueavenger and invertedtoo go to the same school? Don't think so. I don't know if either of them went to school at all.
36) What is umbrapervusviri's favorite game? ...naming his fish?
37) What is angelictango's favorite color? No clue.
38) What is therainbowsheep's favorite band/artist? Presumably April's band. She'd be sad if it weren't.
39) If therainbowsheep had a superpower, what would it be? Making April scarily happy.
40) Does wormwoodandgall have a crush on bellepetite? *o____o* I hope they've never met.
41) If whichsideamion took over the world, who would suffer? Probably no one.
42) Is fromwayback a college student? Don't think so.
43) What animal does messofinnocence remind you of? Something cute and fuzzy with really sharp teeth.
44) When did you last call firefromwater? Never, actually.
45) Does angel_afire know messofinnocence? They're half-siblings.
46) Would you ever date notahades? Nooo.
47) How would pendergastmon kill savagelystill? ...he better not. Ever.
48) What is jump_thegun's shoe size? Shoes come in "terrifying and wrong in the head", don't they?
49) Is vacantheaven introverted or extroverted? Extroverted.
50) What animal should fromwayback be combined with? No idea.
51) Is thesamelie your best friend? No, but we get along.
52) Does asombertone travel a lot? No idea.
53) What is battlealmostwon's biggest flaw? I've met him once, I don't know.
54) One quality you find attractive in hadeslament? ...ewwwww. He's a pretty good uncle even though I don't know him that well, though.
55) Did messofinnocence break up with you? ...no. And though this is pretty much completely unlikely, I have to add that he better not break up with Tristan either.
56) Would you wrestle solvetsaeclum in jello? ...no thanks.
57) Where would fifthisone most like to visit? Um. Someplace with lots of sex.
58) What planet should invertedtoo be from? Hmm. One of the moons of Jupiter.
59) Which of your friends should toacoldmirror go out with? He has a girlfriend, right?
60) What is thesamelie allergic to? Firefighters. Just kidding, Megs.
61) Are hadeslament and camerastealsoul going steady? ...I'm sure I'd find that hot were it anyone but my uncle, ewww.
62) How long have you known solvetsaeclum? Most of my life.
63) If waragainstfaith were hanging off a cliff, what would vacantheaven do? Save him.
64) Would therainbowsheep and battlealmostwon look good together? ...that's so very terrifying.
65) Do you think less_than_man is hot? Of course. *grins*
66) What comic book character would toacoldmirror be? I don't know comics well enough for this.
67) What would savagelystill think of battlealmostwon? I don't know if she's met him. But she'd like her boyfriend's family to like her.
68) Does whichsideamion have a big secret? No idea.
69) Is asombertone in a relationship? Don't think so.
70) How many monkeys could heavensbowed fight at once and win against? Probably more than people give him credit for.
71) If thesamelie was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? A firefighter.
72) Where did you first meet inhibitionsaway? The mansion! And I met his dog, too. *^_____^*
73) Could you see the_white_sheep and mutteredinhell together? ...absolutely not.
74) Have you flirted with screwierthanyou? Probably jokingly at some point, actually.
75) What do you agree with trueavenger about? Probably a few things.
76) What exotic animal would asombertone like as a pet? No idea.
77) Are mutteredinhell and wormwoodandgall going out? ...augh, no.
78) Does savagelystill do drugs? No.
79) What would acrossandasong give umbrapervusviri for his/her birthday? Hmmm. Cookies?
80) Do you have solumveritas's screenname? Apart from this one?
81) jump_thegun's hair color? ...I don't actually know and I think I'll keep it that way.
82) If jump_thegun took over the world, who would be happy? Scary people. Moving on.
83) How tall is screwierthanyou? Taller than me.
84) What color should savagelystill dye their hair? It's fine the way it is.
85) Has acrossandasong dyed their hair? No, but he'd be cute with pink hair.
86) If whichsideamion and mutteredinhell were spliced together, what would it be like? ...weirdly cool.
87) Is go_the_spoils a high school student? No.
88) Would mutteredinhell be a better ninja or pirate? She'd be an awesome ninja.
89) therainbowsheep's eye color? Blue, I think.
90) What would you do if you found out the_white_sheep has a crush on you? ......commit ritual suicide.
91) What is nooneinmytree's favorite movie? No idea.
92) What video game does solumveritas remind you of? Ask Isaac, not me.
93) One thing you can't stand about fifthisone? Good question. He's really entirely lovable apart from -- being himself.
94) What word best describes mutteredinhell? Awesome.
95) If fromwayback commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Probably most of the family.
96) What would the_white_sheep do differently in your shoes? He'd be much more paranoid.
97) How would solvetsaeclum conquer the world? Through sex and cuddles.
98) Thoughts on solvetsaeclum? He's so -- you can't be entirely in possession of your sanity and not love him.
99) Would takethatchance and pearatherlip make a good couple? ...now there's a thought.
100) Have you ever dated werehereitsnow? *...just laughs*
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