It's my 6th LJ birthday this week! I don't remember the exact date I actually started blogging, but I do remember the exact moment I decided to join the 21st C but becoming a part of social networking.
T and I were on the trail from Elowa Falls back to the trailhead. I was pushing myself physically as I was only 7 weeks out of back surgery. My very limited online community had been pushing me to begin an LJ account. "I can't keep a journal for myself, how can I expect to keep a journal on the internet!" I cried in protest.
But as I examined wildflowers and basked in the shifting light through the tree canopy, gloried in the gentle breeze following us down the creek from the gushing falls, the sound a laughing counterpoint to birdsong, I knew what to do. I'd keep a hiking journal. I knew I had to walk every day to heal my body and mind from the trauma of the surgery, PT, and events leading up to it. By reporting my rambles through the woods to you beloved LJ friends, I'd fulfill many needs.
And so the journal progressed from hiking to reporting words committed to pixels to knitting projects to the antics of grandchildren to just general my mouthing off.
Let's celebrate! I received my author copies of "Thistle Down" by Irene Radford. An autographed copy to those leaving a random comment. U.S. mailing only please. Extra points if you dredge up a favorite memory from my journal in ages past.