Jul 12, 2007 08:29
We've been having a mini heat wave and I don't like it. Not one little bit. BBE and I skipped Yoga Tuesday night when the temps hit 97 at our house over 100 in Portland. The humidity was only about 20% so it wasn't as bad as it could be. The morning started at 52' at 7AM so the house remained cool.
Then yesterday happened. Temps started at 70' and went uphill very quickly. Humidity about 60% but it felt worse. Light cloud cover all day so it didn't burn off.
BBE and I started at 10:30 already wilting. Had brunch in Gresham, then scooted down to Costco. So far airconditioning everywhere. Just had to blow the heat out of the car when we got in. We parked with the front window in the shade and the moonroof open a bit which helped.
Then on to the Wood working store (no airconditioning) and the Chiropractor (pleasant ACE, not too cold or drafty) in the Lloyd Center district. Dr. Ken and as magic worked wonders on my knotted and kinked body. Feeling quite well in that department this morning. Botht he sciatica and arthritic hand are looser.
By the time we got out of there it was 3PM, the heat of the day. Even AC couldn't banish all of the discomfort.
By the time we'd picked up meds at Safeway in Sandy neither one of us was interested in cooking and both of us were facing reduced blood sugar. So we ended up at ZigZag Inn for the best pizza in 3 counties. Still have half of it for T's lunch today.
I'm staying home today. I don't deal well with heat and I'm likely to bite the head off of anyone who calls. Especially my sister. She will call too. She's going non-dairy and can't make a decision on how to do it so she has to make me do it for it. I got news for her.
hot weather